HIDDEN BIBLE PRAYER Technique To Manifest WHATEVER You Want (Law of Attraction)
In this video I talk about hidden prayer technique and hidden teachings of the bible. Praying is not what we think it is. And the law of attraction is not what we think it is. But when you learn how to take the teachings from the bible, you can actually learn a lot about consciousness, and use it to manifest whatever you want from prayer.
So today we discuss this…
This Hidden Bible Teaching Explains How To Manifest Anything You Want | The Law of Attraction
This video is on the SECRET JESUS TEACHING Of The Bible Explaining Consciousness And The Law of Attraction.
In this video we discuss the bible teachings in a new way that explain consciousness and the law of attraction.
To the person that has, more will be given. In Law of Attraction terms, that’s about being in abundance, even if your physical world tells you otherwise.
And when you are in fear or scarcity, you will continue to attract undesirable situations. Because when you don’t have, as the bible says, even what you have will be taken. This means that when you are in a vibration or energy of lack and not enough, then you will attract even more of that low energy.
This prayer technique was kept hidden throughout all of human history in religions and institutions to keep you from connecting with God or the universe in order to harness that power to attract anything that you want and live in your highest potential. They didn’t tell you how to use this and that’s because if you knew it was going to be way harder for you to be controlled and for us to be controlled.. Use this knowledge in prayer wisely. Let’s dive right into it. Here’s what most people think of God. Hey God, can you please do this for me? Can you please have some money? Show up to help me get my house or pay my mortgage, or please God. Could you fix me? They like thing. God is a vending machine in the sky that they need to beg forth to fix their life. Stop thinking of God. Stop thinking of the universe and stop thinking of the creative force of our world in an intellectual way. Most people have been conditioned to think of it in an intellectual way, so they’re trying to talk at it and plead with it to get the things that they want.
The real way to pray is to talk with your God is to talk with the universe. In fact, just before this video, here’s how I pray, something like this. Thank you God and Dear God, I am so grateful now that the, the creative force of the universe speaks through me and that I’m able to touch the lives and hearts and spirits of people and connect them to their true power in the creative force of the universe. I’m grateful to be an instrument for your love, for Your glory, for your beauty, and I’m grateful that the spirit of God is allowed to be touched in my viewers and my listeners and I get to be an instrument for you in that, and I’m grateful that you’re speaking through me and allowing me to inspire millions of people every single month. Amen? I’m coming to God as a cocreator. I’m coming to God saying, look, I don’t want anything from you….