4 Shocking Signs They Sold Your Soul (And You Don’t Even know It)
In this video, we talk about spiritual awakening, self-realization, and the power of consciousness to help with the great awakening.
In this video, we talk about spiritual awakening, self-realization, and the power of consciousness to help with the great awakening.
How to connect with your true self and to connect with God. Many cultural engineers have trapped our consciousness within lower levels of existence.
There is a subconscious and energetic component to relationships. So over and over again, people will continue to make the same mistakes.
While traveling around the world, I had a near death experience (NDE) while I was in Indonesia. Here’s the story of what I learned.
3 ways you can start to change your point of attraction so that you can get a specific person to chase you for a love relationship.
Most people do not realize, but their thoughts are programmed by society. And for the most part, society has programmed you negatively.
Use this to build a relationship, find your soulmate, or get your ex back. Send energy using these one-of-a-kind methods & they are guaranteed to think of you.
When you want someone to like you. A lot of the times, we try so hard. But by trying so hard, we actually block ourselves from attracting them into our lives.