A lot of people think about how to get rich. Then, they develop a thought pattern that they cannot make it a reality. Here's how to avoid this.
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Attract HUGE Amounts of Money Instantly!! Money Affirmations Meditation
In this video I share with you a money affirmation and money spell chant that my wife started using that worked like magic money. Money is just energy, just like everything else. She went from broke to attracting huge amounts of money. So today I wanted to share with you what I believe is one of the most powerful money prayer, or money spell, or money affirmations that you can possibly use.
Most people looked at money negatively. They think that the world is happening against them. So they believe they are not good enough for money. They are not deserving for money. So they cast negative money spells and negative money affirmations that actually block them from attracting huge amounts of money.
You can attract money to you, just like you can attract anything else. In fact, money is one of the easiest things to attract because it’s something you can actually measure. What I mean by that is you can actually measure money, so you know if your money spell chants, money affirmations, and law of attraction money techniques are working or not.
This is a great money mantra, not only because it’s simple, but because it’s helping to reform you perception about reality. Most people think that the world is conspiring against them. What my wife says is that life is happening FOR You.. What she means is that the universe wants you to have money, it wants you to get rich, it wants you to be free, and happy.
But in order to attract money, you have to use the correct money affirmation and money spell, so you program your subconscious to call the money into your life.