So this is how most people look at themselves. I’m just this little body, flesh and bones, just this little thing in this physical world and hopefully things work out for me and you know what can I really do about it? No, no, you’re not even this body. You are a spiritual being in a physical body. You are the miracle-working presence in all things that you would like, accomplished, calmer. Comment down below, I’m the miracle-working presence in all things I desire accomplished. I am the miracle-working presence in all things I desire accomplished. You are the miracle-working presence in all things that you desire to accomplish.
Why are you the miracle-working presence? Because you’re an extension of God, your extension of pure source energy, of the universe. You are an individualization of it. This body is just a rental car. You’re just renting this thing that we’re a physical experience so that you can realize yourself as a piece of God as a piece of spirit. Comment down below I am the miracle-working presence in all things I desire, accomplished and make that your affirmation today. Get this, understand what I’m saying. Here you are the miracle-working presence in all things that you desire. It is within you and when you can connect to that and you can feel the energy flowing through your body. As you’re repeating that to yourself, I am the miracle-working presence in all things I desire accomplished. I am the miracle-working presence in all things I desire accomplished.
You’re evoking a powerful energy within yourself where your little mind, your logical mind that wants to say, here’s why it’s not possible and here’s why. You can attract what you want and here’s all the problems that you have that mind is out of the picture. When you connect to that truth, that you are the miracle-working presence in all things that you desire, but you have to expect good things. You have to eliminate everybody’s negativity. You have to put a do not disturb sign on your imagination. You have to put a no vacancy sign and do not let any thoughts into your mind and do not entertain any ideas that are not in alignment with you. Attracting, creating, and getting what you want out of life. You have to realize that this spirit energy permeates and penetrates and fills this entire universe and you’re one with it.
This is a friendly universe. The universe has your back, but you have to realize that because you live in a world of free will and if you believe I’m just this little body and there’s nothing I can do about it and not enough, then boom. That’s your reality. So comment down below, I am the miracle-working presence in all things I desired and feel what it feels like in your body to embody the truth of that. And then today, expect miracles. Good things will show up in your life today when you repeat that. So come back, comment down below the amazing things that happen to you today. Using this affirmation, be sure that you download my free successive Gnosis, Jake’s It’s right there down below jake’s, and use that to retrain your subconscious mind. You are the miracle-working presence in all things that you desire done, coming down below.
I’m the miracle-working presence and all things that I desire done and accomplished. I can’t wait to hear about the amazing things that you attract into your life, but the subscribe button and the bell notification right over there. The bell notification is what notifies you for new videos. Make sure that you demo the second line. That’s our software we designed to rewire the brain so you can attract what you want because all of the limitations of the world, get him. Get hardwired into your neurocircuitry so you can rewire your brain to attract what you want. It’s free. It’s the second [inaudible] dot com right there. Down below you are the miracle-working presence and all things that you desire done. You live in a friendly world and you live in a world where miracles can happen each and every day. You can meet the person you wanted to meet, attract the circumstance you’d wanted to attract. It’s all right there, but first, you have to look no further than yourself to find the powerful miracle working presence that’s within yourself. And when you see that within yourself, you will see it in all things.
Law of Attraction. Law of attraction affirmations. Manifest like magic.