3 Money Affirmations To Become A Millionaire | This REALLY Works!! (Law of Attraction)
Three money affirmations that helped me manifest $1 million. It was a few years ago and I couldn’t help pay for anything, so my wife, now girlfriend at the time was in debt and they came across these affirmations and I just decided to really be a believer in and do these to the utmost and my life changed forever and I just finished doing all my taxes and everything like that and I’m so excited that we finished the year at $1 million. I want to share with you these three affirmations because they’re going to make magic in your life. So let’s dive right into this video.
if you want to manifest money, if you want to increase your income, I want to share with you these affirmations that you can do every single day to attract more money in your life.
Number one, I’m so happy and grateful to make millions of dollars and inspire millions of people. I’m so happy and grateful to make millions of dollars and inspire millions of people. Comment that down below, I am so happy and grateful to make millions of dollars and inspire millions of people. Write that down on a piece of paper. I am so happy and grateful to make millions of dollars and inspire millions of people. Now the second part of that is very important thing and inspire millions of people, right? Because Albert Einstein said something pretty interesting and I’m paraphrasing here. He said, I want to, I want to think the way that God thinks. I want to think the way that universe thinks. I want to understand the way God thinks. I want to understand the way the universe thinks. How does God think? How does the universe thing? It thinks in terms of service and thinks in terms of constant expansion.
It doesn’t think in terms of conditionally given and it certainly doesn’t think about itself. It gives us all of this experience and never asked for anything. And so when you’re in alignment with the universe, more will be given to you as you mirror the the way God thinks as you mirror the way, the way the universe things more will be given to you. And so often when people are trying to attract money in their life, they get in a place of desperation and they get in a place of need. And when you’re in a place of desperation and you’re in a place of need, you’re in an energy of scarcity. You’re not in an energy of abundance. So have you ever noticed that people that are like, that seem to have reoccurring money problems? I know I can relate to that. Many years ago trying to build my career and being stressed all the time about money and I was just only thinking about myself.
And year after year I had the same problems I started imagining inspiring millions of people. I started imagining and forgetting about myself in starting to focus on my gifts and how I could use them to inspire and uplift people. And my life changed and I, and I was able to build a, uh, $1 million business a lot easier than all the previous years when I worked my butt off. So say it with me, I’m so happy and grateful to make millions of dollars and inspire millions of people. Comment it down below. I’m so happy and grateful to make millions of dollars and inspire millions of people. Number two, I’m so happy and grateful that large sums of money come to me quickly and easily. See that has some interesting words in there. I’m so happy and grateful that large sums of money come to me quickly and easily. That’s got some interesting words and think about that has the word quick and easy in there.
Most people will say, that’s, that’s stupid. That’s a scam. That’s in yard. When I was struggling to get my career off the ground, I decided that I wanted to change my relationship with money. I actually sat down and said, I need to change my belief systems with respect to money, and I said, what adjectives do I want in my relationship with money? I want quick and easy. Everyone has beliefs, systems that it’s super hard. It’s all of these things and yeah, there’s times obviously when you’re it, I’m sitting down. This involves me spending time and work and then I edit my thumbnails. I do all this stuff and obviously that involves work. But I wanted a relationship that was quick and easy. And I noticed before my, my belief system with respect to money was it’s very difficult, work very hard. And thus I created that reality.
3 Money Affirmations To Become A Millionaire | This REALLY Works!! (Law of Attraction)