This is my number one law of attraction dating secret. You need to stop chasing love. You need to stop chasing relationships. You need to stop chasing people that you want to attract into your life. This thing I’m about to show you is the greatest dating hack the entire world and landed me my soulmate and we just had our first beautiful baby girl, together.
We are conditioned in our world to believe that you need to be with someone. So we spend the majority of our waking hours going on dates, finding dates, trying to think about what it would be like if we found our soulmate in a relationship.
So much of our free time is occupied either mentally or physically with either going on dates, being with someone, trying to be with someone or looking for someone to be with. And the problem with this is that on a subconscious level, you are not desirable when you are chasing something or somebody, everybody picks messages up subliminally on a subconscious level.
I know you felt it before, right? When somebody walks into a room and you can just feel their super bad vibes before a word comes out of their mouth. Or on the contrary, you could just feel someone’s super positive, beautiful, awesome, amazing, good vibes. And they haven’t said a word yet. You can just pick up their vibration. That’s the sixth sense. That’s subconscious perception or subconscious extra sensory perception when you’re picking something up.
So when you are chasing something or somebody other people can pick it up subconsciously and they are unaware of it but that’s a big reason they find you less attractive. This law of attraction dating secret is so crucial to understand. And it doesn’t need to be that you are specifically chasing one individual. It might just be that you really want a relationship. You want to manifest love. You want your soulmate. You want a husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, or you just want casual romance.
If you are consumed with wanting it, you are sending off a message that is making you unattractive to other people. So this is what happened to me. I really wanted a relationship. I got to a point in my life where I really wanted one. I finally attracted somebody and I was stoked. I really liked them. I found them really awesome. That relationship ended up falling apart, broke my heart for a little while.
They left for another man. I didn’t realize til afterwards, the reason that relationship was ruined was because I needed it to work so bad that I was very attached to it. My needy energy manifested in a lot of different ways. One of the biggest ways was she stopped finding me attractive as I got more and more attached. I didn’t really realize that until it hit me like a ton of bricks afterwards.
I got clarity and insight when I finally stopped moping around about how it didn’t work out. The universe was speaking to me one night. It said, you need to forget about trying to find a girlfriend. So if that’s you, you have to forget about it. You have to forget about it and say to yourself, “I’m going to be happy no matter what”.
I was trying so hard for this relationship that I was in with this woman to fill voids in my life. I couldn’t say I had accomplished my goals. If I died that day, I wouldn’t feel fullfilled. Because I couldn’t say if I die tomorrow I’m content. There was a void, an emptiness on a deep level that I couldn’t consciously pick up. This is how almost everybody dates. It’s called a recyclable relationship. A recyclable relationship. But if we don’t figure it out inside our hearts and minds, you try to find it out there, but you can’t find it out there.
The key to this law of attraction dating secret and transcending the recycled relationship is very simple and it comes down to clearly knowing what you want out of life and relentlessly pursuing it. Think about how few people actually have that. There are very few people. Think about this. If Ashley and I weren’t together and I had to start dating again, I would end up turning down so many women because too many people don’t have a clear sense of their goals, direction, and purpose.
They couldn’t offer me what I wanted out of a woman. That sense of confidence and knowing of what you want out of life, it delivers a safeness to the other person. So when Ashley met me and I had went through a couple of years of spending all my hours focusing on myself, my health, my exercise, and my business. I felt so excited to wake up. I felt like I didn’t need somebody. I was no longer looking to date somebody.
The way I met Ashley was through a friend who called me out of the blue and said, “Hey, I have a girl I think you need to meet.” I ended up meeting her and it was this amazing connection. She had never met a man with such certainty and confidence about what they want their life to look like. It made me feel so proud of myself and in turn, I was extremely attracted to Ashley for all she had to offer, too.
When something is meant to be they are attracted to you, you’re attracted to them, but you still recognize the number one most important thing is you and own happiness. And then boom, it’s game over. You become irresistible. So I invite you to start there with a couple simple questions. What do I need to do that I don’t do? What are the things that I should do that I neglect to do? Jim Rohn said it best, “what’s easy to do is easy not to do”. Is it exercise? Is it eating differently? Is it taking your finances more seriously and getting out of debt? Is it starting that side business? Is it increasing your income? Is it moving to that one place?
The second thing to start to look at is “what are my goals”? I should clarify them and I should write them down on a piece of paper and tape them on my wall. Then number three, assume you are not going to meet the perfect person and you need to rely totally on yourself to be 100 percent happy, whole, and complete. What would you do and how would your life look? And if you focus on those three things, you will meet the perfect person unexpectedly and they’ll chase you.
law of attraction dating secret
You won’t need to learn all these techniques and all these things. It’ll just exude from you naturally, just like when there’s an aquifer in the ground and you stick a pipe in the ground and the water shoots up. That’s what’s going to happen. It’s just going to exude out of you as charisma. It’s going to exude out of you as confidence, a certainty, as making other people feel safe and intrigued, And they will chase you.