Law of Attraction Affirmation to Align With The Universe (And Manifest What You Want)
There is an affirmation to manifest anything that you want instantly, by communicating with universe in a powerful way. This is Jake Ducey and this will blow your mind, change your life and open up your eyes to see the real possibilities for your life.
dear universe I will have everything
abundant in this world your favour
blesses me with constant miracles dear
universe I will have everything abundant
in this world your favour blesses me
with constant miracles see what happens
when most people hear that is they say
well I mean that seems like a big ask
it’s like we’re in this place where we
just kind of sit around and hope that
God in the universe throws us bread
crumbs no you have to claim what you
want you have to command from the
universe and bend the universe the
universe is like water wants to get out
of your way but first you have to
command and bend the universe so use
this affirmation use this prayer today
and see what happens comment this down
below comment this down below dear
universe dear universe
I receive all of the abundance of this
world your favour blesses me with
constant miracles dear universe I
receive all the abundance of this world
dear universe I receive all the
abundance of this world your favour
blesses me with constant miracles claim
your true power most people spend their
whole lives afraid to say this is what I
want this is what I deserve there’s no
if ands or buts about it
I deserve abundance I expect miracles
people are afraid to do that they’re
afraid to say I deserve a big life I
deserve good things and by all means the
fact that I’ve incarnated here in this
body I am going to live my life fully I
expect to have all the abundance of this
world and your favor the universal
favour blesses me with constant miracles
so comment it down below write it on a
piece of paper and say this but more
importantly than saying it feel it feel
yourself connecting to the universe
right now you owe yourself communicating
with the universe right now and say dear
universe I will have everything abundant
in this world your favor blesses me with
constant miracles feel that feel
yourself connecting with the universe
and giving appreciation for the fact
that you share in the abundance of this
world fully and that you expect miracles
you expect them every single day because
the universe is on your side and the
universe is conspiring for your highest
and your best good and so you’re
constantly blessed with miracles this is
Jake Ducey with Jake do have an
absolutely beautiful day be sure you
download my free success of Knossos
Jake’s hypnosis com do not let anything
that happens
today distract you from the fact that
you expect miracles oh you got a new an
unexpected bill oh that person cut you
up oh the weather’s bad today no no
today forget yesterday forget this
morning forget last night forget any
moment other than right now and in this
moment turn the light switch on in your
mind where you expect miracles turn the
light switch on where you expect
abundance and you notice the abundance
all around you give your appreciation
that the universe hears you download my
free success of gnosis jakes of gnosis
calm use that to train your subconscious
mind for abundance hit the subscribe
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that like this video to support this
channel have a beautiful day and
remember hashtag I’m realistic I expect
miracles comment it up below and expect
something beautiful today