5 Things You MUST Know About The GREAT AWAKENING of 2020 (No One Tells You This)…
#TheGreatAwakening #SpiritualAwakening #Awakening
If you haven’t noticed, there’s a great awakening taking place right now in human consciousness from the Coronavirus and quarantined in just so many things happening in the world. There is a great awakening that has truly begun and is just beginning. And I want to share with you five things that you need to know about it. Five things that you need to know about how it’s going to affect your consciousness, your future, your life, and how you can utilize this consciousness, this energy shift in order to literally create and manifest some amazing things in your life.
There’s going to be a slower time lapse, right? And some people call that fourth or fifth dimension. So basically the reality is everything is energy. This wall, this body of mine, a car, a house, it’s all energy. Atoms are made up of 99% empty space. Technically it’s almost all empty space. So atoms, the scientific, physical building blocks of our universe are made up of almost all space. What is this empty space? It’s conscious intelligence. It’s vibration, it’s frequency. We’re in a giant energy field, a giant electromagnetic field, or if you want to call it a quantum field where all the possibilities in all the energy already exist. Everything already exists. There is no past, there is no future. And the thing that determines what you experience is your own consciousness in science is called in quantum physics is called the observer effect. The reason it’s called that is because subatomic particles, which are the things that are made up of, uh, that ultimately makeup atoms.
What happened was they found that a subatomic particle, so the particles that ultimately make up matter, they found that those things could be both a wave. And a particle, a wave meaning that you can’t observe it anymore, even with a really powerful microscope, you can’t see it. So it’s moved outside. Visible light, visible light is third dimension. It’s the experience that we know and we experience as this is me and this is you and this is our world and here’s our physical forms. That and physical boundaries that we live within. That’s called third dimension. What it really is, is visible light. It’s a bandwidth of frequency out of an infinite spectrums of frequencies. Out of infinite possibilities, there is a finite possibility, a finite reality that we know and experience through the world of our senses. That’s called visible light. So in the observer effect, what they found scientists found is that Adam’s or subatomic particles, they could be both a wave, meaning you can’t see it.
It’s not a visible light, it’s invisible or it doesn’t exist. It does exist. It’s just outside of visible light. And then based off of their observation, by their consciousness of trying to perceive it, it would also manifest as a particle. So the same vibration, the same thing, the same subatomic particle. It would be both a particle and a wave. It would be observable and invisible. It would be real and not real invisible, not visible particle wave based off of the consciousness that was observing it. What is this telling us of? Life is a result of perception. The speed to which we manifest the things that we want is based off of our consciousness. Do we actually believe that our thoughts create reality, that our consciousness has a effect on the physical world? Do we not just like in theory say, yeah, I think it’s possible and we get a little art for our bathroom.
You know like when you go and you wash your hand in your friend’s bathroom and there’s a little wood art and it says thoughts create reality like do you believe it like that or do you actually know from the depths of your being that you live in an energy world and thoughts are frequencies are vibration and that everything in this world is vibration and your consciousness is what creates reality. Do you know that from every depth of your being? So what’s happening is the time lapse that it takes to take something from consciousness form and manifest it, to go from thought to feeling, to physical, to go from a thought to a thing. It’s actually starting to speed up now because what’s happening is people are starting to awaken to the fact that they are more than just a physical than just a physical body.
The second thing that you must know is that there’s a whole new breed. There’s a whole new movement. There’s a whole new generation of global in essence, leaders or wayshowers, you can call them Lightworkers. You can call them leaders, you can call them inspiring people.