3 Signs The Law of Attraction is Working For You (What You Want To Attract Is On its Way)
Is the law of attraction working for you? How do you know if the law of attraction is working for you?
Number one, your thoughts and your words match your desire, your thoughts and your words match your desire. So what that is really saying is that your inner world is matching your desired outer world, and this is the most important part of the creation process. Now, the reason that this is so important is because in order for you to influence the third dimensional reality, in order for you to alter matter, the physical matter of things, the atomic world, the structural world, the way that you do that is through your own consciousness. Now, the modalities and the expressions of consciousness that you have are your thoughts and your words first and foremost.
So what that is meaning is that most people are living from what they used to call, called the new, the Newtonian view of the world, the Newtonian model. So that was that we believed that this world was all physical and that energy and consciousness where like this unexplainable side effect of it didn’t really matter. Well, now we’re finding that that’s fundamentally incorrect and that your energy, your consciousness consciousness is having an actual effect on the physical reality. So for you to alter your bank account, your love life, for you to create your dream life, your dream career, whatever it is that you want out of life. If there’s something in your mind that you would like it to be a part of your fundamental reality, like you have your real life, then it’s so important to understand that if your eyes, so all of this is stimuli outside of a stimulus, information outside of us, the physical world’s information outside of us.
It’s feedback, so if your eyes are taking the feedback that you’re getting outside of you and you’re saying in reverse out of that feedback, that feedback then controls your thoughts. For instance, if it was your bank account, if the outside stimulus controls your thoughts, so you say, I’m broke. Why? Because your bank account doesn’t have money in it where you say, I’m always going to be alone. Why? Because so far it hasn’t worked out the way that I wanted. When it comes to my love life, I’m just not smart enough for this. I’m just not. Why? Because you’re allowing the stimulus of the environment to control your thought patterns, your consciousness, your brainwave states in your overall energy. You’re reacting like an animal to the environment and for you to realize yourself as a truly powerful creator that you are like when Jesus said, when the Bible says that you’re a child of God, like do you understand like the I’m not, I didn’t even grow up religious, but like do you understand the, the, the, like the magnification, the importance of that, like literally you are a child of God.
Literally you can create what you want in reality because this whole reality is a hologram projection of consciousness and your consciousness can create anything that you are. It’s just that most people, their thoughts in their words are matching their outer reality. You have to stop reacting to the way that you’re seeing your world in order to alter it, and that’s the big secret. So that’s why I created my, my program. The second mind is to literally be a vehicle to rewire the brain because what happens is your brain start, and if you want to demo it, it’s free down below. It’s the second [inaudible] dot com right there, down below the second [inaudible] dot com. So when you’re constantly reacting to your environment, whether it’s your bank account or whether it’s a lack of love life or fill in the blank, right? Like we. Something doesn’t happen the way that we want me to say, well I’m not smart enough.
And then we look to our past because your brain is an artifact of your past and we look to our past and we say, well, I did bad on my sats. I was always. I was never a good student. I always had learning problems. I’m never. I’m just not that smart. My parents never made that much money so far. I’ve never been able to meet someone that treats me right more romantically and we use our past and justify why we don’t have what we want. All that’s doing is controlling your consciousness. The Observer effect in quantum physics is literally telling us that the reality that you experience is based off of your observation of it. So on the subatomic level, subatomic means means the most minute particles. So like below an Adam, below the building blocks of fundamental matter that that reality is influenced and how all of those particles and atoms…..