? The Missing Manifestation Technique To The Secret Law of Attraction (MISSING & HIDDEN TECHNIQUE)
Are you willing to do an experiment that will reprogram your subconscious mind so you can attract the money, the love, whatever you want in your life?
So in acting, there’s a term, it’s called method acting. So the actors that never break character, Jim Carrey was one of them, and there’s a lot of people that it was created by Stella Adler and she was a famous actor that top this technique, method acting. So the idea of it, it is literally you never break character. So my question to you is, are you willing to do an experiment that will reprogram your subconscious mind forever so you can attract the money you want, the love you want, whatever it is that you want in your life by using the same technique. So here’s what I’m inviting you to do. Here’s what I’m inviting you to do first, realize you live in a friendly universe. You can have anything and everything that you want and usually it will show up a lot quicker and faster than you think and the thing that blocks it from coming bass into your life as you believe that had happened slow or you believe you’re not good enough or you’re subconsciously blocking what you want because you say, I want this thing, but you’re showing up as someone who believes it’s not possible.
Therefore there’s a vibrational incongruence. The law of attraction can’t work for you. You can attract what you want. So comment down below, I am worthy of what I desire. Calming that down below right now. I’m worthy of what I desire. Coming down below, I’m worthy of what I desire. And then here’s the technique for the day. Whatever it is that you want, whatever it is that you want, whether it’s a certain doesn’t matter, just whatever you want. So here’s what I invite you to do. Practice living into it as if you already have it by literally behaving like it. For example, my wife and I will go, alright, so for the, for the next rest of the day, we’re going to talk as if this reality based off our certain goals already exists. So we’ll go on a walk. We’ll go on a drive and will literally talk.
I’m so grateful now that I have a 40 acre fully sustainable ranch style property with solar panels for Tesla. Batteries is totally off the grid. I’ve got all my animals and all my vegetables and we have this beautiful, amazing farm and it’s over in this place and it has this and got it out enough and it’s so nice walking on the fresh grass every single day, and we talk as if we’re in that reality. Now we don’t do it for two minutes. We do it for the entire day. So that’s your experiment for 24 hours. Can you literally behave as if you already have attracted and created the life that you want? So if you have roommates, if you have a romantic partner, if you have people you have to interact with during the day, you tell them that this is how we’re communicating for the day. Now first is going to be difficult.
The reason it’s going to be difficult, often not always is because the way that your mind is set up is that it wants to live in a linear timeframe of what’s happening now, but in order for you to get what you want, you have to relinquish. Now you have to relinquish what your senses tell you in live into your reality that only exists in your imagination. What happens when you start to do this on a scientific level, this isn’t an airy fairy technique on a scientific level. There’s a term in neuroscience is called hubs. Law Brain cells that fire together, wire together. When you start living into that reality and you start talking like after five minutes, 10 minutes, 60 minutes of just behaving like while you’re driving by yourself, you’re just talking to yourself. Thank you God for this beautiful life. I now have x, Y, and Z and it’s so amazing and it feels so great and now I get to do this and this and this because of it.
I’m just so grateful. Life is so beautiful today. You’re talking and you’re behaving in your thinking and you’re acting as if you already have it. So what’s happening is you’re starting to trigger and fire new nerve cells, new brain cells and neuroscience tells us that brain cells, nerve cells that fire together, wire together. You’re literally starting to rewire the neural connections in your brain. Your nervous system is starting to respond to your new emotional state. Your subconscious, your brain and your nervous system do not know the difference between what’s real and what’s not real, so they start accepting that reality even though it hasn’t happened yet and boom, that’s how you create what you want. That’s how you pull what does not yet exist and you bring it into a tangible reality. Even though it didn’t exist last week, you created, even though it didn’t exist last year, you created it by passionately living into the reality that did not exist before.