Imagine if you started your day like this. “Dear universe. I am totally open to something amazing coming my way. Thanks in advance.”
In this video how to attract what you
want fast using the most powerful
affirmation in the entire world this is
Jake Dulce with Jake juicy calm and be
on the lookout cuz great things are
headed your way after you learn this
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notification let’s get right to the
video imagine if you started your day
like this dear universe I am totally
open to something amazing my way thanks
in advance versus man I slept in to lay
I work today I don’t have any money most
people start their day in the opposite
of what they want and the most powerful
affirmation you can that you could use
is to affirm to the universe that you’re
open to something spectacular coming
your way you can be realistic and expect
miracles so comment down below dear
universe I’m totally open to something
amazing coming my way today thanks in
advance dear universe I am totally open
to something amazing coming my way today
thanks in advance comment down below
dear universe I’m totally open to
something amazing coming my way today
thanks in advance see the thing is it’s
actually already happening you know you
blow a dog whistle
you can’t hear the dog whistle but your
dog can so why do you believe that the
dog whistle actually works because you
understand that your physical senses
your ears in this respect are limited to
some degree they can’t comprehend all
the spectrums of light and sound they
can’t they can’t hear the dog whistle
happening but you know that it works
similarly you can’t see all the energy
right in front of your face right now
there was something fantastic that wants
to make a new home in your life
something fantastic whether it’s more
money more abundance it just depends on
what it is that you want but you live in
a totally abundant infinite universe all
the energy that ever was and ever will
be is a hundred percent evenly present
at all places at all time energy can
ever be created or destroyed all the
energy that ever was and ever will be
already exists therefore all that you
want already exists – it’s already here
now the way that you experience what
types of energy is base up the way that
you perceive reality and if you perceive
reality from the lens of your physical
senses of your eyes and your eyes are
telling you oh yeah you know this
problem I have this problem then you’re
no longer using the creative force of
the universe you’re collapsing infinite
energy into a very limited reality there
are great things on the way you just
cannot see them comment down below dear
universe I’m totally open there’s
something amazing coming my way today
thanks in advance coming up a low dear
universe I’m totally open to something
amazing coming my way today thanks in
advance see the way that reality is
created it’s through perception most
people perceive that their future is
gonna be a lot like their past it’s only
gonna be a lot like your past and that’s
all you think is possible I want to
remind you you are totally worthy of
experiencing the fullness of life of
having a fantastic financial
breakthrough a romantic break through a
health break through a career
breakthrough it’s here it’s on the way
but you need to align with it right now
it’s a dear universe I’m totally open to
something amazing coming my way today
thanks in advance and get in the energy
of that thank you thank you I’m so
grateful that something fantastic is
coming my way
comment down below I’m worthy of all
that I desire I was so grateful
something fantastic is about to come my
way today thank you thank you thank you
one time I saw a meme and it said if
people that believe in impact that
practice Christmas can believe in Santa
Claus for 10 years then you can believe
that something spectacular is gonna
happen for five minutes
now whether it’s believing in Santa
Claus or whether it’s the inverse you
know I remember one time I was like 12
years old it was one of the first times
my parents left me home alone and I
thought there was a robber in the house
there wasn’t but I thought there was and
I my hands were sweaty my heart was
beating actually called 900 and the cop
came to the house and then he tell me
that there’s no one there and I thought
there was somebody in the house I was
believing something that wasn’t true and
it was it had to become my reality no
there are fantastic things on the way
today you have to affirm it you have to
believe it there’s literally no reason
and being in the energy that it’s not
possible because all the energy that
ever was and ever will be is 100% evenly
present in all places at all times
energy can never be created or destroyed
so all the energy that you want is
already here so comment down below dear
universe I’m totally open to something
amazing coming my way today thanks in a
bit for some of you something amazing is
gonna happen right when this video and
some of you that probably already have
them on the videos went out for some
people’s gonna happen later today
tomorrow when something fantastic
happens come back and share your success
story to inspire everybody else have a
fantastic day know that you live in a
friendly universe that the creative
force of the universe is on your side
you’re worthy of all you desire you
wouldn’t be here in the first place
something fantastic will happen today
evidence is not evidence of lack just
because you can’t see the things
happening it doesn’t mean that they
aren’t in motion because you can’t you
can’t hear dog whistle
there’s fantastic things just beyond
what your eyes can perceive they’re on
the way now a permit feel grateful for
that it’s exciting so go ahead and make
sure that you demo my software the
second mine these second mine calm
downloads my software I created to
rewire the brain for you it’s designed
to literally rewire the brain because
most people’s problem is they’re stuck
in their first mine the limited mind of
society and it’s wired into your brain
there’s a term of neuroscience called
hebbs law says that brain cells that
fire together wire to get their nerve
cells that fire together wire together
the neural circuitry of your brain gets
fundamentally wired to reality it’s very
important that you rewire it towards
what you want and we created a software
called the second mind to do that you
can demo it for free these second mind
calm right there down below the second
mine calm go ahead and hit the subscribe
button the bail notification right over
there the bail notification is what
for new videos even if you already
subscribed please double check that
you’ve hit the bail notification comment
down below I’m worthy of all out of
desire comment down below dear universe
and I’m totally open to something
amazing coming my way today thank you in
advance and as this video ends feel the
gratitude for something fantastic coming
your way maybe it makes you want to
smile maybe it just makes you feel
overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude
and appreciation for the universe
something great is coming your way today
Law of Attraction Affirmation To Attract What You Want From The Universe INSTANTLY! (The Secret)
In this video we discuss how to use this particular law of attraction affirmation to attract what you want from the universe, positive affirmations. There are certain tricks to using affirmations that help create success.
Most people struggle with affirmations because they’ve never properly understood how they work.
The first step is to understand that you’re always using affirmations. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously.
We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life.
You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it. It’s a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system.
This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality.