CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and one of the most overlooked, most powerful lessons in the bible.This is about how to live a more fulfilling and enlightening life.
In this video we discuss CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and what I believe to be one of the most overlooked but most powerful lessons in the whole bible.
To me this is the hidden teachings. This is about seeing yourself as an extension of the divine god energy and harnessing christ consciousness you can live a more fulfilling and enlightening life.
In this video we discuss the bible teachings in a new way that explain consciousness and the law of attraction.
To the person that has, more will be given. In Law of Attraction terms, that’s about being in abundance, even if your physical world tells you otherwise.
And when you are in fear or scarcity, you will continue to attract undesirable situations. Because when you don’t have, as the bible says, even what you have will be taken. This means that when you are in a vibration or energy of lack and not enough, then you will attract even more of that low energy.
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