5th Dimensional Habits That Will Manifest Your Desires INSTANTLY
#lawofattraction #spirituality #manifestinstantly
Fifth dimensional habits to manifest anything and to manifest your desires. Yes. How to use higher dimensions to manifest anything and for manifesting your desire that you want in your life. How do use higher dimensions? We live in the third dimension here you are in the third dimension right now and we’re, we’re sure that what you see is what reality is, but what if you could tap into a dimension that was in an energy level of vibration beyond the consciousness that you can perceive with your physical senses that say, Oh, here’s reality right here. What I can see what I can here. I’m sure that this stuff that I could touch that I could feel physical matters reality, but what about a higher dimension? In this video, I’m going to share with you how you can tap in to the fifth dimension, power to higher dimensional powers of the universe so that you can create what you want or a Steve jobs says you can dent the universe, how to literally bend it so that you can attract what you want.
Logic will take you from a to B, but imagination will take you everywhere. Anywhere you want to go. Comment down below. Logic will take you from a to B, but imagination will take you anywhere. Comment down below. Logic will take you from a to B, but imagination will take you anywhere. That’s from Albert Einstein and what does that saying? We’re we’re, we’re used to logic. We think this is what reality is. This is what I can see. That’s a logical why is that logical? Because it’s based off the information that your physical senses are giving you, but your physical senses are only picking up a certain bandwidth, a certain level, a certain frequency of information. They’re only picking up a certain bandwidth, a certain level, a certain frequency of energy. But there is energy outside the spectrum. The bandwidth of which your physical senses can perceive. For example, you blow a dog whistle. You can’t hear the dog whistle,
but you know it’s there. You blow it anyways, but you can’t hear it. Your dog can hear it. Your dog can pick up sound outside of what you’re, of what your ears can pick up. Well, don’t you think? If you could blow a dog with so you can’t hear the dog whistle, but the dog can do it. Therefore, their sound outside of the spectrum, uh, of of sound that your ears can pick up your, your limited physical senses can only so much information. Don’t you think that they can only see so much information? There’s energy happening beyond what your physical eyes are conditioned to perceiving. Therefore, what you want is arm the way. What you want is here now, therefore they’re beautiful forces working on your behalf that your physical senses can’t perceive. But what happens is people say, oh, this is only possible for me financially based off of looking at my bank account.
Look at what I made the last seven years on my tax returns. Look at this. I don’t have a good education. Look at this. I don’t have, you know, a prestigious university degree. Look at this. I’m too old. See, look, my body, look, I’m too old. Look, my teeth are messed up. My I, I’m I, I have too much fat on my chin. I have a, I’m too skinny. There’s all these physical things from the physical senses that are logical. Albert Einstein said, logic will take you from a to B. It may give you a very incremental growth in your life, perhaps, or it might just keep you at the same level. That’s what happens in most people year after year. They make the same amount of money year after year. They attract more or less the same success. Year after year, they manifest more or less the same thing over and over again.
It’s like they’re running around at a track, at a high school, and they’re just running in circles. They’re running in quarter mile an hour circles over and over. Oh, here it again. The same money I made last year. Oh here again, the same problems I had the year before. The same limitations. This is what’s logical. Don’t you understand? No logical take you from a to B but imagination will take you anywhere. Everything is energy. You’re an individualization of God. You’re an extension of the creative force of the universe and you channel this creative force. You Channel God through your own imagination. Just like you can’t hear a dog whistle. It’s a sound beyond what your physical, um, ears can, can pick up. You only see there’s energy happening. Be beyond what you can perceive. By the way, lack of evidence is not evidence of black. That’s what I always say. You know, you blow dog was you can’t hear it.
This video is about 5th Dimensional Habits That Will Manifest Your Desires INSTANTLY