Without a map, or a plan nineteen-year-old Jake Ducey left behind a drug-fueled life and college basketball scholarship to wander the world in search of meaning. His spiritual adventure resulted in his debut book Into the Wind: My Six-Month Journey Wandering the World for Life’s Purpose (Waterside Press/ April 11, 2013). Through his fearless journey, without money and near death Jake shows that we can find our dreams by following our heart and letting our spirit be guided by the “wind.”
Journeying from Guatemala, where he encounters a chance meeting with a Mayan Shaman and volunteers with Orphans, to finding himself backpacking and living in a tent in Australia, to nearly loosing his life in Indonesia and finally ending up at a fourteen day silent meditation retreat in Thailand; Jake shows that our destiny is in reach if we only look within ourselves first. He finds that everything he was seeking in the world was within him the whole time. Miracles and synchronicities abound and his life becomes a true chronicle of what is possible when we surrender to life with an open heart and humility.

The Purpose Principles: How to Draw More Meaning into Your Life
Jake Ducey – an action-oriented approach for more meaning out of life, teaching you to live with more excitement, productivity, clarity & confidence.

Profit from Happiness: The Unity of Wealth, Work, and Personal Fulfillment
If you would like to make more money, deepen your connection with others, and increase your energy and happiness, Profit From Happiness, is for you.