3 Signs You’re TALKING TO YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND + How To Talk to Your Subconscious
Three signs that you’re talking to your subconscious. It is an absolutely amazing evening out here in Maui. Checkout that beautiful ocean sun just went down and I want to share with you three signs. You’re talking to your subconscious because when you do this right, it’s going to allow you to manifest anything that you want because your subconscious is essentially your pipeline to God, to the universe. And when you learn how to use that, then you can manifest anything you want. So in this video, three signs that you’re talking to your subconscious and that’s going to help you manifest what you want faster and create the life that you want. This is Jake Ducey. Aloha from the beautiful islands of, uh, why am let’s dive right into this video. Number one is you feel strong emotion. So your subconscious mind is your emotional mind. So anytime you feel strong emotion towards something, you’ve entered into the subconscious, whether you hate it, whether you love it, whether you’re excited about it, whether you’re really afraid of it, it doesn’t matter. If you have strong emotion, your subconscious mind receives the impression. So the question is how can you feel as if you have what you want even though you don’t have it yet?
Because if feeling is the number one sign that your subconscious is being spoken to and being programmed by you, how can you evoke the feeling of what you want before we have a lot of people say, how can I feel like I have money? How could I feel like I have attracted my soulmate? How could I feel like I’ve attracted love when I don’t have it? See, but that’s the thing. It’s called your conscious mind. Your conscious mind has imagination and as the ability to conjure up any images that you want and evoke the emotion of it, you don’t need something to be real to evoke the emotion of it. People think that they’re a boyfriend or girlfriend or their spouse is cheating on them, but it’s really their own fear and years go by. They’re always afraid of it and they’re evoking the physiological sensations. Is it as if it’s real but it’s not real and then they come to find out they were hallucinating it the whole time. People think that they’re going to get fired and it never happens. People think that like there’s a Ra. I remember when I was a kid, it was one of the first times my mom and dad left me alone and I thought there was a robber in my house.
man, I just love the sound of the ocean. So I think there’s a robber in my house and I’m like, I don’t know how old I am. 10 and I called the cops and I was holding a baseball bat by the front door and I was so brain, my hands were shaking, I was sweating, my heart was beating really fast. So I had all the physiological sensations to an emotional response that wasn’t actually happening. Turned out there wasn’t a romper. I thought there was, but there wasn’t. So your, your physiology, your nervous system and your subconscious mind doesn’t know what’s real. But if you can trick your mind or focus strong enough emotion, you can impact the subconscious. Because the subconscious mind is, I’m nonpersonal, it’s not rational. Your conscious mind is your rational mind. I say the sky is red and you say, no, the sky’s blue.
Your subconscious doesn’t know what color the sky is. Your subconscious receives whatever impressions have you say I’m rich, but you feel broke. So your subconscious says you’re broke bro. But if you say, I’m so grateful, money’s flowing into my life, I’m so grateful I’ve now attracted my soulmate. What happens? Your subconscious thinks these things are real. So I like to do this in two ways. Number one is think of the end result. Like as if you got the promotion, what would be happening? He got the money and you’ve got the cellmate. What would be happening? I think of it like an end result experience that would be occurring in your life. Man, it’s just so pretty.
I love the way the lights reflect at nighttime. You see that palm tree right there, it’s pretty Rad. So it’s like what would be happening? Right? So let’s say for instance, I’m imagining my youtube channel having taken off when I didn’t have any progress on my youtube channel. And I’m imagining like thousands of people from all over the world writing me and saying like, sharing their stories about how a video has changed your life. That evokes an emotion, right? So that emotion is in cramp, is implanting into my subconscious mind. So think of an end result that you can replay that will, that will garner enough emotion. It can be the cold wind on your face and your convertible, and you have your grandma in the car when it could be you shaking hands with your real estate agent for your brand new home and jumping up and down with your husband or your wife or your friend.