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6 Dangerous WORDS That BLOCK THE SECRET Law of Attraction

6 Dangerous WORDS That BLOCK The Secret Law of Attraction

In this video we talk about words that block The Secret. Yes, there are words that block the secret and there are words that block the law of attraction. The Secret Law of Attraction is the most powerful way to manifest what you want, but you have to remove blocks you have made against the secret law of attraction.

Focus only on what you want. everything is two things. The presence of what you want, the possibility of what you want in the absence of what you want right now. I know what you want. You want to to to build a career as an author and speaker and inspire a bunch of people, but you’re focused on the opposite. You’re focused on the fact that these publishers are saying no. Your focus on the fact that everyone says it’s bad idea. You’re focused on what might happen in 12 or 24 or 36 or 48 months if bad things occur. It’s not doing you any good. All that’s doing is activating those brain cells. Your brain and your subconscious is responding in a fight or flight state. It’s sending electrical impulses through your nervous system that’s controlling your physiology and your in a state of not feeling confident.

You are in a state of you don’t have any faith, you don’t have any hope, you don’t have any bleed, and you’re constantly worried about what might happen. You can’t create what you want by focusing on what you don’t want. That’s why Mother Teresa said that she wouldn’t attend the antiwar rallies. She said, let me know when you have a pro piece one, you can’t create what you want by focusing on what you don’t want. So the question is, what’s the best that could happen? And here’s what I’m inviting you to do right now. Take a huge deep breath in. Put a smile on your face and imagine what is the best that could happen

if you finally do it. If you finally say yes, if you finally go for a few, finally asked that person out. If you finally start your own business, if you finally just forget about the fear of the relationship, potentially not working now and you commit to it, what is the best that could happen in your job? If you give 150% for the next 12 months, what’s the best that could happen? If you finally set your clear financial goals for yourself, what’s the best that could happen? If you commit to making it to the gym five days a week, what’s the best that could happen with whatever it is that you’re working on? Get your mind focused on that because that’s activating new brain cells. There’s a term in neuroscience called hubs, law hubs at brain cells that fire together wire together.

What does that mean? It means that when you fire the same brain cells over and over, it starts to wire together in your brain and it creates your neurocircuitry. So when you, when, when our society has programmed you to constantly worry about what might not happen the way that you want and why and what would happen if you fail and how it would be and what’s the worst that could happen? You activate those brain cells long enough and it creates your neurocircuitry. It creates the way your brain habitually produces and processes reality. So you program yourself for your brain to produce failure for you. Now, what would happen if he did the opposite? If you only focused on what you want, if you focus on how great it would be when the money comes, how great it will be when all your hard work pays off, how great it will be when you’re so may comes, how great is it going to be when the, when, when, when, when the, when, when your life change entirely, how great is it going to be asking yourself that question? How great is it going to be? How great is it going to be when fantastic things keep unfolding in my life? How great will it be? Remember, you’re an individualization of God.

You’re connected to God

day sire. The word day sire. Desire in means stay sire of the father. Your desires are wholly, they’re worthy. They come from God, they come from the university. Therefore you’re worthy of achieving them, but you live in a world of freewill where you’re here to learn certain spiritual lessons. You learn from success and you learn from failure so the universe isn’t going to interfere. If you keep focusing on what you don’t want and say, well, what’s the worst that could happen? What if this doesn’t work out? No, no, no. We don’t use those two phrases anymore. We instead say, what’s the best that could be? What’s the best that could happen? What is the best that could happen? How great will it be when? How great will it be when you are a powerful being? Great things are on the way.


6 Dangerous WORDS That BLOCK THE SECRET Law of Attraction
6 Dangerous WORDS That BLOCK THE SECRET Law of Attraction

The Secret Law of Attraction is the most powerful way to manifest what you want, but you have to remove blocks you made against the secret law of attraction.

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