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In this video we talk about how to manifest what you wantlaw of attraction. The Law of attraction manifest what you want is something we are all wondering about how to manifest what you want in life. In this video I talk about having positive energy for the day, either to start your day, or if you are going to sleep, this is energy to take with you to program into your subconscious so you can manifest what you want.
Do This To Manifest What You Want In Life In Life | The Law of Attraction
Do This To Manifest What You Want In Life | The Law of Attraction
Jake Ducey talks about positive energy for the day. To start your day, or if you are going to sleep, use this energy to program your subconscious to manifest.
Within the Pyramids, are depictions of The Eye of Horus, opening your 3rd eye, & the pineal gland the bridge to the afterlife, according to Ancient Egypt.
July 12, 2019 @ 9:45 pm
I will attract great things now.