THE GREAT RESET (Explained!) – 7 Ways To Prepare Financially
Clips from the World Economic Forum, Justin Trudeau, and Jake Ducey talks about the warning signs that it is on the way, and could already be happening.
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Millionaire Explains Investing Advice, First Rental Property, Warren Buffett, Gold and Silver – Rick Rule. We discuss his millionaire investing strategy, how he made his first million dollars, investing in rental property, Warren Buffett, gold, silver, and much more.
In this interview I do an QandA with Rick Rule. We discuss his millionaire investing strategy, how he made his first million dollars, investing in rental property, warren buffett, gold, silver, and much more. Rick Rule is one of the most successful natural resource investors in the world, and offers so much great financial and investing advice for you.
Right now, gold and silver is becoming a hot topic. Even warren Buffett finally bought himself some gold stocks. So today I have legendary natural resource investor Rick Rule on to discuss how to exit the gold and silver industry. He is talking about his key points that he’ll be looking for as to when to sell out of gold and silver. He also discusses his views on Warren Buffett buying gold, what he thinks everybody is missing about it, and what else he expects. I ask him some questions about where he believes gold and silver are heading.
#RickRule #Gold #Silver