In this video we discuss how the law of attraction can positive impact your morning and I give you my exact morning routine and morning ritual.
Most people block the law of attraction because they do not get their morning started right. Here’s my law of attraction morning routine.
There are certain tricks to using law of attraction to easily manifest what you want, but in order to do so you have to create a successful morning routine or ritual.
Most people struggle with law of attraction because they’ve never properly understood how to get the day started right.
And most people struggle with LOA because they do not understand how to use it. So I share my biggest takeaways so you can apply it to your life easily.
In this video you’ll learn how to use the law of attraction, understand it better, and apply it to your life.
The first step is to understand that you’re always using Law of Attraction. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously.
We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life.
You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it. It’s a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system.
This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality.
Number one, when you wake up in the morning and remember, it is an absolute miracle that you’re still alive. Literally, you went to sleep, you went totally unconscious. That had nothing to do with you at all. Your heartbeat, all of these amazing things happen when you wake up today. There are people that pass away in their sleep every single night, and here you are another day. You didn’t even have to think about it. Think that higher power, you can call it God. You can call it university. You can call it nature. You can call it anything that you want to just say, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Right when you wake up, this is so important because when you’re connected to God, when you’re connected to the universe, when you’re connected to intention, when you’re connected to spirit, when you’re connected to the creative power of the universe, that’s when everything unfold. That’s why Jesus could say, you’ll say mountains move and they’ll move, right? Like obviously that’s a metaphor, but that’s Jesus is speaking from. When you’re connected to that powerful place, amazing thing show up in your life. Now you take a step back and you say, what’s the best way to start your day? It’s to be connected to that universal intelligence because when you’re connected to it immediately to start your day, you’re in a position where things will start showing up. The money you want will show up. The connections you want to show up. The resources you want will show up faster than you ever thought.
So comment down below. Life is a miracle comment. Down below life is a miracle, comma that down below life is a miracle and make it your intention. So right when you open your eyes in the morning, you open your eyes and you’re like, Whoa, I’m alive today. You might have to force it for the first week until you get used to doing that because our, our, our customary way, we often wake up is, oh, the alarm was sleeping so I was in the middle of a dream. You don’t want to start your day complaining. You don’t want to send her to. Oh, my neck today. Oh, I did not want to do what I’m about to do in an hour. No, thank you God. Thank you universe. I am alive. Life is beautiful. That’s how you get the universal law of attraction on your side, so amazing thing.
Show up in your life today. Number two, go right into affirming your affirmations and your manifestation. Soon you wake up on your way to getting water in the morning. Use the restroom or whatever out loud, even if it’s not super loud and energize, the Xz just woke up. You starting to cement your consciousness towards what you want so you wake up and you just like. Once you do all that and you’re walking to get water in the bathroom or brush your teeth or whatever you do, you just go. Thank you. I’m so grateful that large sums of money come to me quickly and easily. I’m so grateful that I’m now attracting my soulmate. Whatever your specific affirmations and manifestations are, you just practice speaking the gratitude of them out loud casually as you’re walking down the stairs to get water or as you’re walking down the stairs to get your toothpaste or whatever it is you do.