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Investing in Gold and Gold Stocks is clearly becoming one of the hottest investing trends. Warren Buffett kicked off the institutional money having interest, and now Marc Levy believes it will be one of the hottest investing trends over the next decade. Today on the show we have Marc Levy, the ceo of Norsemont Mining.
?I Norsemont is publicly listed on TXS as “NOM”
?I Norsemont is on the OTC Markets as “NRRSF”
Marc E. Levy is a businessperson who founded HudBay Peru, Inc. and who has been the head of 7 different companies. Currently, Mr. Levy is President, Chief Executive Officer and Director at Mosam Ventures, Inc. and President, Chief Executive Officer and Director at Avarone Metals, Inc.
He is also on the board of Norsemont Mining, Inc. (former President, Chief Executive Officer and Director), Rio Silver Exploration Ltd. and PayFirma Corp.
In the past he held the position of Director at Aurora Cannabis, Inc., President and Director at Pan Global Resources, Inc., Sales Director of Santa Rosa Resources Corp., Sales Director of ONEnergy, Inc., Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of HudBay Peru, Inc. and President, Chief Executive Officer and Director at Metropolitan Energy Corp.
#InvestInGold #Gold #InvestingTrends
Disclaimer: This video INCLUDES affiliate paid promotion and I am an investor in this company as well. I am NOT a financial advisor, and nothing I say is meant to be a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument. There are no guarantees or certainties in trading or investing in a volatile industry such as gold. In some cases, I may receive payment or other consideration from the companies mentioned in the videos. Please do your OWN research.
Investing In Gold and Gold Stocks Is The Next BIG Investment Trend!! - Marc Levy, CEO of Norsemont
Marc Levy, the CEO of Norsemont Mining. believes investing in gold and gold stocks will be one of the hottest investing trends over the next decade.
Clips from the World Economic Forum, Justin Trudeau, and Jake Ducey talks about the warning signs that it is on the way, and could already be happening.
In this video Jake Ducey talks with professional gold and silver investor, Don Durrett. They cover a lot of very important points about precious metals.