3 Things BLOCKING The Law of Attraction (The Secret) WARNING!!!!
3 things blocking the law of attraction & not allowing you to attract what you want. You don’t know it because our society has programmed you negatively.
there are three things blocking the law of attraction and not allowing you to attract what you want and achieve your goals. and you just don’t know it because our society has programmed you negatively. so in this video I’m going to share with you the three things that you don’t know that are actually blocking you from getting what you want out of life this is Jay Ducey with Jake do see.com and let’s dive right into this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] if you have not subscribed yet be sure to hit the subscribe button right over there and hit the bell notification because that’s what’s gonna notify you for new video subscribe down notification let’s get right to the video number one you’re focused on what’s missing your focus on what’s missing see it seems logical but that’s how most of us think Weig oh I remember when it used to be like this or we say man the price of this is really increasing we’re focusing on the absence of money we’re focusing on the absence of romance there’s no good guys out there I’m seems like I’m always gonna be alone it never seems to quite work out the way that I want I have this problem with my boss you know the biggest problem with my romantic partner is this we’re constantly focusing on what’s missing now as you continue to focus on what’s missing you expand where energy flows in your mind is what’s going to create the outcome in your life and what I’m inviting you to do is focus on the possibilities rather than what’s missing out of your life see you might be working on attracting something in your life but it makes no sense to focus on whether it’s not working when I was trying to build this YouTube channel I wasn’t getting any progress now what was missing was the success of my channel I have in my mind how successful it was gonna be I was working hard on it every single day but then I would go look at my analytics on YouTube and I’d get like three YouTube subscribers and my video would have 12 views that’s very demoralizing when you’re spending the amount of time I was spending in the money that I was spending camera editing all of that stuff and I wasn’t getting any progress now what happens with most people is they get attached to outcomes it’s very important to stay in the process of what it is that you’re doing I was in the process I was already feeling grateful that I was inspiring millions of people on YouTube even though I wasn’t even reaching a thousand people in a week now these videos get a thousand views in about half an hour when they’re published but they didn’t it didn’t start like that now there’s so many people that start things and then they’re focused on what’s missing because they don’t get the progress they want fast enough so they stop so comment down below I am attracting success every day comment down below I am attracting success every day so what I did is I started listening to my success hypnosis all in the time and if you want to download it it’s free it changed my life over 200,000 people from all over the world have downloaded it now it’s Jake’s hypnosis calm right there down below and it’s free and you can use it so when I would look at I program myself so I wouldn’t focus on what’s missing I would see it oh no progress but I was feeling grateful that I had all this progress and then out of nowhere in one week I’ve got more YouTube subscribers in one week than I’ve had in in in years of building the channel so the mind is tempted to focus on what’s missing but you must remember that what you want already exists comment down below what I want already exists number two your present circumstances are brainwashing you see this leads perfectly into what we just spoke about and what tends to happen is we react to the situations and circumstances outside of us and then they program us now there’s actual science behind this every time you have an emotional reaction to something or thought about something that you’re emotionally involved with you fire nerves as you fire brain cells now there’s a term a neuroscience called hebbs law that says that brain cells that fire together wire together so if you’re constantly for instance me looking at my youtube channel and not getting the progress that I want I could have looked at two new YouTube subscribers and said oh gosh I’m not good enough I’m not smart enough there’s this isn’t meant to be which is a big thing people say when they don’t get the progress they want fast enough they say I guess this isn’t meant to be and what happens is when you have an emotional reaction to what’s missing you fire new brain cells who fire new nerve cells and as you constantly reaffirm what’s missing you hardwire your brain to that reality now people do that with their bank account their bank account controls their thinking so they see they don’t have any money in it and they see that they just overdraft and they say I’m broke I’m broke I’m not good enough I’m not smart enough this is never gonna happen and things of that nature that seem very logical based off of the present results but if you allow your present results to control your thinking then your future will always be limited to your present reality if you can’t think and feel greater than your present reality you’re always going to be trapped in your present reality what you want is real it’s just you can’t see it yet you blow a dog whistle you can’t hear the dog whistle but you know that it’s real and your dog responds to it because your dog can hear the sound that’s outside of the spectrum of what your ears can perceive similarly there is things happening outside the spectrum of visible light that your eyes can pick up comment down below great things are coming now coming down below great things are coming now see this is what a visionary is it’s someone who’s living from an inner vision as opposed to getting stuck in the present reality of things so I always say brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you comment that down below brainwash yourself before the world brain wants to see you coming down below brainwash yourself before the world brain washes you now what does that mean that the outside world will brainwash you unless you deliberately program yourself the way you want to be programmed and that’s why I literally created my successive gnosis to brainwash myself for success even though all evidence pointed to me not having the success everyone was telling me I’m too young I dropped out of college to do what I’m doing therefore people said you wouldn’t be successful until you went back to school in fact I had a mentor that I really liked and this is a person successful at at what I do a similar type of industry and he told me I wouldn’t be successful unless I went back to school now I had all these outside influences telling me that and it would have been very easy to accept that and then been programmed negatively and accept that as truth and then I would have constantly seen situations in circumstances that proved to me oh I’m too young oh I’m not qualified enough oh I’m not this enough oh I’m not that enough it’s called your reticular activating system your reticular activating system is the part of your brain there’s billions of bits of information happening at every single second and your reticular activating system weeds how the things in the ways based off of your your programming so people that are programmed to feel and focus on abundance tend to over time see possibilities that other people that are constantly saying well I’m stuck like this a rich people have all the money well there’s no good guys out there I’m always gonna be alone and I’m never gonna have my soulmate those types of people that are focused on what’s missing in their life tend to find more experiences that prove to them their assumption about reality about what’s missing now similarly it’s called the expectation theory so similarly when you’re expecting and feeling the possibilities even though your eyes and ears and your physical senses in your current reality and people around you are saying it’s not it’s not here you feel it you did you’re starting to program your brain and that reality will show itself why you live in a friendly universe the universe is conspiring for your best interest comment down below the universe is conspiring for my best interests comment that down below the universe is conspiring but my best interest feel the truth of that in your heart do you feel that in your soul you’re meant for great things you’re here to experience the fullness of life God is on your side you’re connected to the creative force of the universe but you have to start to feel that and affirm that constantly and not allow the present situations and circumstances of your life to program and brainwash you and make sure that you download my free success of gnosis Jake’s hypnosis calm and use that as your tool to brainwash yourself for success and number three you’ve forgotten that you’re one with the universe and that it’s conspiring for your highest and best good so make sure that you comment down below the universe is conspiring for my best good the universe is conspiring for my best good guess what you are one with the universe every single thing in this physical reality is made up of consciousness is made up of light it’s made up of energy and you are that energy in fact your body is just a mass of molecules moving on a very high speed of vibration your body is just energy that’s all it is and you have a seat of consciousness or in other words you have a soul that’s an individual ization of God in the same way that the waves are an individual ization of the ocean you’re one with the universe comment down below I am one with the universe and realize that you are one with the universe you are a holy you aren’t defined any thoughts in your head that I’m not good enough I’m not smart enough I’m not this enough that is that is the ego that is the part of our mind that has been programmed by our society that believes in our limitations and is convinced that we’re just this little meager physical meatsuit this little body and that our reality is confined to what we can see realities so much greater than what you can see you are so much greater than what you see you may look in the mirror and you say this is who I am I’m this person I’m this age I’m limited by this no you are one with the universe you are a powerful creator comment down below I am a powerful creator this is Jake do see with Jake do c-calm reminding you you are way more powerful than you believe expect great things today hit the subscribe button the bell notification right there down below and make sure you download my free success of noses Jake’s hypnosis com hashtag down below best day ever I’ll talk to you soon
Law of Attraction Affirmation To Attract What You Want From The Universe INSTANTLY! (The Secret)
In this video, we discuss how to use this particular law of attraction affirmation to attract what you want from the universe, positive affirmations. There are certain tricks to using affirmations that help create success.
Most people struggle with affirmations because they’ve never properly understood how they work.
The first step is to understand that you’re always using affirmations. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously.
We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life.
You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it. It’s a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system.
This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality.
THE SECRET (REVEALED) ✅ What They Don’t Tell You About Manifestation And The Law of Attraction