How To Talk To Your Subconscious Mind Using This Law of Attraction Secret
Today we talk about..
* How to talk to your subconscious mind
* how to talk to your subconscious
* how to reprogram your subconscious mind
* law of attraction coaching
* subconscious
* law of attraction
* How To Talk To Your Subconscious Mind Using This Law of Attraction Secret
Talk your subconscious mind using this law of attraction secret. And you can use this secret to communicate with your subconscious mind to the things that you want, whether it’s money, whether it’s love, whether it’s a new opportunity. If you can communicate with your subconscious mind using this law of attraction secret, you can speed up the manifestation process. It’s a beautiful day out here in the Hawaiian islands.
watching the ocean here today, wrong my patio. And we just had a quick brain dump for about 10 minutes and then the sun came back out. And I’m really excited to talk to you about this because when I was able to apply this into my life, I went from having zero youtube subscribers to over 400,000 manifesting my dream home, attracting my soul mate, and just like living a life that I feel so blessed to live. And so if I could do that, I’m really eager to see what you can create and manifest in your life using this technique. Let’s dive right into this video. This is Jake [inaudible] with Jake okay, so your subconscious mind doesn’t speak any language. You might speak Spanish, you might speak Portuguese, you might be narrow mic, you might speak English. It doesn’t matter. Your subconscious mind doesn’t speak that language. Your subconscious mind and the universe, how art speaks in frequency. And you might say, well, what is frequency? Frequency is is a rate of vibration. And what is vibration? Everything is energy. I am energy. The wall is energy. Money is energy.
Your Chair’s energy, that’s all it is. And it’s all moving at different speeds. We call that energy at different speeds, frequencies or rates of vibration. Now your subconscious mind is your emotional mind. What his emotions he motion. It’s your energy in motion. Now, stay with me here because if you learn how to do this, you can harness the power of your subconscious mind to attract money to attract loved would try anything that you want in your life, but it’s important. You understand the emotion is energy in motion, but what happens is we spend most of our time emotionally reacting to the outside world. For instance, I wanted to inspire millions of people on Youtube. I’m about to share with you how I use this in my life, but I want to inspire millions of people on Youtube. I wasn’t getting the progress that I wanted. Now, if I reacted to that, I could have been like, ah, Dang, and then I’m luck with feeling of hopelessness. Let’s say for instance you want to track money and it hasn’t happened yet, and then you started to think maybe you’re not good enough. You’re not smart enough to rich people have cornered the money. You want to attract your soulmate, but it hasn’t happened yet. Some have worked
out so then he’d get a feeling of helplessness. Despair. You feel like anger, resentment, and frustration, all natural emotions. But when we’re, when we get stuck in those patterns, we send that emotion. What does an emotion, it’s a frequency. We send that frequency to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s not real and what you want and what you do not want. It just reacts to your dominant emotion. So it gets program like that. And then it recreates the same reality over and over again. And people say, well, nothing’s changing. Everything. It’s changing. It’s just that you’re suggesting the same emotional pattern, your subconscious mind. So it’s creating the same thing. So let me show you a real life example of how to do that. But put, why’d you comment down below? Everything is energy. Comment down below everything is energy.
How To Talk To Your Subconscious Mind Using This Law of Attraction Secret