3 Dangerous Signs You’re BLOCKING MONEY And The Law of Attraction (WARNING!!)
In this video we talk about money and the law of attraction and 3 dangerous signs you’re blocking money and the law of attraction. You can manifest money using the law of attraction, but most people actually block the law of attraction so they cannot attract money into their life. In this video I share with you the most common and dangerous signs that you’re blocking money.
Three dangerous signs. You are blocking money and the law of attraction. In this video, I’m going to share with you how to actually unblock the law of attraction so that money can start flowing into your life because the truth is subconsciously you’re blocking it and you don’t know it. There’s a quote from Napoleon Hill’s famous book thinking, grow rich, and he says something like this, riches, when they come, they come and such vast quantities and so quickly that you wonder where they were hiding all those lean years and when you finish this video through, you’re going to say, whoa. That’s where the money is in his search showing up in your life.
Number one, you are afraid to say that you want it. That’s the number one dangerous, disturbing sign that you’re actually blocking money, is that you’re afraid to say that you want it. Because when you’re afraid to say that you want it, you’re sending a subconscious message that you don’t really want it where that money is bad or attaching a negative stigma through the ways of society has programmed us into your subconscious, and your subconscious picks up that impression and says, okay, they don’t want it. See, whatever you’re doing is sending a subconscious message. So one angle around money is people feel shame around it. They feel who’ll to habit. They were told that money is the root of all evil. When of course it’s not. I mean it’s, it’s, it’s a super powerful tool in medium that you can use to experience more freedom and give more generously to those you love and to strangers. And what begins to occur is we’re afraid to say that we want it. Sometimes it’s because we’re not sure if we can get it. So then we just say, oh, it’s not that important. Oh, I don’t really want it. Yeah. At least I’m happy as soon as you do that, what you’re really doing is saying, I don’t want this thing,
so why would you say you don’t want it? If you want something but you say that you don’t want it and you entertain those ideas is not that important. At least I’m happy. Well, it caused more problems. Who am I to want it? You’re going to make the world a better place by having it, but as soon as you do that, you send the subconscious message that money is bad, money is wrong, I shouldn’t have money. And you block it from coming into your life just like you wouldn’t have a Porsche or you wouldn’t have a Harley Davidson if you didn’t think they were important. Would you ever have like a perfect mint condition, Harley Davidson in your car, in your, in your house, in your, in your driveway if you didn’t think they were important? Now they’re not important now. I don’t want it. You wouldn’t have it.
It’s you saying, oh, I love them. I love the sound of the, my love. The breeze on my face. That’s the type of person that has one, the type of person that has money. As someone who says, I love money because it comes to me when I call. Matter of fact, calming that down below, I love money because it comes to me when I call common that down below I love money because it comes to me when I call it money is two things. The presence of money, the presence of it, the reality of it, where the absence of it, most people want money, but then the focus on the absence of it in their life, they’re focused on the fact that, well, what will people think of me and I don’t know my bad person and I might not get it, and their energy is it in their consciousness is fixated on the absence of it, so they’re blocking it from coming into their life because reality is a reflection of perception.
In this video we discuss..
* The law of attraction
* money and the law of attraction
* blocking the law of attraction
* remove block from law of attraction
* law of attraction money
* how to attract money using the law of attraction
* the law of attraction and money
3 Dangerous Signs You’re BLOCKING MONEY And The Law of Attraction (WARNING!!)
April 1, 2019 @ 6:43 am
It is my divine right to be rich