THE GREAT RESET (Explained!) – 7 Ways To Prepare Financially
Clips from the World Economic Forum, Justin Trudeau, and Jake Ducey talks about the warning signs that it is on the way, and could already be happening.
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WARNING: What RICH PEOPLE Know About The Stock Market, Credit Cards, Dave Ramsey, And Getting Rich!
In this video I talk about the stock market, the economy, and how to prepare yourself for getting rich in the future. The reality is that Dave Ramsey, and other VERY rich people became rich because they had either an IDEA, or a SKILL.
They were either entrepreneurs or they were “INTRApreneurs.” — What This means is that they either had an idea for their own business, or they had a SKILL they applied to someone else’s business, and they were involved the profit sharing or net income, so they could make more money, as they added more value to the bottom line of the business.
I know this doesn’t sound like something worth the time investment, but I firmly believe that everybody needs to do this, just to protect themselves from our economy. I am not making this video to be “doom and gloom”, I don’t really have a reason to make this other than I want to warn and help as many people as possible. If you watch too many mainstream YouTube Finance Gurus, or you listen to much to mainstream economy/business news from CNN or FOX, Bloomberg, or Forbes, then you will be misled into thinking this are better than they are..
We are really in a tight bind, and the people that will get hurt the most are people with LOW SKILLS and NO IDEAS. It’s important to start rethinking our lives and practice self reliance, because we need to take care of ourselves financially.
If this video speaks to you, please share it with others.
WARNING: What RICH PEOPLE Know About The Stock Market, Credit Cards, Dave Ramsey, And Getting Rich!