THE GREAT RESET (Explained!) – 7 Ways To Prepare Financially
Clips from the World Economic Forum, Justin Trudeau, and Jake Ducey talks about the warning signs that it is on the way, and could already be happening.
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How Rich People Avoid Paying Taxes- Taxes Explained || Robert Kiyosaki’s CPA, Tom Wheelwright
Today I bring on Robert Kiyosaki’s personal accountant Tom Wheelwright. I was talking to both Robert Kiyosaki and his wife Kim Kiyosaki, and the suggested that I have Tom on to discuss how rich people avoid paying taxes, the basics of taxes, and how to position yourself better with taxes so that you make more money, and also pay less in taxes. I felt it was an incredibly informative and valuable interview. So I hope you learn a lot about taxes and you really leave with some great financial education.
#Taxes #TaxesExplained #Tax