A lot of people think about how to get rich. Then, they develop a thought pattern that they cannot make it a reality. Here's how to avoid this.
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Activating your pineal gland and opening your third eye can be a profound experience, because you often get a lot of insight and guidance in your life. In today’s video I will actually give you a guided meditation to open your third eye. This is a guided meditation, so please make sure you do not try while you’re driving or moving. If you use this guided meditation everyday for the next 21 days, you will begin to activate your pineal gland and your third eye will open much easier. When this happens, your third eye will become a spiritual center for you to receive guidance, insight, and intuition. Often times you will see vision, images, and colors. The third eye is the most powerful guided meditation to activate your third eye and begin this process.
Guided Meditation to Activate Your Pineal Gland and Open Your Third Eye [INSTANT RESULTS!!]
We talk about.
1.) how to open your third eye and activate your pineal gland
2.) guided meditation
3.) what your third eye is and why it is often closed.