HIDDEN MIND POWERS and How to Use Them | Easily Manifest Anything | Law of Attraction
In this video we discuss…
* Hidden mind powers
* hidden mind powers and how to use them
* mind power
* easily manifest anything
* how to easily manifest anything
* how to use the law of attraction to manifest anything
* the law of attraction
* Law of attraction
* How to easily manifest what you want
Spirit always manifests itself perfectly. You know, I had a lot of doubts about that. I was 19 years old. I dropped out of college. I wrote my first book. I was following my heart as it said in The Economist when you follow your dreams, the whole universe conspires for you. So I said, all right, I’m going to use my life as an experiment and I’m going to see what happens. So I went for it. I wrote this book, everyone said it was a bad idea. Oh my head. All my friends that I was crazy. Everyone said I wouldn’t be successful. I was, I was a college dropout and failed junior English class in high school and I only got into college because that was a first team, all San Diego basketball player and it was good at basketball. So the athletic department was able to get me into the school and I was starting to think maybe I actually wasn’t good enough. I was starting to believe what other people were saying and then I got denied by my dream publishing company, which was extremely heartbreaking. Mine tight. When I started the journey I was like, I want to be published by this company. And then they denied me and I started to think, well, maybe spirit doesn’t manifest itself perfectly. Maybe you can relate to that.
You’ve been waiting for your soulmate to show up. It’s still hasn’t happened. You’ve been telling yourself, just be patient and you’ve been waiting but hasn’t happened.
you’ve been waiting for your big financial break. You’ve been waiting for that right opportunity to show itself for the resources to come for the rest of the people to show up for God, to show itself as a, as a masterpiece that supports in your life for that health issue to turn around for, for, for that, for that big sign to show itself so you knew what to do next. You’ve been waiting and it still hasn’t happened. I understand that
it wasn’t my dream to self publish the book, but I had to self publish it after no publishers would publish me and I realized that the universe is asking one question, who are you willing to become? Who are you willing to become? Comment down below, right there, down below. See, spirit always manifests itself perfectly. Calming that down below spirit always manifests itself perfectly. So I didn’t have any other option. After I was done, I had to self publish a book and and I realized in the process that spirit does always benefits itself perfectly and my dream was asking me who am I willing to become an out of that process. I actually had to learn how to print, how to print books, work with printing companies. I had to learn how to do my own PR, my own media. I was, I, I got myself on local TV stations pitching television, pitching radio. I finally got some big breaks and I landed myself on coast to coast am with George Noria, which has millions of listeners on, on late night show. Eventually dominoes started falling in place and then out of nowhere I got a Tedx talk opportunity. Things started unfolding in the middle of the night is that a lady was, was
not able to sleep, so she turned her radio on to try to hear some noise that would allow her to be able to go back to bed. Right. She wanted to play something and then fall back to bed. And I was on coast to coast am with George Nori at like one in the morning, Pacific time talking for you know, an hour and a half about my buck. And she was like, this is interesting. Since you wrote my name down and I ended up getting my first major multinational corporation speaking Gig, a motivational speech opportunity, paid speech. And it’s all these things started unfolding, but it was on the path I didn’t think I was supposed to be on.
And you may feel like,
got out. There is a universe out there to support me. It doesn’t seem like it’s working. And just on the other side, you realize there’s a destiny. There’s a plan far greater than you could possibly imagine, but you must get your consciousness fixated on the perfection of the universe. The perfection of the universe allows the earth to spin at the perfect distance, away from the sun for you to start from a tiny protoplasm and for you to have all the information and divine intelligence that would eventually be your eyes, right? Like inside this protoplasm. I was supposed to have blue eyes. I was supposed to have this color scan.