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Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself – #1 Best Ideas – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself – #1 Best Ideas – Dr. Joe Dispenza
#DrJoeDispenza #BreakingTheHabitOfBeingYourself #JoeDispenza
Breaking the habit of being yourself by dr. Joe Dispenza. This is becoming one of the most pronounced books on new neuroscience, on law of attraction, on manifestation, on healing, mind, body, soul on creating the life that you want. And it’s one of my favorite books. I recently just re-read it because my wife is pregnant. And so I’m reading all these different books on baby brains and neuroscience, as it pertains to the development of a baby’s brain. And I’m like, this is exactly what dr. Joe Dispenza has been talking about. So just rewrite it. And I wanted to break down in a few part video series, some of the biggest ideas that have absolutely changed my life and that you can use in order to manifest the life that you want. So breaking the habit of being yourself by dr. Jonah spends his top ideas that can change your life. Let’s dive right into this video. And if you enjoy the book, make sure you hit the like button on this side or on this side right over there. And let’s start right into it.
Number one is demystifying Einstein. That was one of the things that really was so eye-opening to me. So in breaking the habit of being yourself, dr. Jonah spins, it goes through kind of the, the evolution of worldviews as it pertains to physics and the nature of reality. So we used to believe, and we kind of still do unfortunately, a Newtonian model of the world, a Cartesian model of the world. And this was one in which the Newtonian model was basically that matter is everything that the physical universe is. Everything in energy is kind of this unexplainable side phenomena of matter. So it made the world out to be this very, uh, cause and effect world in that matter was always the cause of everything and energy was this unexplainable phenomena that was a side product of it, right? But then Albert Einstein comes along and he is like, E equals MC squared.
And basically what that showed us was that energy and matter were one in the same that essentially they were so fundamentally interlinked that they are the same thing. So what’s an example of matter. This would be an example of matter, right? This wall, hello, anyone there? So that wall is 99.9 percent empty space. We now know all that wall really is, is just energy. It’s energy, vibrating at such a quick speed. It’s essentially vibrating at the speed of light. And at this electromagnetic frequency level, it appears solid to our eyes, which have been conditioned to believe that this is a solid world, but what Albert Einstein showed us is that actually we live in a world of energy. We live in an ocean of motion where my body and anything that you want, any potential reality that you want is simply energy as well.
And so at the corporate Albert Einstein was really like the greatest mystical thinker ever. So the second thing that I found incredibly life changing is align with what Albert Einstein and what we just discussed, which is what Dr Joe talks about. It calls the quantum you. So the quantum you is really that you are the you’re the greatest experiment in quantum physics. So we now are aware of the observer effect, which was basically telling us that everything in this physical universe is entirely made up of energy. So basically the quantum you is based off of the observer effect, which when scientists were going to look at the nature of reality, we thought the reality was composed of something called atoms, right? Well, come to find out that an atom is 99.9 percent empty space. It doesn’t make much sense, right? It’s really weird. So your hand is made up of atoms, the car you want the house, you want your, uh, chair you’re sitting on, it’s all made up of atoms 99.9 percent empty space. And then we find out there’s things even smaller than atoms are called subatomic particles, right? So scientists are looking at these atomic particles and they go, this is weird. And they find out that the subatomic particles sometimes are particles. They’re sometimes here in reality, in, in the most minute amount. And sometimes there are waves.


Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself - #1 Best Ideas - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself - #1 Best Ideas - Dr. Joe Dispenza

This is one of the most pronounced books on neuroscience, law of attraction, on manifestation, on healing, mind, body, soul on creating the life that you want.

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