Law of Attraction Affirmation To Attract What You Want From The Universe INSTANTLY! (The Secret)
Here’s a law of attraction affirmation. Receive the blessings of the universe and get it to actually conspire on your behalf. Imagine if you had a superhero friend that you couldn’t see, that opened doors where there only appeared to be walls. That brought new people into your life, new financial opportunities. Well that’s what this affirmation will essentially do for you.
This is Jake Ducey.
we live in a world of infinite
possibilities there’s all the money that
we could ever need available the love
the friendships the opportunities it’s
just that we block it off it’s like
you’re born into a giant mansion with
ten thousand rooms except you’re stuck
in one room for your whole life why
because we’ve developed certain levels
of perception and programming that have
impacted the way that we see the world
that’s why two people can look at the
same thing and one person doesn’t see
the opportunity and the other person
gets rich off the opportunity so here’s
what I invite you to consider have an
open mind that’s attached to nothing
comment that down below my mind is open
attached to nothing my mind is open
attached to nothing what do I mean by
that it means you know what you want you
have an intention you have a clear
picture of the direction that you want
to go but your mind is open you
understand that there’s a power higher
than yourself at work there’s something
way bigger than just your little
meatsuit here at play this is a little
meatsuit this is like a rental car
except for it’s a rental body and you’re
actually just using this as a vehicle
for your soul to have an experience your
spiritual being in a physical body now
you are a part of the universe you’re a
part of God you are a piece of creation
and there is a powerful force that
governs your life
it’s conspiring in your behalf for you
to have all the abundance love happiness
and joy that you desire but you live in
a world of free will and God or the
universe is not going to impede upon
your free will so God the universe wants
to conspire to create wealth love
happiness and whatever it is that you
want for you believe that it’s true but
most people are stuck in one little room
of their house metaphorically speaking
they’re stuck in one limited level of
perception so they believe money is bad
or they believe they’re not going to
attract their soulmate any time soon and
they’re probably gonna be alone for the
rest of their life
they believe something about reality now
God in the universe doesn’t want to
impede on your freewill because even
your struggles are there to teach you
how to transcend them so it’s letting
you experience your struggles so that
hopefully you can transcend them in this
lifetime most people’s mind is so closed
on possibilities that they block higher
potential and the greater outcomes and
opportunities for their life and that’s
why you need a mind that’s open to
everything and attached to nothing what
if you dropped your preconceived mints
what if you dropped your limitations and
what if you dropped the reasons however
logical they were why you couldn’t
increase your income this month what
would happen if you dropped your ideas
about how you cannot attract your soul
mate or your mentor or the resources
that you need or the house that you want
or the car that you want what if you
drop that and you got rid of logic
Albert Einstein says that logic will
take you from A to B but imagination
will take you anywhere what if you
imagine what you want and just like when
you set up balloon off a helium balloon
and you just let it go and you see where
the wind takes it what if you see where
the universal power will take your life
once you define and decide what you want
but let go of it you know that it’s
always this or something better that the
universe has your back it has your best
interest at heart
so comment down below my mind is open to
everything and attach to nothing my mind
is open to everything and attached to
nothing and what I mean by that is
understand that there’s a higher power
at work so here’s what I’m grateful for
I’m grateful that you’re connecting to
that higher power in this moment like
it’s giving you goosebumps it’s giving
you chills in your body you can feel the
energy in your body right now and that
energy is letting you know that you’re
loved you’re supported you’re guided
and that something beautiful will happen
to you today
drop your ideas that it’s not possible
drop your ideas that it has to happen in
this way or this way or this way or this
be an empty cup God loves and d-cups
busy can fill them but most people’s
cups are already full they’re full of
limitations they’re full of the things
that they think are true but like Mark
Twain said it’s not what what you think
is true that holds you back it’s it’s
what you think is so that ain’t so at
all and there’s many things that aren’t
sell at all that we think are true we
think we’re too fat too old to this to
that there’s not enough time it’s gonna
take a lot longer than we think no no
just get rid of it just suspend it why
do we need to even form those belief
systems why can’t we just experience
life with an open mind
so today here’s what I invite you to do
step into the world with your eyes a new
step into the world with your mind a new
and say God I’m grateful that you’re
sending me amazing things today and I’m
excited to see what they are God I’m
grateful that you’re sending me amazing
things today and I’m excited to see what
they are comment that down below you can
use the word universe if you like that
more universe I’m grateful that you’re
sending the amazing things today and I’m
excited to see what they are God I’m
grateful that you’re sending me amazing
things today and I’m excited to see what
they are this is Jake Ducey with Jake
Ducey comm reminding you that any
limitations that you have what if they
weren’t true
like really ask yourself they might not
be true you might think that they’re
true based off of your past they might
be true or somebody said they are what
if they’re not and if you can develop an
open mind and trust that the universe is
gonna conspire on your behalf when you
take bold action when you face your
fears that beautiful things will occur
imagine what type of magic can unfold in
your life be sure you download my free
success hypnosis is down below Jake’s
hypnosis kaam right there down below and
we’ve got a
we’ve got a software we designed it’s
called the second mind neuro programmer
and your brain wires in certain ways so
when you develop a certain belief system
or thought pattern or life experience
what happens is it wires into your brain
it creates the neurocircuitry so your
brain gets used to functioning from that
way so most people’s brain is hardwired
for lack of money lack of love lack of
confidence we created a software that’s
designed to rewire your brain for you
around love money happiness confidence
whatever it is that you want and you can
demo it for free it’s down below it’s
the second mine calm right there down
below the second mine calm so give that
a demo today have a beautiful day hit
the subscribe button in the bell
notification right over there that’s
what notifies you for new video so even
if you already subscribed make sure you
hit that Bell notification right over
there because that’s the only thing that
will actually notify you for new videos
hash tag down below best day ever have
an intention today like right now in
this video and say god I set the
intention to have the best day ever set
the intention to have your best day ever
hashtag down below best day ever I’ll
see you on the next video have a
beautiful day
July 13, 2019 @ 7:56 am
my mind is open attached to nothing