Learn To Program Your Mind INSTANTLY (This Works LIKE MAGIC!!)
Jake breaks down how the subconscious mind works and how you can actually reprogram it. You need to learn to program your mind instantly.
Jake breaks down how the subconscious mind works and how you can actually reprogram it. You need to learn to program your mind instantly.
In this video, Jake Ducey breaks down the best Law of Attraction affirmations to say and use every single morning.
Do this to manifest, and see a lot of changes in life with the law of attraction. The law is greatly misunderstood, as few people understand how energy works.
5 Mantras To Instantly Manifest Whatever You Want with the Law of Attraction – Say This to attract anything
This is an easy to implement process that can truly change your life forever and make the next year when everything starts to unfold a powerful way.
Jake Ducey gives you five shocking ways to know you are seeing signs from the universe that what you want is on the way.
We discuss signs you will get rich in 2021, how to know if money is coming into your life, the best ways for you to start to attract abundance, and more.
RECEIVE UNEXPECTED MONEY IN 24 HOURS (Or Less) | Law of Attraction Attract Money
How to know if you’re following a pure spiritual teaching, or if it’s leading you further away from your spiritual awakening.
What to do when people dislike you, are mean to you, or even seem to hate you? We break down how to handle these types of negative people.
Today we discuss how to merge timelines, how to manifest overnight, and how to use the power of energy, so that you can attract what you want.
Using the experiments of Dr Masaru Emoto we will explore how to water to manifest what you want using the law of attraction.
In this video Jake Ducey discusses how to use the law of attraction in 2021 to manifest money and success fast.