You can talk to the universe. You can manifest what you want now. I’m going to share with you exactly how to talk to the universe so that you can manifest what you want in life and you can start to receive signs and blessings from the universe a lot quicker by learning how to communicate with it in three simple and easy steps.
The quickest way to communicate through the universe is gratitude. I know that that sounds a little odd, but in other words, prayer is how you communicate with the universe. But the problem is nobody knows how to pray. Nobody knows how to do it. We’re all doing it in this way where we’re pleading and begging God to give us stuff.
We act like it’s this giant vending machine in the sky that we must beg to in order to get things that we want in life. Well, if you look at the Bible or you look at traditional native American cultures, they have a similarity. In the Bible it says “to those that have more is given and to those that don’t have, even that which they have is taken away”. It’s not saying if you’re rich, you’re going to get more stuff. It’s saying, if you in consciousness possess what you want, you continue to get more of it. To those that have a poverty consciousness, a lack and limitation consciousness, they will continue to attract more of that.
If you have it in consciousness, then you’re going to get it. There’s dozens of different passages like that. But then you look at the native American culture and they have a similar pattern with prayer. In fact, they basically say to pray for rain you have to feel the feeling of rain in your life. Greg Bradden went to retreat with native Americans and they invited him to pray for rain.
They walked out a ways, remained quiet for a moment, turned to Greg and said, “ok we’re done”. He was so shocked because he expected a big prayer and ceremony. They shared that all they do is smell and see the rain thanking God for it already existing. manifest what you want now
Greg Bradden said, whoa, that’s like quantum physics! That’s a lot like the observer effect consciousness, where if you possess what you want in consciousness, we’ve seen that subatomic particles, the most minute structures of atoms, sometimes they’re invisible and sometimes they’re visible. We called that the observer effect in quantum physics, because observation, perception itself, was influencing the outer subatomic world.
Well, this is the same thing it’s saying in the Bible. To those that have more will be given and to those that don’t even which they do have will be taken away. So those that have more will be given is the same exact idea of possessing it in consciousness, which is the same idea that the native Americans illustrated.
You can go through many religions and old spiritual texts and find this same theme and lesson. So then the question is, can you feel the feelings of gratitude for what you want, even if it hasn’t happened yet in the physical reality?
If you can, then you hold the key to manifesting anything that you could ever want. So let’s move on to the next steps.
Now, the second way to talk to the universe is through faith backed action. What I mean by that is the universe speaks through feeling and dominant emotions. What that really is, is your energy in motion. The word emotion is energy in motion.
Your dominant emotions are your overall vibrational frequency that you’re broadcasting to the universe. Now what happens to a lot of people is they focus on the mental aspect of attracting what they want. They’re so focused on positive psychology in that they’re trying to think about what they want all the time, because they think that they just think about it then they’re going to get it.
But deep down, they feel so afraid of failing that they’re afraid to ever take action. They never go ask that person out. They never fully enter into a relationship because they’re afraid it might not work out because their dad cheated on their mom. For me, it was dropping out of college. It was deciding to write a book as a 20 year old when every publishing company said no. So I self published it and decided I was going to sell it out of the trunk of my car.
When you take action with faith, you are sending the signal to the universe on a very deep level that you’re ready for the next step. Life and all of its beauties will reveal itself to you when you first show up for it. How can you take faith based action towards it. When you do this, you set your dreams in motion. Nothing happens until something moves. We live in an infinite universe full of all possibilities. manifest what you want now
You can be anything that you want. You could have anything that you want. You can do anything that you want. Nearly anything is possible for you, but nothing happens until something moves. Everything is energy and energy attracts itself. Faith based action is the best way to talk to the universe.
The third and final way we’re going to discuss today is letting go of trying to control the universe. When you do, blessings far beyond what you can possibly comprehend. They begin to reveal themselves to you at once. A lot of times, we try to control the universe so much. “I have to get this job. I have to get this specific person. It has to be Billy. It has to be Jessica. I have to have this house. It has to be this car. Please! I want it!”
What happens is because our free will is so involved in the ultimate destiny of our reality that we’re using our free will to block a higher good that we can’t possibly comprehend in our limited senses, that there is a force in the universe that is friendly.
It is kind, it is loving. It is infinite nature. It is truly miraculous. And this miracle working presence of the universe is always available to you, but it will not reveal itself to you, unless you’re ready for it. We’re all souls and spiritual bodies here for our own journeys to experience our own pain, our own joy, our own suffering, our own freedom or our own challenges. So it’s saying “universe, I would like like this or something even better”. When you do this, you’re sending intention. But you aren’t limiting the innate ability of intention to actually return back to you, tenfold. The miracle of the universe is more powerful and more miraculous and more exciting than you could ever imagine. But you have to let go.