Do This To MASTER Your SUBCONSCIOUS And Manifest Faster!!
How to master your subconscious mind in manifest faster. You didn’t stump on this video by accident. The world has programmed your subconscious mind and when you learn how to master it, you can actually use it to manifest anything that you want in life.
So in order to mass your subconscious mind, obviously we got to know what is the subconscious mind. And basically the word sub means below, so below conscious. And there’s a tendency to think of the mind in a very esoteric kind of way. But when you look at it like this sub means below, psychologists say 95% of your life is subconscious. And don’t worry, you might be like, wow, this is going to be a lot of information. No, no, no. This is all going to tie back into how you can attract more money quickly, how you can attract love quickly, how you can attract new opportunities and bring these things into your life quicker and faster and easier. But before we get there, we have to understand what the subconscious mind is. And how it pertains to you creating the things that you want out of life quicker, faster, easier, and more efficiently.
So sub means below, so it’s below conscious psychologist. Say 95% of our life is subconscious. So comment that down below sub equals below. Comment that down sub equals below to make sure that really wraps into the subconscious is that sub equals below. So it’s below conscious. 95% of our life, of your life, of my life is subconscious. So what happens is we’re what neuroscience tells us that every time that you have a thought or an emotion, you fire nerve cells. There’s a term of neuroscience called hubs law. This is that brain cells that fire together wire together. So what’s happened is over the course of your life, you, you formed your neuro circuitry in your brain, your brain, essentially your brain has been chemically condition to operate in a certain way. It’s wired into your brain, your reality, your personality, how you generally feel your relationship with money, love, happiness, what you can and can’t attract into your life.
t’s wired into your brain. So when you generally think of the word mind, you think of a more esoteric term. But when you look at the science behind it, Ma, the subconscious mind, the body has really become your subconscious mind because over time your body has in your brain has started to memorize a certain reality. So we’ve been programmed by everybody outside of us. We’ve been programmed for negative financial success. We’ve programmed to believe we aren’t good enough, smart enough, we’re unworthy of love. You know, life’s a bit c h then you die like we’ve been, we, we learned all of these ideologies. And what happens is they wire into your brain. So your subconscious mind and your body starts memorizing the feelings of not having enough money. It’s wired into your brain. You, you’re, you’re used to for so long, seeing 50% of people get divorced. We’re used to so long believing that you know, you can’t attract love because of that. It’s wired into your brain. So the subconscious mind literally is the way your, your brain has been wired to operate.
So I like to think of it like you’re building a house, right? And, and you know, if you go into the room and you flip the switch in in the master bedroom, the lights are going to come on in the master bedroom. Why? Because the electrician wired the electricity in that room. Let’s say they haven’t done the twin bedroom yet. So you flip the switch and the twin bed and you say, well, why haven’t the lights come on? Well, it hasn’t been wired in that room. Did you say, why hasn’t the money come yet? Your brain hasn’t been wired for it. You’re flipping the switch right now and, and, and poverty’s coming on. You’re flipping the switch and a negative association. You flipped the switch and, and, and, and you say, why hasn’t my love come yet? Why has my soulmate, my dream job, my dream opportunity?
It’s because we haven’t wired the brain properly. And in order to master it, that’s the fundamental understanding that we have to have. The old brain is the first mind. The new one is the second mind. That’s my software. It’s the second you can demo it for free. It’s a software design to start retraining your brain for a new fundamental reality for the real opportunities and future that you have in your life. So all of that being so your conscious mind is the seat of your desires. You say, I would really like this. I would really like more money. I would really like my soulmate. I would really like this thing, but that’s only responsible for 5% of your life.
Do This To MASTER Your SUBCONSCIOUS And Manifest Faster!! (Law of Attraction 2019 NEW)