A lot of people think about how to get rich. Then, they develop a thought pattern that they cannot make it a reality. Here’s how to avoid this.
A lot of people think about how to get rich. Then, they develop a thought pattern that they cannot make it a reality. Here’s how to avoid this.
Within the Pyramids, are depictions of The Eye of Horus, opening your 3rd eye, & the pineal gland the bridge to the afterlife, according to Ancient Egypt.
Jake Ducey shares little known Albert Einstein research that ties together the law of attraction, consciousness, and how the law of vibration works.
In this video, we discuss a very powerful manifestation technique to help you bend reality and create what you desire in life.
Bob Proctor taught me that this simple phrase could help you manifest anything you want, and take advantage of the law of attraction.
Historical background of your third eye and activating your pineal gland. This is commonly referred to as “Sacred Secretion”.
The ultimate guide for manifestation. Joe Rogan shares a simple 5 step formula that you can use in your own life to get exactly what you want.
These 12 minutes reveal how to control the universe with your mind. Final research paper by Stephen Hawking.
Incredible experiments US Military conducted with Stanford on Remote Viewing. Formerly classified top secret research, which is now declassified by the USA.
Try Nikola Tesla’s Lost Teachings: How to Control Reality with your “Mind.” The universal manifestation principles from Nikola Tesla and his lost inventions.
People dismiss imagination and the power of consciousness. Jake studies Joe Rogan’s principles on using and applying these to bend reality with your mind.
This video is a blend between ancient acupressure, EFT tapping, visualization, & neuroscience. Change your financial life and attract more money into your life.
This 3 minute SUBCONSCIOUS MIND EXERCISE Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. The brain is the ultimate super-computer.
Jake shares background information you may not know about the third eye, and how you can actually activate your pineal gland through this technique.
Speak these 6 Phrases for 60 Seconds and Watch What Happens Next. See the Law of Attraction in action for yourself.
Do This for 30 Seconds and Money will Flow To You Like Crazy. Use this very powerful visualization for money and tapping for money.
I had the chance to speak with Bob Proctor a few times a month for about 6 years. Bob literally coached me on how to change my life and become a millionaire.
Download my Free Success Hypnosis that will help your reprogram your subconscious mind
5 hidden bible prayer that you can use everyday that only take 5 minutes, or less. These are prayers for miracles – for money, health, love.
Use this 60 Second Visualization. Visualization can be a powerful technique to get exactly what you want, especially using the Law of Attraction.
Neville Goddard says: Prayer is recognizing yourself as that which you now desire. As opposed to petitioning a God out there for that which you desire.
Neil deGrasse Tyson shares some very powerful secrets about the universe that you can use for activating a parallel universe.
This simple money exercise changed my life forever. It was taught to me by my mentor Bob Proctor.
Jake Ducey breaks down The Secret Matrix, and how you can use Elon Musk’s theory to become superhuman and manifest your reality.
The famous water experiment by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Starting in 1994, he suggested that intentions impacted the crystalline structure of frozen water.
This word has been around for all of human history, but this one word has been forgotten. The secret to use the power of manifestation in your life.
Today I share with you a very powerful secret prayer that will help you to change your life and produce miracles.
How words create worlds. The secret power of words, sound and vibration is something that is scientifically proven, but very few people know about it.
If you learn these easy techniques, you can harness the power of your imagination to create your reality faster than you can possibly imagine now!
Neuroscientist proof that you can change your brain. This is a billion dollar routine you can copy for amazing results.
These are 6 money mantras and money affirmations that you can use daily for your money mindset to make more money.
Abraham Hicks’ 17 Second technique is about altering your thoughts, emotions, and vibration in 17 seconds, so you can change your point of attraction.
These are some of the most powerful words for manifestation, the law of attraction, and creating your reality.
Neville Goddard sleep technique that you can use to manifest your desires and get exactly what you want.
How to use the 369 manifestation technique for money. We break down how to attract money quickly, and share the law of attraction techniques.
A very powerful manifestation technique for the law of attraction. The law of attraction is simple: you get back to you similar energy that you vibrate out.
I share scientific proof that you can send a telepathic message, and use the power of telepathy to manifest a specific person.
Neville Goddard shares a simple technique called – I remember when. Speak this Magical Prayer for 24 Hours.
A very powerful Neville Goddard technique to get exactly what you want. Neville Goddard has many famous manifestation teachings for the law of attraction.
I fully break down the history behind how the Nicola Tesla 369 codes appear within the teachings of the Bible.
You may have seen other videos on the Tesla 369 Method – but in this video, I fully break down the history and science behind it.
Use this Neville Goddard ancient prayer technique you can use everyday to attract what you want.
It just takes a few minutes to following the tapping points and clear the emotional blocks that are stopping you from getting what you want.
A lot of people want to open their third eye and activate the pineal gland, so they can gain spiritual awakening and insights in life.
This law of attraction technique is written about in Neville Goddard’s book, but I did tweak a few parts, just to make it easier to use effectively.
This Is How To REPROGRAM Your Mind and MANIFEST What You Want. I share actual proof from my own life recently.
3 of the most common mistakes made when trying to open the third eye, why it’s important, and how you can solve these problems, so you can open your third eye.
Jake Ducey breaks down a powerful technique to open your solar plexus chakra, so that you can free trapped energy, and attract financial abundance.
These are 5 money mantras that you can speak everyday as millionaire affirmations. If you program your mind correctly, you will become a millionaire.
Use the power of prayer and the law of attraction to manifest what you want. The power of consciousness is influenced by the law of attraction and prayer.
EFT tapping activates dormant energy. One of the biggest energy portals is the third eye. Visualize more effectively, and increase the energy in your third eye.
6 phrases that you can begin to whisper before you go to sleep that will help you start to attract financial success.
There are all kinds of scientific studies on programming the mind, which prove that you can get exactly what you want.
When these 6 words just become a part of your daily personality and habitual thinking, it changes your life!
Neville said it even more succinctly – “If you judge by appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses. ”
Do You Know Neville Goddard’s 3 Magic Words to Manifest Your Desires? Manifestation and how to attract what you want.
Practice developing the power of your imagination to revise the outer world, so you can change what was impressed upon your subconscious mind during the day.
How to make more money. People are looking for how to make money fast, but school and society have never taught us about financial freedom, or how to get rich.
What you’re really capable of achieving in life, what’s stopping you from manifesting what you want, and how to change it. It is ‘about damn time.’
Jake Ducey: “The top millionaire habits that changed my life. These are money habits I learned from my mentor Bob Proctor.”
Gregg Braden’s life changing teaching on manifestation & prayer. Gregg traveled the world to find the hidden science of prayer & how to pray for what you want.
Jake Ducey: I share this from my own personal experience as a few of the many important things that changed my life.
Free Jake Ducey class: Jake discusses the 5 main journaling techniques for how to journal. These are the journaling techniques that changed his life.
So much emphasis is on building new skills, habits, & things you need to do to make money. But I do the opposite. I talk about 5 things you need to stop doing.
Jake Ducey proves the law of attraction is real. He I shares very powerful manifestation stories and how he used Law of Attraction techniques.
Three shocking hidden bible teachings that explain the apocalypse, the end days, the last times & make sense of what’s happening right now in the world.
We believed that we lived in a physical universe and we thought that particles were the building blocks, atoms were these building blocks of the whole universe.
As the world gets more biblically interesting, and the events of this world are getting more eye-opening, there’s a lot of talk about the zombie apocalypse.
We’ve come here into this journey for our own reasons, for our own things we’re supposed to learn. I believe that it has to be the reason it’s getting crazy.
It’s feeling biblical with what’s happening in the world right now. You can get bogged down & caught up in the media, social media, algorithms and politics.
Learning how to shift your identity, and reprogram your mind will be one of the most powerful things you can do.
Spiritual awakening, self-realization, and the power of consciousness to help with the great awakening. This was kept secret!
In this video, we talk about spirituality, spiritual awakening, and mindsets you can let go of for the great awakening and the power of consciousness.
In this video, we talk about spiritual awakening, self-realization, and the power of consciousness to help with the great awakening.
How to connect with your true self and to connect with God. Many cultural engineers have trapped our consciousness within lower levels of existence.
There is a subconscious and energetic component to relationships. So over and over again, people will continue to make the same mistakes.
While traveling around the world, I had a near death experience (NDE) while I was in Indonesia. Here’s the story of what I learned.
3 ways you can start to change your point of attraction so that you can get a specific person to chase you for a love relationship.
Most people do not realize, but their thoughts are programmed by society. And for the most part, society has programmed you negatively.
Use this to build a relationship, find your soulmate, or get your ex back. Send energy using these one-of-a-kind methods & they are guaranteed to think of you.
When you want someone to like you. A lot of the times, we try so hard. But by trying so hard, we actually block ourselves from attracting them into our lives.
Accessing and reprogramming your mind before bed, because that is when your conscious mind shuts off, so you have easier access to your subconscious.
As Tesla once said, everything is energy and frequency. Well, repeating numbers are a certain frequency pattern, just like anything else in the universe.
A very powerful mantra you should start to use everyday. This is a mantra that will help you use the law of attraction and reprogram your subconscious mind.
Attract what you want. The key to manifestation is to understand the power of consciousness & how to use the power of intention to influence your reality.
Why are they not telling us these amazing laws of the universe? There’s so many powerful ways for manifestation and to start to use the law of attraction.
Jake breaks down some very simple ways you can start to activate your pineal gland fast so you can raise your energy and start to have a spiritual awakening.
Truly manifest what you want. There’s secret technology buried in the depths of your subconscious mind. The most powerful technique ever used is self hypnosis.
Once you realize all the old thoughts in your head aren’t “you”, but are just a conditioned pattern, you can free yourself and reprogram your subconscious mind.
We break down some laws of the universe that most people don’t know about, and how to apply them into your life so that you can create the life you want.
Jake Ducey talks about the law of attraction, personal development industry, and what you really need to know about how to manifest what you want in life.
Everything is energy. Tesla has many famous quotes discussing that if you want to understand the universe you have to think in terms of energy and frequency.
In this video, Jake Ducey talks about the most shocking conspiracy theory – and it’s not what you think.
In this video Jake Ducey will share some very important manifestation techniques and what you can do to start to make the law of attraction work.
We actually break down some very easy ways you can quickly raise your energy and shift your vibration. It’s important to know that it is not very complicated
How to raise your vibration. This has been a long time coming, because for so much of our lives we are taught to attach to the physical world.
Most of our conversations are centered around the law of attraction, but today I want to break it down and give some more context from a historical perspective.
People rarely understand the truth about how to make more money fast. Money is just energy, just like your thoughts, your emotions.
The key to making more money and to attract money, is to start to realize that nobody is stopping you, except yourself.
Sometimes The Universe gives us the opposite of what we want. It looks “bad” – but it ends up being the best thing to ever happen to us.
Everything that seems “material” and “physical” is really just energy. When we understand this, the law of attraction starts to actually make a lot of sense.
Right now, there’s a lot of fears and worries. So Jake Ducey talks about how to focus on your spiritual awakening and self realization.
Many people call this world “The Matrix” – but what we don’t understand, is how important it is for spiritual awakening.
THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: This is a no B.S. Guide that you can use to start to attract what you want into your life.
We are spiritual beings in physical bodies. But in our world, we’ve been programmed to believe we’re physical beings in a physical world.
The easiest way to become a money magnet is through daily meditation to attract money and financial success.
In this video, Jake Ducey shares with you a very powerful mantra for you to manifest anything you want in life.
In this video Jake Ducey shares his story and breaks down exactly how to attract a specific person into your life.
Your water is actually carrying energy that influences your cells. Unfortunately, the water we’re drinking is quite negative and polluted.
In this video, Jake Ducey is going to share some of the big reasons that he thinks people do not end up attracting love and a great romantic relationship.
The secret to manifestation is trust and letting go, when you do this relationships and love will come chasing you.
Jake Ducey talks about some interesting ways to increase your financial abundance. He talks about how saving money can actually make you more money.
11 easy to do tricks. None are complicated or involve spiritual awakening techniques. Just very easy to do ways that you can raise your vibration instantly.
Letting go is the hardest thing for us to do, because we’re so conditioned to believe that if we let go, then we won’t get what we want in life.
The law of attraction is very powerful, but it’s not understood. This is why you must stop using the law of attraction, and start using the law of vibration.
Dr. Emoto showed that water has memory, and is essentially consciousness. Jake breaks down this technique and how you can use it to manifest your dream life.
How different verses from the bible give deeper insights to concepts like prayer and consciousness, the law of attraction, the secret, and manifestation.
We don’t understand exactly how the process works, so we end of stopping before we can correctly reprogram the subconscious mind.
What if you could learn how to never be poor or struggle financially again? It’s interesting how many of us get programmed to always struggle financially.
Opening the third eye was a very profound experience for me. I had an out of body experience, and I realized that everything we’re taught is wrong.
How to manifest what you want. Jake Ducey talks about the most powerful law of attraction techniques for manifesting what you want into your life.
There are many toxic people. There are many difficult people to deal with. Jake Ducey talks about how to deal with difficult, negative people.
Jake breaks down the steps that you can start to use for manifestation, so you can manifest whatever you want into your life by using the law of attraction.
To the person that has, more will be given. In Law of Attraction terms, that’s about being in abundance, even if your physical world tells you otherwise.
How to let go and detach from the outcome, and surrender to the universe. The law of attraction is often blocked, because people do not trust the universe.
The law of attraction can be very powerful, but many people have difficulty manifesting what they want.
A lot of people would like to manifest money, attract wealth, and they want to know how to get rich. But for the most part, very few people actually do.
Every time you activate the same brain cells over and over again, you start to use the law of attraction to reprogram your subconscious mind.
Jesus has many power teachings in the bible where they discuss many amazing teachings of manifestation, consciousness, and the hidden teachings of the bible.
How the morning routine for the law of attraction is often one of the most powerful times to manifest what you want.
3 quick and easy to implement tools that can help you make more money. We break down exactly how to reprogram your mind so that you can attract more money
If you use this guided meditation everyday for the next 21 days, you will begin to activate your pineal gland and your third eye will open much easier.
JAKE CUT HIS HAIR! “I had some very interesting law of attraction success stories from using this manifestation technique, and I share them in today’s video. “
I had some very interesting law of attraction success stories from using this manifestation technique, and I share them in today’s video.
Sometimes the universe speaks to us in positives, and sometimes when we are not listening the universe speaks to you in negative ways.
This is about moving to the 5th Dimensional realm of awareness. Bob Proctor always says that life is about awareness.
The biggest mistakes people often make. It comes down to not understanding that the most important thing is to “feel as if your wish is already fulfilled.”
Nikola Tesla’s 369 method, how to use it, and some of Tesla’s most powerful teachings about manifestation, energy, frequency, and vibration.
When you learn to stop obsessing over someone, you actually create the space to attract the perfect relationship into your life.
Jake Ducey breaks down some of Neville Goddard’s best teachings and how to apply them, so you can manifest anything you want using the law of attraction.
Want to learn the shocking Law of Attraction Sleep technique for attracting what you want?
Neville Goddard manifestation techniques are some of the best in the world. He explains in detail, how to actually manifest what you want into your life.
You can actually hypnosis yourself to reprogram your subconscious, just by using some pretty simple self hypnosis techniques in your everyday life.
World’s Darkest Secrets | Nobody Tells You About Manifesting | You Won’t Believe What’s Happening!
Jake Ducey discusses how to manifest what you want, and how to use the subconscious mind to release the law of attraction.
When You Have No Money, do This simple formula to start to attract more money into your life. When you have no money, it’s important to follow.
Most people struggle with law of attraction because they’ve never properly understood how positive affirmations work.
Tricks to using law of attraction to easily manifest what you want. You must stop using the law of attraction, sleep, & subconscious mind in negative ways.
Most people do not create what they want, they just live a preprogrammed life, where life just happens to them. You must consciously create your own reality.
We spend most of our time thinking about how things won’t work out in our life. We expect to attract the same crap as the day before, and the day before that.
In this video Jake Ducey breaks down what you don’t know about consciousness and manifestation, and what they don’t tell you about it.
Your manifestation is closer than you think, and if you can start to use prayer more effectively, you can manifest whatever you want into your life.
The system is set up is to steal your energy and attention. When this happens, you basically become brainwashed and controlled by the outside energy systems.
People do not trust if they can keep pushing forward, good things will head their way. Jake breaks down 5 of the big signs money is heading your way in life.
Jake breaks down steps that you can implement for more happiness right away. He gives ways you can find more happiness, be more positive, & feel happier today.
Law of Attraction: How to LET GO, SURRENDER, And TRUST THE UNIVERSE | Letting Go, Explained!
The most powerful and quickest way to manifest whatever you want, because it’s so easy to reprogram your subconscious, using this law of attraction technique.
Jake Ducey breaks down a very quick morning ritual you can use for how to manifest what you want quicker and faster.
Can you use manifestation hacks to attract whatever you want into your life? In this video Jake breaks down a simple process he has been using for years.
Law of attraction coaching on how I manifested my dream house, and how I’ve used these techniques time and time again for manifestation success stories.
In this video Jake Ducey discusses how to use journaling to enhance manifestation power in your life with the Law of Attraction.
The solutions are not too difficult, and you have to do is follow these few simple steps for increased manifestation.
If you practice these manifestation rituals before bed you will be able to manifest anything you want using the law of attraction even while you are sleeping.
If you can start to use these law of attraction principles, you can change the results in your life.
Here’s 3 powerful ways to begin to manifest whatever you want. If you are absorbed by the negativity surrounding you, you stay at a low vibration.
You can manifest anything you want, if you can change your self-image and believe you are worthy of receiving.
For most people, they are very close to what they want, but they do not get it, because they allow their old thought patterns to control them.
How to talk to your money, so you attract huge amounts of money. Most people talk negatively about money, so subconsciously block it from coming to their life.
Jake breaks down how the subconscious mind works and how you can actually reprogram it. You need to learn to program your mind instantly.
In this video, Jake Ducey breaks down the best Law of Attraction affirmations to say and use every single morning.
Do this to manifest, and see a lot of changes in life with the law of attraction. The law is greatly misunderstood, as few people understand how energy works.
5 Mantras To Instantly Manifest Whatever You Want with the Law of Attraction – Say This to attract anything
This is an easy to implement process that can truly change your life forever and make the next year when everything starts to unfold a powerful way.
Jake Ducey gives you five shocking ways to know you are seeing signs from the universe that what you want is on the way.
We discuss signs you will get rich in 2021, how to know if money is coming into your life, the best ways for you to start to attract abundance, and more.
RECEIVE UNEXPECTED MONEY IN 24 HOURS (Or Less) | Law of Attraction Attract Money
How to know if you’re following a pure spiritual teaching, or if it’s leading you further away from your spiritual awakening.
What to do when people dislike you, are mean to you, or even seem to hate you? We break down how to handle these types of negative people.
Today we discuss how to merge timelines, how to manifest overnight, and how to use the power of energy, so that you can attract what you want.
Using the experiments of Dr Masaru Emoto we will explore how to water to manifest what you want using the law of attraction.
In this video Jake Ducey discusses how to use the law of attraction in 2021 to manifest money and success fast.
I am certain you if you can start to eliminate and never say these words, you can finally start to create your reality the way that you really want.
First and foremost, you must realize that you have been subconsciously programmed by society.
Manifesting Money is simply about energy, and 2020 has been chaotic energy year, so many people have also had negativity in their finances and money.
There are certain tricks to knowing the signs that what you want is on its way with law of attraction.
Often people get so caught up in trying to manifest what they want, that the law of attraction stops working. They become desperate to try to manifest.
I’m about to show you a manifestation technique that actually can change your entire life.
Jake Ducey shares with you how to use the law of attraction correctly in order to manifest more money into your life!
Many people are in danger of using them the wrong way, programming your subconscious mind to attract negativity, and creating a prophecy of doom.
I just received about $15,000 totally unexpectedly, in the last 48 hours! It was amazing. And I’m going to share with you exactly what I did.
You matter. You count. You are good enough. Today, you were meant to see this sign from the universe and I’m so happy you’re here.
I’m sharing my 3 step hypnosis for money that I have been using to program myself to becoming a millionaire, since I was 21 years old or so.
This money technique is exactly what I did 10 years ago and it made me a millionaire. I was able to totally change my life.
Jake breaks down exactly how to manifest using Neville Goddard’s teachings, such as “the feeling is the secret” and “out of this world.”
Jake Ducey breaks down the #1 shocking ways the universe speaks to you, and signs that what you want is coming.
Learn how to manifest whatever you want. These are 3 very powerful manifestation techniques that you can use.
These are “I Am Money Affirmations” that you can can listen to everyday to reprogram your subconscious mind and attract the amount of money that you desire.
Want to learn the shocking Bob Proctor Law of Attraction Sleep technique for attracting what you want? I’m Jake Ducey and I will show you exactly how.
In this video we discuss… 1.) Numerology, 2.) Law of attraction, 3.) Signs from the universe, 4.) signs you’re closer than you think… and more
How to make money in 2021, what the options are to start leveraging the internet with your knowledge, passion, skills, so you can build a personal brand.
These are Jake Ducey’s 3 secrets to success in life, as the world continues to change more and more.
Clips from the World Economic Forum, Justin Trudeau, and Jake Ducey talks about the warning signs that it is on the way, and could already be happening.
If you want to manifest instant miracles in your life, say this to attract anything you want.
Most people struggle with law of attraction because they’ve never properly understood how positive affirmations work.
How to know the meaning of your dreams, recurring dreams, and the signs from the universe.
How the law of attraction can positively impact your morning. Jake Ducey gives you his exact morning routine and morning ritual.
John Assaraf was in the movie The Secret & he has amazing advice about using your brain more efficiently, so that you can attract what you want into your life.
1111, 222, 333, 444 – In this video Jake Ducey breaks down what it means if you’re seeing repeating numbers!
Prayers for financial breakthrough. I suggest you do this when you have no money, or if you have a hard time using prayer for financial breakthroughs.
The problem is that there is so much information, that a lot of the easy to use techniques get lost in a sea of noise.
B “Playing God”, you don’t allow the miracle working presence of the Universe to unfold in your life in surprising and powerful ways.
How I align with the universe so that I can use the law of attraction for attracting what I want into my life.
This is my favorite manifestation trick for attracting money into my life. Right now, a lot of people have no money, so this is what to do to attract money!
This video is on the SECRET JESUS TEACHING Of The Bible Explaining Consciousness And The Law of Attraction.
I wanted to share my thoughts on how to use the 55×55 manifestation techniques to attract what you want.
Repeating numbers are often a way for the law of attraction to help manifest your desires. The repeating numbers are signs from the universe to help guide you.
About energy fields, how to send a telepathic message to someone you love. You will learn how to use the law of attraction to send a telepathic message.
What if I were to tell you that you could change your thoughts about money and actually change the amount of money coming into your life?
If you have been trying to attract a soulmate use this powerful step by step manifestation system for using the law of attraction to attract a specific person.
How to talk to the universe so that you can manifest what you want in life and you can start to receive signs and blessings from the universe a lot quicker.
Jake Ducey talks about three quick and easy ways, three simple ways for you to discover exactly what repeating numbers mean for you in your own life.
Let’s dive right into this guided meditation to attract huge amounts of abundance! I invite you to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out.
If you press right here in between your thumb and your index finger, you can release the power of the law of attraction.
We are not being taught how to get rich. We are learning outdated information in school, and find ourselves “well equipped for a world that no longer exists.”
This video is to help you remember your true self and remind you why you came into this life. It’s very easy to totally forget our spiritual mission in life.
If you really knew the power of this law of attraction technique to manifest and if everybody else knew quite frankly, 2020 would be a lot different right now.
This very simple affirmation changed my life forever. Say this to attract more money into your life. Say this when you want to manifest more money.
The key to this law of attraction dating secret is very simple and it comes down to clearly knowing what you want out of life and relentlessly pursuing it.
I did this very simple affirmation and it changed my life forever. Say this to attract more money into your life.
One thing that I absolutely love is to send a prayer to the universe in this very strategic way that almost always gets me what I want.
In this video we talk about how to attract whatever you want instantly using the law of attraction.
In this video we talk about why you aren’t manifesting and what to learn to manifest 10x faster with the law of attraction.
In this video Jake Ducey talks with professional gold and silver investor, Don Durrett. They cover a lot of very important points about precious metals.
Bob Proctor has some amazing things to say about law of attraction, manifestation, the secrets of the universe, and much more.
The Spiritual War has begun and there are spiritual warfare tactics being used to stop you from having a spiritual awakening, and living your happiest life.
We really don’t understand the practical nature of the law of attraction or the secret. It is all about your self image and how you view and treat yourself.
The law of attraction has so much depth to it, and this is what I wish I knew earlier about how to attract what I want into my life.
In this video you’ll learn how to use the law of attraction, understand it better, and apply it to your life.
People’s biggest problem with law of attraction is they don’t know how to ask for what they want, or they are afraid to ask for it, because they might not get it.
Jake Ducey shares a quick, simple, and easy formula to make money fast. The first thing you have to do is you have to make a decision…
When You Have No Money, use This simple formula to start to attract more money into your life.
In this video I want to share with you three shocking signs that the great awakening has begun and what you can expect from it moving forward.
In this video talk with Doug Casey about gold, silver, the stock market, how to get rich, and much more.
Everything you need to know about spiritual awakening, the universe, and your life’s purpose is right here! And it’s not what you think.
The easiest law of attraction technique in the entire world is also the least used one in the entire world. It’s easy to do, but it’s easy not to do.
When You Have No Money, do This simple formula to start to attract more money into your life. When you have no money, it’s important to follow.
The law of attraction is always working.. it’s just that we habitually block it from old subconscious patterns.
Marc Levy, the CEO of Norsemont Mining. believes investing in gold and gold stocks will be one of the hottest investing trends over the next decade.
Do this simple formula to start to attract more money into your life. When you have no money, it’s important to follow.
Neville Goddard is most famous for teaching you how to pray for what you want and the secret of feeling involved in prayer.