WARNING: Press Here for 60 Seconds to ACTIVATE Your PINEAL GLAND and MANIFEST!!!
Opening your third eye and activating your pineal gland are an ancient technique you can use to increase your spiritual power and awaken your inner energy.
Opening your third eye and activating your pineal gland are an ancient technique you can use to increase your spiritual power and awaken your inner energy.
Discover How To Manifest While You Sleep & Attract Your Deepest Desires and Dreams!
We are often our own biggest obstacle to making more money. Let 2020 be the year you finally break out and start making the kind of one you always want.
When you understand the Law of Vibration, that everything has a vibratory frequency, then it makes the law of attraction a lot easier to use and to understand.
In this video I break down some of my gold stocks and how they have squared up to many of the mainstream stocks.
Wim Hof and Jake Ducey discuss spirituality, meditation, consciousness, and the universe.
In this video we talk about how to manifest anything you want in life. This is basically about how to use the law of attraction second 17 second rule.
Jake Ducey discusses his problem with what Dave Ramsey says about getting rich.
People resonated with the information the words blocking the law of attraction, in a video Jake made over 3 years ago. Here is that information again!
A lot of people can forget their true and divine nature as Soul. So in this video we break down how to reconnect to your true self, and talk to the universe.
Jim Rickards: Gold is Money. Fiat Currency will collapse. Invest in Gold and Silver. This is Why INVESTING IN GOLD and SILVER is Important.
Jake Ducey talks with Dr. Steven Greer about consciousness, UFOS, telekinesis, and the great awakening.
Take your emotions and turn them into positive and constructive forces for good. This is an edited video clip from a video to controversial to publish in full.
Over the last many years Jeff Clark has been a leading researcher on investing in gold, investing in silver, as well as mining stocks.
Dr. Steven Greer and Jake Ducey discuss the subject of UFOs, and what it has to do with consciousness, spirituality, oneness, and meditation.
Today Jake Ducey talks about money, how to attract money into your life, and the keys about how to make money in 2020.
In this video we talk to Kim Kiyosaki about important things rich people do for investing, making money, businesses, taxes, and getting rich.
Everything in life is about energy. The key is if you can raise your vibration, you can overcome fear and you can shift what you’re attracting into your life.
“This is what we talk about, but we talk about it, I guess, from a more, a third dimensional perspective.”
ROBERT KIYOSAKI: What Rich People Know About Making Money and Getting Rich (Rich Dad Poor Dad)
Based on the way that I look or who I am as a person, am I worthy of meeting the right person? Is this all a giant hoax?
If you have two decisions going on in your head, one of them is speaking to you from love, from your heart and it’s speaking to you from intuition.
How to prepare for the future. Unfortunately, our media and government has yet to tell us how bad of a position the economy is really in.
The Powers program our subconscious minds. They have hijacked your mind and control you from raising your vibration and attracting the life you want to live.
David Morgan is an expert when it comes to all things related to investing in gold and silver. Many consider him to be the greatest silver analyst in the world.
Dr. Stephen Greer’s is the world’s expert on UFOS, EXTRATERRESTRIALS, “Aliens”, and how to consciously contact these UFOS using the science of consciousness.
A livestream in which Jake Ducey talks about how we are programmed since birth, and what you can do about it to upgrade your subconscious and neuroprogramming.
The reality is that Dave Ramsey, and other VERY rich people became rich because they had either an IDEA, or a SKILL.
In this video we talk about the affirmation everybody should be saying right now. Jake Ducey shares what he believes is the most powerful affirmation EVER.
Brent Johnson from Santiago Capital and Jake Ducey discuss the global currency crisis and Johnson’s theory that he has called The Dollar Milkshake Theory.
Here’s what they want. They want to pit everybody up against one another and they want everyone to continue to just watch the news and to click the bait online news articles.
Jake Ducey talks about the afterlife, consciousness, and freeing yourself from the matrix.
Mark Cuban discusses the keys that made him rich. He talks about how and why he decided to do Shark Tank, and inspiring people to grind out their dreams.
Jake Ducey breaks down 5 techniques that you can use so that you can immediately uplift your energy and your vibrational frequency.
A lot of people are promised one day they will get a high paying job. We assume we know how to make money, but making money in 2020 is not what it used to be.
The world is going crazy. 2020 is going up in flames. The great awakening cannot happen without a lot of darkness coming to the surface.
In this video we talk to the co-creator of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Kim Kiyosaki talks about what rich people know about making money.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had some experiences before where I have had a very deep meditation for instance, and I totally get detached from my body.
Patrick Bet-David explains how to invest during a stock market crash. Patrick talks about the mistakes people make when investing.
Jake Ducey shares with you three shocking signs that the great awakening has begun and what you can expect from it moving forward.
In “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”, John Perkins claims to have played a role in an alleged process of economic colonization of Third World countries.
What if I go for my dreams and it doesn’t work out? What if I invest all this money and then I lose and I lose my money?
This is one of the most pronounced books on neuroscience, law of attraction, on manifestation, on healing, mind, body, soul on creating the life that you want.
In this video I share one of my favorite clips from my recent interview with Patrick Bet-David. Pat is the founder of the YouTube channel Valuetainment.