Learning how to shift your identity, and reprogram your mind will be one of the most powerful things you can do.
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3 Things You Must Know To Shift your IDENTITY:
1. Your identity is an illusory self-construct reinforced purely off unconscious habit – it’s hardwired through your nervous system and neurology, wired into the cells of your brain — so it’s a feedback loop that feels “REAL.” But it’s not “Permanent” or “Real” anymore than the clouds are “permanent.”
– Fast Facts: 95 percent subconscious, 65,000 thoughts per day, neuroplasticity is now a new brain science that proves your brain chemistry and cells can be changed, or updated to alter your reality.
– here’s a little video so you can see what happens to your brain cells as they fire/wire together to build your neurochemistry that you believe is you.
2. To change it, you just have to start to THINK and FEEL in NEW WAYS – and you will start to build new feedback loops in your nervous system and brain, rewiring your brain cells and building a new IDENTITY.
– Thinking and Feeling create Emotions – emotions activate cells in brain and build neurological connections.
– go back to the video on the nerve cells and say, “Now imagine if you made these cells in your brain build new connections based off your desires. Imagine if you taught your brain to feel good, confident, wealthy, financial successful, happy, healthy, etc..”
3. Imagination is the key to building a new IDENTITY – you have to be able to take your CONSCIOUSNESS and detach yourself from the stimuli and information of your 5 senses — most people get so used to the feedback loop of their 5 senses that it is nearly impossible for them to dissociate from their physical reality and begin to imagine a new one — but “everything now real was once imagined.” — and you have have to reimagine your reality and yourself if you want to build a new journey in 3rd dimension.
FREE SUCCESS HYPNOSIS – click here to download my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind and manifest faster https://www.jakeducey.com/hypnosis