So, let me ask you doctor. So when, when I think about all of this, right, so there’s, and I talk about on the shadows, there’s one mind in the universe, there’s really only one universal energy. Um, and there’s different frequencies of that consciousness or different vibratory rates of it. So really a, uh, extra terrestrial from the Andromeda galaxy is really, I’m actually one with it. It really isn’t an extra terrestrial. It’s really just a different frequency level of that universal energy. So, because we’re all hooked up to this universal consciousness, this is how the power of intention and the power of consciousness comes into play with your ability to contact them and thus have sightings.
Exactly, because that was the experience I had was the experience of the universality of consciousness, which medially. It was quite clear to me that, you know, there’s the saying in the betas, all of this is that meaning all that exists in the cosmos is this consciousness field resonating in phasing as a star system or a photon or your body or me, your individual soul, or mine, the wall behind you, it’s all awake. And now that sounds very crazy until you have experience until you have the experience where you see it, but then what’s cool is that science recently has reached the point where they’re proving, this is true. And we go through this in this documentary close encounters of the fifth time where we show the science of consciousness is sort of quick trip through the fact that, you know, plants can interface with consciousness, um, you know, random number generators that are quantum flux generators that spit out zeroes and ones. You can put your awareness on it, just your intention and ship it. The more ones and zeros you can do all kinds of things remotely in consciousness that have been proven now, scientifically. And of course, this is the stepchild of science because it runs against the grain of reductionism where everything is just broken into parts and parts and parts
in a very Newtonian model of physics where we’re really looking at it. Like everything is solid matter. And you know, energy is this unexplainable, magical phenomena side effect of it. So my audience grasp all this, right? This is what we talk about, but we talk about it, I guess, from a more, a third dimensional perspective in that if you know all this and that consciousness is everything, you could actually use it to, uh, to create reality, to materialize and manifest things in your life. And now you’re saying the same thing is how we advance the human civilization and make contact and things like that. Right,
right. Because this is one of the things that has been called the 1 percent effect. I want to talk about this for a minute. This is why it’s so important. You know, we, we go through this and the documentary that they’ve done studies in quantum physics, for example, with, um, what’s called super fluidity and helium. So let’s say you have a container of helium. You cool it down to absolute zero. And as you get it colder and colder, you begin to get coherence of the atoms, the helium atoms. Um, and when you reach about 1 percent of the helium atoms that become coherently aligned, the entire container goes, bang like a magic. It goes from this very [inaudible] boiling sort of container of chaotic energy. Pretty much describes the earth now to this coherent, very coherent, peaceful, almost magical field of what’s called super fluidity and helium, but it doesn’t take 51 percent.
This is not an election. It’s 1 percent. So, so what’s interesting is that they did a similar study with meditators consciousness and they would say, okay, there’s a town of 20,000 people. Let’s go in there with 200 meditators for a week and have them be meditating and be coherent when they did that. Crime rates fail, ER, visits, fail, uh, fell down, were lower, all kinds of violent activity stopped. Uh, and there was this increased coherence, even though the rest of the town that know those people were in town, they didn’t know they were there at all. So there’s this morphogenic field it’s called there’s this field effect from consciousness that is affected. But it seems to be very powerful at around that 1 percent. So what I’m trying to do is to get 1 percent of the population. So in America say that’d be 3.3 million people to be doing root meditations, but with the intent of creating universal peace.