Do This To MANIFEST What YOU Want INSTANTLY | The Law of Attraction
How can you manifest what you want faster. Start to get your consciousness focused on all the possibilities and great things that can happen in life.
In this video we talk about “Do This To Manifest What You Want INSTANTLY | The Law of Attraction. Today the subject is how to force the subconscious mind to manifest what you want faster (law of attraction)
You can manifest what you want faster. But that is not what most people are thinking about. Most people are thinking about the law of attraction and they are asking the Universe if the law of attraction works, and if they can manifest what you want at all. Do not ask that question: Instead ask: “How can I master what I want faster?
How can you manifest what you want faster is the question that makes the universe manifest what you want instantly, because you start to get your consciousness focused on all the possibilities and great things that can happen in life.
You are good enough. You are smart enough. Your dreams are possible.
It’s about learning how to manifest what you want and how to manifest what you want faster using the law of attraction.
Most people are focused on what might not go right. They are focused on the wrong thing. Start believing in the law of attraction and the secret so that you can manifest your goals faster!
The law of attraction does work. I know you can manifest what you want instantly. I have seen so many amazing law of attraction success stories on how to manifest what you want faster. I know it is possible…
So just sitting here watching the beautiful view from my living room out here in the Hawaiian islands, and I was thinking about, okay, what in my life changed? So I used to be struggling so bad that my now wife was in debt. Everything, just buying groceries, stress me out. I nothing was working and I was working really, really hard all the time. And people around me were saying, you know, maybe you should give up and I didn’t want to give up. I really wanted this thing and I’m sure you can relate to that. And you know, I looked around at my life and things weren’t working so I was kind of getting desperate. So I had all my, all my uh, my, my, like I had my hands in a bunch of different baskets. I had, I was trying to do like network marketing and I was trying to do this thing and I was trying to do, I had like eight different ways I was trying to scrape by and get things going.
And I realize now that what I was doing actually was that I didn’t think any one thing was going to work out. So I tried to do a bunch of things. My motivation wasn’t, you know, they say that that millionaires have many sources of income. Absolutely. And, and one more trying to make things happen. It’s, it’s important that we have our hands in the baskets necessary to provide for ourselves and our family. But when you think of the law of attraction and it says that like energy attracts like energy. And then I reflect on my life. I was so used to things not working out in my life that I assumed that they weren’t going to work the way that I wanted. So I tried to do everything.
I tried to do everything. I was trying to get funding for documentaries. I had an ad and I was trying to do a multilevel marketing. I was trying to do everything just to try to pay my rent comfortably. And what I really was saying to myself is, I don’t believe it’s possible to do what I really want. Therefore I need to do everything and what I really wanted and I was doing, I was trying to do college speaking, high school, speaking, corporate speaking. I was trying to do everything. I was like, oh, build a podcast. I’ll do this, I’ll do that. And I was finally like, what do I actually want? I wanted to make youtube videos and build online courses for people could study from their home on how to achieve their highest potential from the comfort of their home anywhere in the world. And I wanted to make videos. That’s what I wanted to do. So I deleted and erase everything else from my life and I focused only on one thing. Making youtube videos is the only thing I started focusing on and my life started changing
In this video we talk about a few things…
* how to manifest what you want
* how to manifest what you want faster
* how to manifest what you want instantly
* how to use the law of attraction to manifest what you want
Do This To MANIFEST What YOU Want FASTER | The Law of Attraction