If you’re wondering How to MANIFEST A Text INSTANTLY From A SPECIFIC Person by using the Law of Attraction, you will love this video.
#Manifest #LOA #ManifestAText
So I just got off the phone with one of my mentors that is a difficult person to get in contact with busy man. And I did this technique last night that I was telling you about, and then very close with him for six or seven years. And I hadn’t talked to him much in about a year. I’d reached out a couple of times and I hadn’t heard anything from him. It didn’t take it personal busy guy, but I did this technique. This basically, it’s a, it’s a technique for telepathy, how to send a telepathic message, to get a text message from someone. And I just did this and I just got off an hour long phone call with them 12 hours after I did this. So in this video, I’m going to share with you how to get, or, or manifest a text message or attract a specific person. So this is Jake Ducey. Now, when you know this, It really changes your whole life. So let’s dive right into this video. So you hear some guy making a video, talking about how to manifest a text message from a specific person, how to attract a specific person into your life. And you think maybe really cool or that it’s total full, already ridiculous nonsense. And the very first thing to understand is that there’s only one energy here.
Is energy moving so quickly that it appears to be solid. So what is my body? My body is just a massive of energy. It’s it becomes mass or the appearance of mass because it’s energy vibrating at such a quick frequency that it’s so dense in its vibratory frequency that it appears to be a solid object. It is not a solid object. So think about the person that you want to attract into your life. Think about the person that you want to manifest a text message from
Stop thinking about them like a person. Well, think about it. All it is is a frequency. What is my phone number? Eight five eight four, two eight, 9 million. Whatever. What is that? It’s a, it’s a frequency. That’s all it is. That’s all it is. And guess what else? It’s a frequency that you can tune into with your phone and instantly dilate. You can penetrate all time and space instantaneously. Talk about an instant manifestation. Using a cell phone is an instant manifests manifestation, but stop thinking about a cell phone. Like it’s a telephone. What a cell phone is, is a dialer and receiver of frequencies. What is your phone number? It’s a vibratory rate. It’s a frequency pattern. It’s a store of information at a certain frequency pattern. That’s all it is. It’s not a plastic object made by Apple. That’s not what it is. It’s a frequency pattern. That’s all it is. So if you could get on the frequency of the individual, you will attract that individual into your life in person bumping into them at aisle seven or the grocery store on a text message or on a phone call, the medium doesn’t matter. The medium is irrelevant. It’s the frequency that matters because that’s all a phone is.
If everything is energy and your energy in a phone is simply a dialer and receiver of a frequency bandwidth that your phone number is simply a frequency. That’s all. It is a phone number. Isn’t a string of numbers. It’s a frequency pattern that your phone is designed to tune into. And if you press send instantaneously, whether you’re in quality and bar or you’re in, um, Africa, or you’re in San Diego, California, instantly instant manifestation. So what are thoughts? Thoughts are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space. See Albert Einstein knew this from the beginning time and space. It’s an illusion. There is no such thing as time and space. All the energy that ever was and ever will be all the possibilities. It already exists is happening simultaneously at different frequencies, but your eyes and ears, your senses, your brain is only tuned to pick up certain frequencies so you can bring something, something, or somebody in your life instantly. How could you not?
This video is about How to MANIFEST A Text INSTANTLY From A SPECIFIC Person | Law of Attraction (Works Like MAGIC!)