There are three magical words that you can use to create an attract what you want into your life. This is going to surprise some people. It’s going to offend some people. And it’s going to open up the key to the whole universe to a bunch of other people.
three magical words that you can use to
manifest what you want words are the
building blocks of the universe and
there’s three magical words that you can
use to create an attract what you want
into your life this is Jake Ducey with
Jake Dulce calm and this is gonna
surprise some people it’s gonna offend
some people and it’s gonna open up the
key to the whole universe to a bunch of
other people so let’s dive right into
this video
if you have not subscribed yet be sure
to hit the subscribe button right over
there and hit the bell notification
because that’s what’s gonna notify you
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notification let’s get right to the
video you are God and I am God now
that’s gonna offend a lot of people I am
God and you are God everything in this
tire universe is pure energy all you are
is an individualization of that source
all you are is an individualization of
god of spirit of whatever word you want
to use you are an individual ization of
it every cell of who you are every
energy behind your thought every fiber
of the matter of your brain it’s all
pure god it’s an illusion that you’re
anything other than God and that
illusion is what makes it very difficult
to create and manifest the things that
you want in life believing that illusion
is the thing that doesn’t make the law
of attraction work for you it’s
believing that illusion that creates
suffering stress and the inability to
manifest what what you want because you
believe that you’re not God when you are
see it’s like God made this big huge
joke he’s like gods like the creator of
the universe is like huh I’m gonna put
God within every single person and then
they’re what’s gonna happen is they’re
gonna look outside of themselves forever
and they’re gonna get really focused on
what their eyes are telling them and
what their ears are telling them and
then what’s gonna happen is they’re
gonna start to believe God is this
exterior force that sends them to hell
if they’re bad and then what’s gonna
happen is they’re actually gonna start
to get offended when other people start
to say that they’re God and then what’s
gonna happen is no one’s gonna realize
that they’re God that’s that’s like
basically what happened is that the
creative force of the universe is
literally within you and as long as you
do not believe that you’re separate from
everything that you want to manifest and
attract into your life and so it
increasingly difficult to do so because
you’re at subject to things outside of
your source not enough resources I’m too
old I’m too young it’s his fault it’s
her fault it’s the economy if I had a
better job if I had a better education
if I had more time if I had this if I
had that if you only understood what I
was going through if I had an easier
childhood if I was born somewhere else
if I just didn’t have these belief
systems no none of that that’s all the
illusory self comment down below I am
God see it’s very important to make this
distinction though you’re not like God
and you get to decide what’s right and
wrong for other people’s lives and
you’re not this like capricious
emotional figure that controls what’s
gonna happen to other people in the
universe now that’s not it but you are a
individual manifestation of the creative
force of the universe that’s what you
comment down below I am God I am is
literally the most powerful word in the
entire world it’s the most powerful
phrase ever because it’s you literally
embodying consciousness most people use
consciousness to say I am NOT I am
separate from God I don’t have this I
don’t have that no I am God and if God
is in me and God is in you and God is
and money and God is in your soulmate
and God is in the job you want and God
is in your dream home and God is in
everything in this physical universe and
it makes up the most minut particles the
subatomic particles that are smaller
than atoms that make up the building
block of the entire universe then that
means you’re not separate from anything
that you want by declaring that I am God
I’m declaring that every ounce of me is
holy every ounce of me is worthy so
comment down below I am worthy I am God
and today make that your affirmation I
am God I am worthy I am God I am worthy
see what happens is when you don’t
realize that God is within you you begin
to worship the god of other people’s
opinions you begin to worship the God of
what other people think about you you
begin to worship the God of the economy
well what’s on a downswing you begin to
worship the God well you know I didn’t
get that good of grades in school I’m
not that intelligent and we use all of
these things we worship the God of our
body we look at our body and we say
here’s why I can’t have what I want
no you’re pure God that’s all you are
therefore you can’t attract anything
that you want in your life because
you’re already connected to it because
God is in everything see that’s the key
that’s the secret that’s what’s missing
everybody’s focused outside of
themselves everybody is thinking of
themselves as less than and and limited
so start affirming I am God and notice
what happens in your consciousness
notice the feeling that starts to evoke
in your consciousness it’s this
omnipresent overwhelming unexplainable
feeling of power and pure perfection
that’s flowing through you at every
second but you have to embrace it
comment down below I am God you’re
perfect the way you are resources aren’t
your issue your ages and your issue your
body type isn’t your issue none of that
is your issue the only issue is you seem
to not think that you’re God you seem to
think that God is something in the sky
or some energy outside of you that you
pray in the hope we’ll like you know I
am God so today and for the rest of this
week make your affirmation I am God see
God within yourself see God within
everybody around see God in your parents
see God in your coworker
seek out in your boss see God in your
car see God in the car that you want see
God in your money see God in your dream
home seem God in every single thing so
comment down below I am God now you’re
not the only God God is in every single
thing and when you realize that you’re
one with everything when you realize
that it’s so important to start sending
love to everything there’s no fear
there’s no need for aid there’s no need
for jealousy because it’s all God it’s
all this divine union this cosmic dance
so comment down below I am God so I hope
you have a beautiful beautiful day
because that’s what you’re meant to have
you’re meant to have a beautiful day and
the only reason that we don’t is because
we forget that this is all God at work
so hit the subscribe button in the Bell
notification right over there and go
ahead and demo the second mind I created
a software design to rewire the brain so
the brain has started to believe all of
these limitations and actual science
behind it is the neural circuitry of
your brain gets conditioned to living
into those limitations and so I created
a software originally for myself to
rewire my brain and it was so effective
that we put a lot of money and time into
making it exceptional and you can now
demo it totally for free and it’s down
below it’s the second mine calm right
there down below so go ahead and demo
that comment down below I am God and
practicing it within yourself that all
of your desires are holy practice seeing
it within everything that you want that
you’re already connected to it and
practice seeing it in every single
person so hashtag down below best day
ever if you watch this video all the way
through that means you’re committed to
creating your best day ever
hashtag down below best day ever the
answer everything you want in life is
within yourself I think Jesus said it
best the kingdom of heaven is within