THE GREAT RESET (Explained!) – 7 Ways To Prepare Financially
Clips from the World Economic Forum, Justin Trudeau, and Jake Ducey talks about the warning signs that it is on the way, and could already be happening.
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E.B. Tucker – Cashless Society, Universal Basic Income Will Send Gold Beyond $2,500 in 2020. Buy Gold Stocks!
Right now in the world, there’s a lot going on. E.B. Tucker says we are headed toward a total cashless society, crpytocurrencies that will be instituted by the government called “fed Coin” and a lot of other interesting things. he talks about how it’s important to understand what’s happening and prepare yourself accordingly. So today we interview him about his views on gold, silver, mining stocks, and why he believes gold will go past $2,500 this year.
#Gold #Silver #CashlessSociety