AMAZING ✅ Powerful Law of Attraction Technique – Use This When You Are Unable To Believe.
If you’re unable to believe, you’re using law of attraction, you’re trying to attract what you want, but you just don’t believe it – here’s what you do.
Do this if you are unable to believe. If you are unable to believe, you’re using a law of attraction, you’re using the secret, you’re trying to attract what you want, but you feel like you just don’t believe it – here’s what you do. this is Jake Ducey with Jake Busey calm and let’s dive right into this video [Music] if you have not subscribed yet be sure to hit the subscribe button right over there and hit the bell notification because that’s what’s gonna notify you for new video subscribe down notification let’s get right to the video number one get a 3×5 index card and write down what you want on a piece of paper and carry it with you every single place that you go the reason that you’re doing this is because what you’re doing is activating brain cells when that’s in your pocket and you stick your hand in your pocket even if you don’t pull it out and read it you know it’s there and so you’re activating those same brain cells over and over what is belief all belief really is is a chemical reaction in the brain that’s all belief is and so what happens is your brain synapses are wired in certain ways that allow them to constantly fire in certain ways which produce certain chemicals so your brain gets habitually wired to operate in a certain way so if you’re trying to create your dream and it seems really far out of reach so you’re trying to attract more money in to grow your business and that seems really out of reach because it doesn’t match your present reality your brain is wired to a certain level where that hell that’s just impossible so it becomes very hard to implant a new idea and all of a sudden believe in it it’s the same thing with attracting love attracting success opportunities at anything that you want out of life it’s the same process your brain is wired in a certain way so chemically it feels very hard to believe because it’s not a habitual State for the brain and nervous system to operate in and what you have to begin to be do is take advantage of the way the brain works so the way the brain is set up is that it’s binary brain cells as firing its firing nerve cells and they begin to wire together when you have certain thoughts and emotional reactions repeatedly brain cells that fire together wire together it’s called hebbs law so your brain starts wiring in a certain way and that may be what it may be reinforced for 10 or 20 years and all of a sudden you’ve struggled financially for 10 or 20 years for 10 years you’ve never attracted your soulmate for 10 years you struggled with confidence that’s wired into your brain and chemically you’re set to operate that this way and all of a sudden you start saying one time oh I am confident oh I’m attracting more money it’s you don’t even believe it why because you’re chemically wired a certain way it doesn’t mean that that thing isn’t meant to be it just means that you have a chemical composition that’s been very much set and it takes sometimes or rewiring it you take the 3 by 5 card you can put it in a piece that you put what you want on a piece of paper in the present tense I’m so grateful now that in the present tense and you carry that with you everywhere you go you’re reinforcing it all the time just like the first time you hear a song you don’t know the words the reason you know the song is because you were hearing it repeatedly that causes it to sink in and become a memorized pattern it’s the same thing you have to start to program it in that way so that’s step number one get a three by five card write it on a piece of paper carry it with you everywhere you go tape it on your steering wheel tape another one on your on your bathroom mirror so you see it the first thing in the morning put one in all places so you’re constantly reinforcing it after 30 days you’re going to start to be like oh yeah this thing is going to happen and when you do that you start to change the way your brain has been firing and all the sudden you start to attract new certain circumstances and situations into your life but it takes a minute to override the past brain chemistry number to realize that you don’t have to believe in order to get going see what happens is people think they need the ideal circumstance and situation they need life to be a certain way and they don’t have it that way so as I say I can’t start yet Bob Marley said if you don’t start somewhere you’re never gonna get anywhere in fact he uses a little improper grammar he said if you don’t start somewhere you’re never gonna get nowhere comment that down below if you don’t start somewhere you’re never gonna get nowhere comment that down below if you don’t start somewhere you’re never gonna get nowhere if you don’t start somewhere you’re never gonna get nowhere you gotta understand that what you actually want if you’re trying to accomplish what you want a knife what you actually want is to run up against the fact that you don’t believe why because the thing that you want isn’t the important thing anyway that goal or that dream that you want that’s not the important thing see what Henry David Thoreau said it best he said the point of a goal isn’t what you get it’s who you become in the process so what’s really going to be the value is who you become how you grow as a person because wherever you go there you are you are your biggest asset you’re ever gonna have it’s not the money you want the love you want the thing you want it’s you and if you grow and you expand and you reach higher levels of your potential and you change your life will match that and so the way to grow is to run up against your own limiting beliefs and when you run up against your own limiting beliefs you feel uncomfortable you feel like you don’t believe it I don’t think that I could possibly hit this financial goal I don’t think there is any good guys out there good women out there for me oh I don’t I don’t think that I could possibly lose 25 pounds this year oh I don’t think I could possibly I’m just skinny I can’t I can’t get any stronger and we set all these parameters for ourselves and then what happens is when you say I want something different you run up against your mind and it says no no no no no but the point of a goal isn’t what you get it’s who you become in the process so you don’t you don’t need to be totally clear in your belief before you get going or else what’s the point of it anyways there is no freaking point in it at all the point is to grow to expand I didn’t think that I could build an amazing community with people like you and get millions of views every single month I didn’t think I could do that when I dropped out of college as a freshman in college and I and everyone told me I couldn’t do it and I got denied by publishing company after publishing company after publishing company when I wrote my first book and somebody that was my mentor or I someone I aspired to be like told me that I wouldn’t be successful until I went back to school I didn’t go back to school but this individual told me I needed to in order to be successful I had all I didn’t believe that I could be where I am given all of those things I thought that I was unintelligent I did bad on my SATs I always did that in school I thought I had learning problems I thought all of those things and I had I didn’t believe that I could be doing this right now and that the might my hip note my success hypnosis would have been downloaded a quarter of million times it’s right there down below Jake’s hypnosis com it’s free and you can use it that’s what changed my life I didn’t know that any of those things could have I didn’t know I’d have three books and they’d be and in other languages like I got my South Korean book not not too long ago I didn’t know that I’d have a book sent to my house from somewhere as far away a South Korean and a publisher would give me money that’s right next to North Korea I didn’t know that close they when they I didn’t know they would read books like mine I didn’t know those things and you have a bunch of dormant forces within you you have you have possibilities you can’t even see that are within you right now and you’re dismissing them because you’re saying well I don’t believe it and it’s uncomfortable no that’s exact the perfect sign that’s what you want you’re running up against your limitations of your own identity and what happens is when you knock that wall down you find yourself to be a greater person than you ever imagined a dormant force has become active within you you find yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever imagined that you could be that’s what Patanjali said and it’s true so you don’t need to have like no like total belief something’s gonna work out to get going remember remember the Bob Marley quote right is it it you don’t need if you don’t somewhere you’re never gonna get nowhere just ask them out just go start that thing it doesn’t matter you it’s about you growing in you breaking out of your perceived limitations so this is Jake do see with Jake do c-calm pick one way to break out of your proceed limitations today pick one way to make yourself uncomfortable pick one thing today to move completely the direction of your dreams even if you don’t believe that it’s possible yeah and what’s going to happen is you’re going to create belief because belief is a muscle that grows just like these big old fat guns over here grow they grow from what from stretching them from tearing them and you grow your belief grows from stretching yourself and and and and stretching your perceived limitations so this is Jake doozy with Jake do sitcom make sure you download my free success of neurosis down below Jake’s hypnosis calm and start to use that for 10 minutes a day to reprogram your subconscious mind what’s gonna happen is new circumstances and situations are gonna come to you that are going to be matching what you want getting rid of all the limiting belief and thought patterns that keep it that keep you attracting situations you don’t want it’s Jake’s hypnosis calm right there down below hit the subscribe button in the Bella notification comment down below comment down below I am worthy of every single thing that I desire comment down below I am worthy of every single thing that I desire have a beautiful day I’ll see you on the next video.
In this video, we discuss #1 Shocking Yet Unexpected Sign What You Want Is On Its Way!! (Law of Attraction). This is Law of attraction explained in a simple manner so you can easily apply it to your everyday life.
There are certain tricks to knowing the signs that what you want is on its way with the law of attraction.
Most people struggle with the law of attraction because they’ve never properly understood how they work.
And most people struggle with money because they do not understand what manifesting and attracting is, and because their relationship with the law of attraction is poor.
In this video, you’ll learn how to use the law of attraction easily to know the signs if what you want to manifest and attract is coming and on its way!
The first step is to understand that you’re always using affirmations. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously.
We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life.
You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it. It’s a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system.
This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality.
AMAZING ✅ Powerful Law of Attraction Technique – Use This When You Are Unable To Believe