INSTANT MANIFESTATION – The Keys To Unlocking The Law of Attraction FAST
My intention is every day to deliver the best value I can deliver to you because I believe that there’s so much more to our potential.
all right it looks like I’m live all
right it looks like I’m live
if you can hear me I’ve never done a
live stream on YouTube before so if you
can hear me comment into the chat box
let me know something you’re grateful
for and we’ll just wait a couple minutes
make sure my audio is good to go
everyone can hear me and we will wait
and wait for people to get on them a
couple minutes early I didn’t know if it
was a gonna be a hard process or not so
I decided to come on early Wow look how
many people there are you guys Rock
awesome amazing today’s gonna be amazing
awesome it’s so nice to meet everyone
live this is amazing obviously all my
videos are pre-recorded so it’s
beautiful to meet you also hit the like
button on this video here hit the like
button to make sure this live stream
goes out to more people see if we could
get 10,000 people on today 10,000 people
in an incubator of positivity and see
the ripple effect in our lives with that
amazing so this if people enjoy this
I’ll probably start doing it if not
every week I’ll definitely do it a
couple times a month because I love it
it’s so cool to see everyone and and and
connect so if you’re just joining
comments and some of your grateful for
just gonna wait a minute or two cuz I
came on early I didn’t know if it’d be a
arduous process so apparently it wasn’t
so we’re still before start time right
now and I think you get a notification
when I go live so I’ll just wait until I
had it set for 7:55 a.m. Pacific time I
cannot believe how many people there are
right now this is amazing awesome so
yeah really excited I was just going
through my notes from last year you know
you probably heard me talk about the
brand Athan I’m gonna change my life for
forever and I was going through my notes
from last year and so I wanted to talk
today about rewiring the brain and I
wanted to talk today about using that to
attract the things into our life quicker
and I’m gonna share an amazing
story from my life and also from an
individual that’s on this that is part
of this YouTube community that follows
this YouTube channel I just actually
heard from him on on a message today and
it brought me to tears this morning and
and I think it’s really gonna inspire
you so if you have not yet though make
sure that you sign up for for the brand
Athan it’s free it’s on Saturday it
changed my life and and there should be
a link like attached on me on the video
here so if you go ahead and you sign up
for that it’s coming up on Saturday 9:00
a.m. so I’m really really excited every
year I bring my friends and my family
and now I’m telling you guys about it
and yeah change might change my life and
I’ve got a really awesome story I want
to share so yes gosh this is so awesome
I feel so happy right now everyone I
hope you’re smiling right now
and yeah this is gonna be amazing like
if you watch my videos every day first
of all I am so so so grateful for you
I’m so thankful for you I couldn’t be I
couldn’t feel more happy and I couldn’t
feel more happy and grateful to see this
many amazing human beings wherever
you’re coming from from all over the
world it just like fills me up with so
much joy so thank you so much I’m
honored and my intention with this
channel is every day to deliver the best
value I can deliver to you because I
believe that there’s so much more to our
potential and you know I’m inviting you
on this journey on this channel to tap
into that so without further ado we’ll
wait another couple seconds comment in
what you’re grateful for make sure you
like this video I think that’s what’s
gonna send it out to more people so
there should be a like and if you have
not yet go down below and sign up for
the brain athon it’s totally free there
is a program that they sell that I
bought that changed my life a few years
ago no one needs to use that but if you
do we’re giving away free coaching as
one of my programs we have coaching so
you’ll get monthly accountability and
group coaching if you join but the the
brain Nathon is absolutely 100% free and
that free is actually what changed my
life so yeah I’m really I’m really
excited for it
um yeah so link down below all right so
excited just think about how many things
are are to be grateful for
it’s amazing life is beautiful so
alright first of all I got to share with
you guys the most amazing story ever
first of all though everyone take a deep
breath and just let go of any stress you
can add this morning last night this
week right here this is the only moment
that matters right here in this moment
nothing nothing needs to come with you
stress from yesterday stress from this
right now we only exist in this moment
and in this moment our intention is to
raise our consciousness raise our energy
to feel good and to focus on the things
that we want so we can be a vehicle to
attract those things into our life and
yeah so let’s set that intention to take
a deep breath in feel the stress letting
go all those beautiful things and
comment down below
I intend to feel good I intend to feel
good I intend to feel good in this very
moment in this second right now I intend
to feel good and notice how your brain
responds that notice how your nervous
system responds to that when we intended
to feel good beautiful things start to
occur and it was about eight months ago
this is the most beautiful manifestation
story I’ve heard in so long it was about
eight months ago and it was by an
individual named Matt I’ll leave his
last name anonymous he’s a subscriber to
this YouTube channel and maybe hopefully
I can get him to share his story in one
of my videos and he purchased our we
have a $37 program and he purchased it
and then there’s a member’s area section
so people comment in their experience
with the program and I read his comment
and his comment said this is amazing I’m
going through a really tough time my
wife has very severe cancer and I’m
working all the time I’m a firefighter
captain and I’m trying to support us all
and he wrote all these things like that
about staying positive
and how to keep his wife upbeat and keep
her spirit I in such a tough time for
her and it really touched me the story
just really I was like wow that’s just
like amazing and so I went into our
software and I got a phone number and I
called it and he didn’t answer but I
left him a voicemail and I just said hey
I’m wishing you well and you know
sending you all my love and I wanted to
gift you with our second mine program
that’s like our big program and it’s a
thousand dollar program as free and I
gave it to this guy for free and I told
them to contact my support on the
voicemail to contact my support and I’d
give it slow now he was so excited so
many great things were happening for him
and then I hadn’t heard from him about
four months ago he got fired from his
job and when you get fired from a job
like that it’s very difficult to land
another one especially given that it’s
fired but it’s not like there’s just
tons of them all in the vicinity of your
home there’s a few counties and cities
and that’s about it so it was very
depressing very difficult they needed
the money obviously his wife was going
through this situation and it was very
rough he was doing all the right things
he was focused and he was doing his
affirmations his manifestations he was
doing all of these things that you might
be doing too and he got fired
and he actually because I called him so
he had my phone number so he texts me
and he said I got fired I don’t know
what to do like I’m not gonna be able to
get another one the only jobs he could
get were jobs that were a fraction of
what he earned and they weren’t captain
positions so his income was gonna drop
by over 50% I think and I said hey the
same thing that we talked about on this
channel I said hey you’ve got there’s
two things you can focus on what you
want or the absence of what you want so
everyone comment that down below
everything is really two things comment
that down below it’s so important
everything is really two things what you
want were the absence of what you want
when something bad happens it makes your
brain conditioned to focus on what you
do not want that was what was around him
no job loss of money what am I gonna do
lack of confidence because of that I
said everything is really two things and
and I you know shared some thoughts with
them and I haven’t heard from him in
four months and this morning I sleep
with my phone off so when I turn my
phone on in the morning I received a
text message from him that said that
it’s 2:50 a.m. and he’s on the night
shift he’s the guy that lost the hundred
seventy he’s the guy that lost a job and
guess what he landed a fire captain’s
job that’s gonna pay him more than that
previous job and everything worked out
beautifully it was his dream job
and I was like in tears I was the first
thing I saw in the morning when I woke
up in the most beautiful thing and so
what I want to share with you in today’s
webinar are livestream or whatever this
thing’s called
is I want to talk about how to condition
the mind and the brain for the reality
that you want his story is beautiful
before I get into the things that I’m
about to share with you I want to remind
you of one thing life isn’t here to
break you it’s not here to break you
it’s here to shape you into the person
that you’re destined to become it’s here
to shape you into your ultimate destiny
and for him it meant losing a fantastic
job that was paying them six fingers
nothing looked promising and then he
ended up land landing a better job
life is not here to break you it’s here
to shape you comment that down below
life is not here to break you it’s here
to shape you and I want to share with
you how to wire the brain so I’m doing
this in honor the brand athan if you
have not signed up the links I write
there down below it’s on Saturday it’s
totally free and it changed my life
forever and so in the title I talked
about instant manifestation so at the
time I was trying to get my career doing
this going I was writing my books I was
doing my things but I wasn’t getting
progress in fact my now life was in debt
to my girlfriend at the time she was in
debt the reason she was in debt was not
because of shopping sprees it was
because I couldn’t pay for anything and
it was really rough people around her
were telling her to ask me to stop doing
what I’m doing and you know get a job
and give like essentially give up and it
was rough and I saw the Brina thought it
was three or four years ago and I
listened to this exact brain athon that
comes up on Saturday it’s only once a
year that’s why I’m really excited about
it and that’s why I’m making sure sign
up for it it’s totally free so I sign up
for this and I finally realized why I
was not getting what I wanted my brain
was conditioned to keep me from what I
wanted so no matter how hard I worked I
worked all the time I was I was a set I
was a workaholic I worked all the time I
was always working I was doing my
affirmations I was doing my meditation I
was doing all of these things but I was
not getting what I wanted
because I wanted it consciously but my
unconscious brain my brain was
unconsciously creating and producing my
reality and I heard John Assaraf say
that on the brain Athan and I’m gonna
share with you I went back through my
notes from the year I keep all my
notebooks and I keep them in binders
when I keep them in boxes when I finish
them so I went through my old notes and
I pulled out my biggest ideas and
takeaways that allowed me to go from
there to you know this channel 19
million views and in 18 months and all
of these beautiful things that came
superfast once I learned these things
and my life changed for forever so hope
everyone’s feeling great comments
something in if you’re new to joining
something you’re grateful for this is my
first live stream make sure you hit the
like button right over there because I
think that’s what notifies more people
so before I drop into these things hit
the like button if you haven’t signed up
for the brand Athan it’s right there
down below it’s totally free they do
have a paid program that I ended up
purchasing that changed my life and if
you do get that you get my coaching for
free in my program we’re just giving it
away for free to help people apply the
lessons and to have accountability
because that’s I think what a lot of us
need we don’t have the support system
the friends circle or whatever it is or
we do and we want to upgrade it so you
get my coaching for free if you do get
the paid but you don’t have to just the
free one’s amazing that’s what firstly
changed my life and so what ended up
happening was I went from literally I
couldn’t pay for anything like I was I
was stressed all the time and 48 hours
after that event happened its online
right so I listened to the two the whole
brain Athan and you know it’s from like
9:00 to 5:00 and he brings on like
Harvard neuroscientist and all these
people that explain how the brain
produces creates in response to reality
and it was making so much sense to me
and I was feeling shifts in my life like
subtle shifts and what ended up
happening was within 48 hours after that
actually landed a $60,000
holding gig with a company and that at
the time I was doing a lot of I wasn’t
doing a lot of I wanted rather I wanted
to do a lot of consulting mindset types
of things with companies and businesses
but I couldn’t get any gigs right and so
out of nowhere someone stumbled on my
website they filled out an application
and you know contacted me and I hopped
on the phone with him and I got it a
year-long sixty thousand dollar
consulting gig and it checked and
changed my life and so I called in my
email today I said instant benefits
manifestation so what you want is
already all around you the soulmate the
the job opportunity the money the
happiness whatever it is that you want
to attract manifest and cultivate in
your life it’s already here
for instance that consulting job was
already there it was that my brain
wasn’t in alignment my energy field
wasn’t in alignment with bringing that
situation into my life when I listened
to the brain Athan and I learned these
things about the brain because I had
never I didn’t know any of this types of
stuff before and when I learned it I had
a shift that caused my consciousness to
shift it caused the way I was producing
and creating reality to shift and almost
instantly I I moved into a different
reality you call that a parallel reality
that owe you all the realities for
better or worse for amazing things for
negative things that already all exists
in moment by moment we’re creating it
and you can shift your reality very fast
but your brain is an unconscious
mechanism that’s conditioned to your old
reality and so it’s constantly
reproducing the same old and people say
well nothing’s changing no everything is
changing it’s just that we’re
reproducing and recreating the same
reality over and over and over and over
again so comment down below I attract
everything I desire easily comment that
down below I attract everything I desire
easily comment that down below
I attract everything I desire easily and
that was the big shift that happened to
me I started attracting things easy into
my life my brain was wired for the
and so I’m gonna go ahead I’m gonna
share a couple of my biggest takeaways
that I that I got out of the brand Athan
that ended up changing my life
so if you haven’t yet signed up for the
brand athon right there down below there
should be a link hit the like button on
this video over here comment in I
tracked everything I desire easily so
the first thing that really was my aha
moment while I listen to the brand athan
was your brain is programmed to keep you
safe which can be dangerous comment down
below your brain is programmed to keep
you safe
your brain is programmed to keep you
safe I’ll say it one more time your
brain is programmed to keep you safe
your brain is programmed to keep you
safe the reason I’m asking you to
accommodate is because I want to make
sure that you that you literally get the
takeaway out of it so this this was
life-changing for me because here I was
in this reality that I didn’t want
I wanted to attract and manifest and
create something more in my life and
here I was in this reality that I did
not want I knew what I wanted I wanted I
wanted all of you beautiful people to
join me on a lot on a what day of the
week is is on a Friday morning with
thousands of people on here and for us
to talk about things that improve the
quality of our life and I wanted to be
inspiring millions of people and I
wanted to not be struggling so my wife
wasn’t in debt not I just I wanted to be
able to do this for a living because it
felt like my purpose in life but I was
always stressed I was always worried I
wasn’t in the reality that I wanted your
brain is programmed to keep you safe
which can be dangerous and that’s the
key phrase right there which can be
dangerous for me it was dangerous why
because I knew what it was that I wanted
but your brain is designed to keep you
away from fear it’s been like that
that’s how human beings evolved today we
needed fear it was an integral part of
of the brains purpose was to keep us
safe from giant things
could eat us and the elements and all
the extreme weather conditions and like
we needed to like know instantly off
fighter fine I got to run and hide into
this bush or this cave right our great
great great like the early forms of
humans and even all the way up until set
and settling colonies and eventually
cities now today we’re in a world where
we don’t have quite the impending threat
min basically at all that we used to
have from our environment and outside
sources so we’re not really worried
about like extinction and momentary
death like we used to have to worry but
your brain is still operating like that
so even though you don’t have all of
those things now your brain is focusing
on everyday social and in life beers my
brain was afraid of me becoming the
person that I am today and my big goals
of inspiring millions of people in doing
this for a living and being able to like
have an epic community with you guys and
my brain was afraid of that because it
didn’t want me to fail failing and
rejection to the brain was the same as
extinction it used to try to keep us
safe from extinction back in the day and
now it thinks that I’m something awful
is gonna happen if I step into my to my
dreams and there’s fears and I might
fail so it’s sabotaging and is trying to
keep me safe from that and it all
started to make sense I was like oh my
gosh that makes a lot of sense and so we
set up my computer I got one of those on
what do they call them are they SD cords
when you take the computer and you plug
it into the television so it’s on the
big screen and we were sitting on the
couch and we were watching this thing
and I was like oh my god that makes a
lot of sense because no matter how hard
I’m working I’m not getting what I want
you know it’s it’s easy to think you
just need to work harder No
we have to shift the way the brain is so
John takes you through a process of how
to identify that and start to retrain
the brain so if you haven’t yet brain
Athan it’s it’s a life it’s
life-changing it’s it’s totally free if
you have not signed up please sign up
your friends bring your friend whatever
you want to do it’s right there down
below the links right over there so sign
up for that so we’re watching this and
I’m like oh my gosh that makes a lot of
sense and I realized that
I was stopping myself and that’s the key
to upgrade your life I used to think it
was outside influences that were
stopping it I was like well it’s the
YouTube algorithm I’m too young I need
more time
maybe I’m not good enough of a
communicator maybe my hair is too long I
literally thought of these things as the
reason why I wasn’t creating what I
wanted in my life it’s not true and that
I opened up this huge lightbulb aha
moment that that’s truly started to
shift the way I viewed myself and my
possibilities in my life so um
number two which i think is really
interesting I’d never heard of this
before but your brain memorizes the
energy of your environment and it’s
called mirror neurons so excuse me you
have and if you’re just joining right
now comment in something you’re grateful
for or hit the like button right over
there if you have not yet make sure that
you sign up for the brain athon that’s
coming up on Saturday it changed my life
forever and it’s totally free link right
over there on the side or something like
that so go ahead real quick while you’re
watching and just sign up real quick so
mirror neurons are neurons in your brain
that respond to your environment so
basically like let’s say that you were
around someone maybe for instance it was
a guardian in your life and they really
struggled they maybe they had a lot of
emotional challenges or let’s say for
instance they struggled financially and
they said things like money doesn’t grow
on trees and who do you think I am you
know Bill Gates who do you think I am
John Rockefeller or money’s evil Dada
Dada da mirror neurons are neurons that
fire and engage based off of outside
stimuli so they match outside stimuli so
think about that your friends are around
when you’re a little that you’re the
guardians or adult figures in your life
growing up whomever they were whether
they were parents and uncle adoption
doesn’t matter just whoever the
authority figures that were around while
you were young your brain is mimicking
them now this is a serious problem in a
lot of instances why because I read a
stat that 9 out of 10 people die with
less than $10,000 and virtually no
financial assets that about 85% of
people are stressed financially and that
I think like seven it was a Gallup poll
seventy six percent of people are
actively disengaged from their jobs so
we live in a world where our number in
it the number one cause of divorces is
financial so we live in a world worth
many people are stressed and struggling
around around a very important part the
thing money is a thing that puts you in
a home and paint like pays for your I
just had to get new health insurance
floor of my wife and I I just had to get
life insurance so you know to help any
level of strata something ever happened
to me so Ashley’s taking curb these
things cost money put your kids through
school all of these types of things and
it’s very important and it causes so
much stress in our lives when we can’t
provide for ourselves and our loved ones
and so our brain has been is mirroring
other people’s reality and if most
people are struggling like that our
brain begins to mirror it and that’s why
I like a lot of people will say you know
that old phrase like you know Bill
you’re just like your dad you know Suze
you’re just like your mom well yeah you
are because your brain is mimicking
their reality and there’s a term in
neuroscience you probably heard me say
is heads law and that says that brain
cells that fire together wire together
nerve cells that fire together wire
together so you’re you’re literally
wiring your brain you’re hardwiring the
wave in its condition to operate a lot
of times based off of outside influences
so whether it’s love there’s a there’s a
story in what am i one of my programs
it’s it’s a recording of my wet of my
seminar the genius within and there’s a
woman that comes up on stage who at one
of the breaks came up to me when I was
talking about this type of information
and subconscious reprogramming and she
said she was basically in tears and she
was like I finally realized what and
this woman was I don’t know around 60
years old and she said I’m finally
realized why I have not attracted my
soulmate were room or truly fulfilling
romantic relationships in my life my
parents got divorced and fought all the
time and when I was a little kid it was
really bad and I literally had a
flashback to a moment when she was a
child where her parents were arguing and
in that moment she said relation
chips are hard love is hard I do not
want one she had seen such an awful
influence she literally decided in this
moment because that was all she knew she
figured that’s just what love was and
just what romance was I just booked
roommate what were what relationships
were that love was pain she said in that
moment she said if that’s what it is I
don’t ever want one she was very young
then right so over time she obviously
should forgot about that and then as she
got older she consciously was desiring
relationships they always fell apart she
never attracted the right people and she
always would sabotage set here she was
50 some odd years later and she
remembered the instant that she
programmed her brain for that reality
once you identify the program that’s
wiring your reality you’re free from it
and her whole life changed same with me
I was living from a program I wasn’t
good enough I dropped out of college so
I thought I wasn’t intellectual enough
to be a writer especially with these
major New York publishers like
eventually I published my books with
payment Random House which is a number
one English publisher in the world and I
didn’t think I was good enough for that
I don’t think I was smart enough I
didn’t think I was intellectual enough
all of these things so I had
fundamentally wired my reality to these
things and so in the brain Athan you’re
going to learn you’re to identify the
way your brain and your subconscious is
conditioned to operate and wire and then
how to reprogram that and for me while
I’m sitting there 3 or 4 years ago with
my now life girlfriend at the time to be
like oh my god I understand how it works
that I was free I finally went from
essentially hopelessness all I was doing
was wishing for luck I was I was wishing
for luck like man I really hope like I
get a viral video that gets me a bunch
of views and then finally you know I’ll
be able to not be stressed and Ashley
won’t be in debt I was just like hoping
for luck
now all the sudden I understood how your
brain and your subconscious in your mind
are creating reality and creating your
energy and that’s dictating what you
would tract into your life that’s a law
of attraction at work the law of
attraction is not a conscious effort a
lot of times because the brain is wired
in a way that we do not want and that
keeps producing a reality that we don’t
want so if this is enlightening making
sense inspiring aha moments comment down
below and either share one of your
takeaway so everyone can see if if
you’re interested in that or at least
comment down below and saying I am with
you I am with you just so I know you’re
with me
this is valuable this is interesting
obviously I’ve never done a livestream
like this before so I want to know if
people are digging it or engaged with it
and all that beautiful stuff so comment
down below I’m with you
or you can do what chicka ADATA didn’t
said I’m with you wid so oh my god this
is beautiful look at all look at how
many people there are this is so rad I
think I might need to start doing these
more often so if you have not yet be
sure right now icon I wouldn’t I rarely
am ever saying hey here’s something
you’ve got to do but really joining the
brain athon is something you really
really have to do it’s free and it’s
coming up on Saturday it’s right there
down below real quick I’m gonna close my
door because I think that my gardeners
are the neighbors gardeners are here got
my lights to make sure my shot look good
so comment down below I’m with you I’m
with you let me know that you’re with me
you hear me press like on this video if
you dig it the link to the bringeth on
is right there down below I’m excited
and I’m grateful for today feeling good
I feel I cannot believe how many people
are on here like genuinely dude everyone
listening to this like I am so grateful
for you I’m so grateful if you watch my
videos if you’re here right now like
this is like what I live for and what
I’ve been working towards for the last
seven or eight years and and I’m so
grateful and honored that you’re
spending the time to be
here so thank you so much someone said
they don’t see a link so I’m going to
real quick poll and if you go to like my
most recent video you can pull out the
link but right now I’m copy and pasting
the link right now real quick so
everyone can see it I’m gonna comment it
into the chat so real quick everyone
look into your chat right now look into
your chat right now I’m commenting it in
right now we’ve got all these beautiful
people on hey if you’re new comment one
thing you’re grateful for and I put the
link in on the side right over there so
everyone everyone feeling good everyone
grateful everyone excited happy glad
you’re alive so I want to give everyone
an affirmation that I’m using today that
I just wrote down to share my desire
comes to me easily comment that down
right over there my desire comes to me
easily my desire comes to me easily my
desire comes to me easily see that the
brain is in condition to operate like
that so when the brain is on you’re
gonna learn how to recondition that and
the time flew by today – I have a
haven’t workout at the gym that I have
to be at a couple minutes my desire
comes to me easily alright so I’ve got a
roll out because I’ve got to go to this
but this was beautiful comment down
below and let me know you love this if
you haven’t signed up for the brain
athon I’m gonna end this livestream
right now and then you’ll see it but I’m
commenting the link over here right now
everyone please sign up for that like I
said it’s totally fee there is a paid
program that I purchased a few years ago
that you know was the next step that
really allowed me to learn
badi misinformation nobody has to get
that if you do though we’re giving away
free coaching from one of our programs
to everyone that does get it you don’t
have to get it at all and the free brain
athan is is where I learned these types
of things if you’re new this is my
notebook from a few years ago I save all
my notebooks in a cardboard box so this
is my notebooks from the brain athan a
few years ago so have a beautiful
beautiful day like this video real quick
right over there and I’m gonna put this
live up right now here’s the link to the
brain athon right over here have a
beautiful day I love and appreciate
every single one of you have a huge
smile on your face and have a beautiful
day and see you on the Breda thumb