A lot of people think about how to get rich. Then, they develop a thought pattern that they cannot make it a reality. Here's how to avoid this.
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Can you use your morning routine for the law of attraction in order to manifest whatever you want? In this video I break down a very quick morning ritual you can use for how to manifest what you want quicker and faster.
In this video we talk about morning routine for the law of attraction. Quite a few years ago, I took out a piece of paper and I wrote down what I wanted. I did in the “present tense” and I really wrote down my true dreams and desires. I put it on the wall and I read it out loud every single morning and night. I read it out loud so that my brain could start to get used to the images and desires that I intended to manifest in my life. I am so thankful that I was able to do this simple law of attraction technique, but I had no idea that doing something so easy, would get so many results for me. I truly believe if you only have 30 seconds, you can get incredible results in your morning routines.