What if I were to tell you that you could change your thoughts about money and actually change the amount of money coming into your life?
I know that that sounds like a crazy concept. Your thoughts fundamentally create your success in life. Oprah, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, will Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jay Z, Connor McGregor, they all say this to be true. Shakespeare and so many other leaders say the same.
You become what you think about all day long. This specifically affects your financial life. How you think about money, fundamentally controls the amount of money that you earn. And in this video, I’m going to share with you three quick and easy ways to change your thoughts about money so that you can attract more of it in your life. You don’t have to work harder for it. You have to change your subconscious thoughts.
Step number one is money has ears and it hears when you call. I know that this sounds absurd, but I want you to think of it like a romantic relationship. Not in the way that you’re going to go to bed with your money. But think about it like this. If you said the things that you thought about money to a romantic partner and you told them that they were the root of all evil, what would they think?
If you told them that you were happier without them, if you told them that you wished you didn’t live in a world where you had to deal with them, if you told them that you weren’t good enough, you weren’t smart enough for them.If you just replaced money with their name, how long would they stick around?
change your thoughts about money
Not very long. They would leave you very quick yet. This is what almost everybody does. They actively work hard for money. They spend 40 hours of their week working for it. Yet, the thing that controls most of their life, according to psychologists, 95 percent of your life is subconscious. 95 percent of your life is habitual thought patterns. Those habitual thought patterns control 95 percent of the outcomes in your life. Meaning 95 percent of the financial results that you get is controlled by subconscious thought patterns. It’s amazing when you finally figure it out.
Because what it means is you can finally get in the driver’s seat on your life financially. You may be thinking, “My whole life I’ve worked my butt off and I’m not making the financial progress that I want. Might that mean that I’m on the wrong roadmap?” Yes, because it doesn’t matter how hard you work. If you don’t change what you think about something you’re never going to change your relationship with it. And you’re never going to change the message that you were sending to your subconscious mind, that message to your subconscious mind controls 95 percent of your life.
Napoleon Hill said, “if you think hard work and honesty alone brings riches, perish that thought immediately. Riches, when they come, they come in such vast quantities, that one wonders where were those things hiding all those lean years? Ask yourself, what type of thoughts would I have that with somebody with money? If I wasn’t somebody wishing for it, if I was somebody with it, how would my thoughts be? What if you started to eliminate all the limiting thoughts of “I’m not good enough or smart enough”?
change your thoughts about money
So ask yourself, are you inviting it into your life? Money has ears and it hears when you call! It’s time to start really figuring out those subconscious thoughts that are holding you back and replacing them with ones that will raise your frequency and bring more abundance to you.