all right what’s up everyone how you
doing today can everyone hear me give me
a comment in the corner you can hear me
give this video a like if you can hear
me alright I’m heard awesome cool I
didn’t I didn’t do a normal video today
and the reason I didn’t do a normal
video today is because it’s Thanksgiving
and I know a lot of people a lot of
people subscribe to this channel are in
America and a lot of people are doing
family things so I thought it’d be cool
to do a livestream today I didn’t do a
heads up on it for more than 5 minute
notice so thank you for joining thank
you thank you thank you I’m seeing
everyone’s name and I’m sending them
positive vibes for a fantastic day and
today we’re going to talk about how to
manifest what you want in 2019 so
commented one thing that you are
grateful for I’m grateful that joining
me on a Thursday thank you thank you
thank you thank you I love you I
appreciate every single person that
watches my videos or maybe you’re new to
my channel thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you comments in one
thing that you are grateful for one
thing that you are grateful for the dark
yen said they’ve been waiting for more
live streams alright we got it
press like on this video right up there
so please press like on this video
I’m excited I’m excited and I’m gonna
talk about a few things to manifest what
you want in 2019 so hit like up there on
the top hit like up there on the top
comment in one thing that you’re
grateful for whatever it is that you are
joining us about a fantastic day so far
I slept in yeah it was so nice my first
time sleeping in and so long and gonna
hang out my family today
Robert Collins mom wants to know if I
was in the band Hanson I’ve never heard
of the band Hanson so I don’t think I
was in it okay number one embrace your
desires coming down in the corner I
embrace my desires comment down right
over there I embrace my desires the
number one thing to manifest what it is
that you want is you have to embrace
your desires this year what do I mean by
that and why is that number one why is
that so bad why is that so important and
it’s really simple whether it’s the new
or whether it’s the middle of the year
what tends to happen is our our mind and
our brain in our past I’ve generally
convinced us that we can’t have what we
want and so when you say hey you know
I’ve been in debt for the last four
years I’ve never had any money and you
know I’m gonna change my financial life
I want to have $10,000 in the bank I
want to be making this amount of money
when you say you know what I want to be
alone anymore I’m gonna attract a
fantastic relationship Javan haver you
gotta understand that your brain is
wired to protect you literally the only
reason human beings are alive today is
because the brain has been
a mechanism by which it keeps you safe
that’s how our ancestors evolved into
what we now experience as human beings
today better hide from the elements from
the harsh elements the harsh environment
a giant animal all these things so they
were constantly in a fight-or-flight
mode and the brain was super valuable
because the brain was designed to keep
everyone safe and that’s how evolution
got to this point now the brain has not
particularly evolved in that respect but
today we do not have besides a few
select areas in the world impending
threats on our life from our environment
every single solitary day we don’t have
that but the brain has it of all so the
brain is now convinced that if you fail
going at your dream you lose and so
wants to keep us safe and so what
happens is we talk ourselves out of we
say I don’t really want it that much
it’s time to build a burning desire to I
truly this is what I wanna pick saving
my consciousness on this I am this thing
already it’s time for us to get in that
energy because the brain is going to
fight back against it a lot of times is
that hey that’s about it yeah a but what
about if it doesn’t work yeah I mean if
you go ask some that person out in the
coffee shop and they say no it’s gonna
be really embarrassing anyways you’re
not even smart enough to attract more
money and the brain goes on and on and
on and on and on and on and on like that
in addition we have the
in our head quite often this is Who am I
Who am I to attract more money I’m not
I’m not smart enough I’m not
good-looking enough to attract my
soulmate or track this thing into my
life or we carry around our past with us
constantly but get this
you wouldn’t be a live in this moment if
you weren’t worthy of whatever it is
that you wanted this is common sense you
wouldn’t be a lot you wouldn’t be here
you wouldn’t be alive if you weren’t
worthy of experiencing creation if you
weren’t experiencing the fullness the
abundance of the universe you wouldn’t
be here conscious in this moment in
locked in time-space in this universe
unless you were worthy of experiencing
it and what does experiencing it mean it
means for you to have the fullness for
you experience a rich a rich life to
experience your desires fully if you’re
not here in order to not be good enough
for some things you know and just
I’m on a Mac right now I’m gonna I’m on
a Mac computer and whether you have a
Mac computer or whether you have a PC
computer there’s a little trash bump and
you go and you drag the old files that
you don’t want anymore you go and you
put them in the trash button what I’m
inviting you to do is cut in the trash
button any ideas that are telling you
you’re not worthy of what you want it’s
not that important anyways fill in the
blank something from your past just
let’s just press the mentally delete
button on it mark it as spam marking
this junk because as soon as you do that
and you say in this moment like that I’m
worthy of experiencing all that the
universe has to offer
it becomes that much easier to start to
notice the patterns that are negative
and the opposite of that that are
holding us back from that so comment
down in the corner I’m worthy of all
that I desire and what I’m inviting you
to do is make that your affirmation
today write it on a piece of paper I am
worthy of all that I desire some
somebody video Mira Aleph to come and
she said but our environment and
situations were put in dragged us down
here’s what I want you to consider see
this this fantastic drawing here
this I’m on a reverse screen so it’s
gonna look different obviously this says
sub spur subconscious and this says con
for conscious conscious subconscious
imagine your mind like this this is your
subconscious and this is your
now this drawing is so beautiful I’m
gonna have to put it away for a little
while but if you imagine conscious
subconscious what does your conscious
represent that’s your rational mind
right that’s your analytical mind that’s
your mind it gives you the ability to
think what it is that you want to think
I say there is absolutely no way you’re
gonna attract more money by there is
absolutely no way this is gonna work out
I fill the environment with negative
energy and I shoot down all of your
ideas your conscious mind has the
ability to think whatever it is that you
want to think now if you don’t
consciously reject negative ideas and
negative energy you don’t consciously
reject it and the way I consciously
reject it as I say to myself or out loud
that’s not part of my belief system
that’s not part of my experience that’s
not part of my reality
thank you but that’s not part of my
belief system unfortunately most people
do not consciously reject negative
energy and negative ideas of other
people or the environment therefore if
you don’t consciously reject it it
implants upon your subconscious mind and
then it starts to overtake your own mind
your own energy field now a human being
is blessed with a conscious mind a human
being is blessed with the ability to not
allow their outside environment control
them and ultimately to control their own
environment so comment down right over
here thank you but that’s not part of my
belief system thank you but that’s not
part of my belief system thank you but
that’s not part of my belief system so a
human being
the ability to to think what they want
to think now for us to make 2019 the
best year of our life we have to begin
to use our conscious mind and reject
other people’s negativity and reject
other people’s negative ideas and other
people’s negative energy otherwise that
energy it’s like a black hole and soon
it overtakes us thank you but that’s not
part of my belief system respectfully
thank you that’s just not a part of my
belief system I don’t live in a reality
that’s so limited that my ideas aren’t
gonna wear I don’t live in a reality
that’s so limited that XY Terzi thank
you I understand where you’re coming
from but I have I have to reject those
ideas so that they don’t take control of
my mind now number two you have to begin
to notice when you’re in your first mind
and begin to live in your second mind
notice when you’re in your first mind
and begin to live from your second mind
now that’s a terminology I created the
first mind being that that limited
program mind by society psychologists
say 95% of our life is subconscious so
if you’re with me right now hit the like
button right over there hit the like
button comment down below yes you’re
with me yes I’m with you Jake and yeah
hit the like button comment down over
there below wishing everyone a fantastic
day if you joined us a little bit late
today instead of a normal video I’m
doing a livestream because it’s
Thanksgiving in America and I figure a
lot of people at least in America are
gonna be busy doing family stuff so I
thought this would be a fun alternative
and I said I would start doing live
streams but I didn’t do them so now here
we are so thank you so much for joining
and you can comment down on the side I’m
worthy of all that I desire see the
number one thing like I said is embrace
or desires and what that really means is
seeing yourself as worthy of
experiencing the life that you want
seeing yourself is worthy of
experiencing the life that you are now
the only thing that stops you from
seeing yourself as worthy of the life
that you want is a programmed first mine
psychologists say 95% of our life is
subconscious we have 65,000 thoughts in
a day approximately and 95% of them are
subconscious meaning sub means below so
subconscious means below conscious right
right over here on my fantastic drawing
this was conscious and this was
subconscious right so conscious mind sub
conscious sub means below conscious so
95% of your life is a habitual autopilot
program that you aren’t consciously
controlling now how does this get there
you just talked a minute ago about
outside environments outside belief
systems from parents friends media
outside influences and what happens is a
lot of who we are what we believe in our
perception about ourselves and our
reality is based off of other people’s
ideas that have programmed into our
subconscious since a young age the
problem with this it’d be different if
we lived in a world where there was a
lot more people creating at the claves
unfortunately 9 out of 10 people die
with less than $10,000 and virtually no
financial assets the Gallup polls in
America said 75% of Americans are
actively disengaged from their jobs
which is a politically correct way to
say they do not like what they do so
we’ve got a lot of people struggling
financially a lot of people very unhappy
with their lives and there’s a
collective energy field and when you’re
younger your subconscious is programmed
by this energy field so a lot of us I
called you say 70% of subconscious
patterning is negative and redundant 70%
is negative and redundant I call that
your first mind that’s the first mine
and that’s the mind that’s like well you
know I’m not good enough I’m not smart
enough well you know money’s
well I’m always gonna be alone and it’s
got all these pessimistic ideas that we
call rational we rationalize them
rationing lies they’re not true they’re
your first mind your first mind it’s
this mind of reality that’s programmed
in one respect and once you begin to to
label it your first mind you can begin
to overcome it now I call your new mind
your second mind your second line is the
mind you’ve created you’ve desired
you’ve decided and you’ve wired now this
is not just psychology now now we’re
talking about the actual science of the
brain the neuroscience there’s a term a
neuroscience called hebbs law hebbs heb
BS HP BBS heads law now hebbs law says
that brain cells that fire together wire
together what does this mean when you
have similar thought patterns you fire
nerve cells you fire brain cells they
begin to wire together and it controls
the neural circuitry of your brain gets
fundamentally wired in a certain
chemical way out the way you’ll
eventually feel yourself image the way
you view reality and so your first mind
the mind by society gets actually wired
into the brain and that’s why I created
my software that you probably heard me
talk about the second mind it’s designed
to to rewire the brain so I invite
everyone if you haven’t yet you can demo
it for free it’s right there down below
the second I’m calm the second mind calm
and what I invite everyone to do is when
you are moving confidently in the
direction of your dreams when you’re out
in life and you’re doing your thing
right and then the old negative thought
pattern pops up and it goes yeah but
you’re not good enough yeah but don’t
know that you can start
say oh that’s just my first mind now the
problem isn’t that we have negative
thought patterns the problem is we
attach to them
but I’ll say it again the problem isn’t
that you have and I have negative
thought patterns the problem is that we
attach to them so what does that mean
when we attach to negative thought
patterns what we’re really doing is
we’re believing that those are that
those are real all the voices in your
head aren’t you remember 95% of your
life is subconscious it’s below
conscious it’s habitual you have 65,000
thoughts in a day 95% of the market are
habitual so a lot of them might be
programmed from your parents from your
grandma from a traumatic experience you
had when you were younger it’s not who
you are it’s just a record player that’s
playing in your head but that record
player is often negative and redundant
and that record player might take yeah
but you’re it’s not gonna work out yeah
but I mean you don’t have the right
resources there’s no way you’re ever
going to be able to change your
financially and it’s just looping it’s
just looping over and over the problem
isn’t that the problem is when that
thought pattern comes we don’t identify
it as an illusion we think it’s us
because it’s speaking in our head and we
say yeah we go look in the mirror for
evidence we say yeah I am not smart
enough and then we look to her because I
didn’t even do good in school I’m not
very smart I’m not a good reader I read
slow I’m not very calm and then we look
for evidence to prove these things but
it’s not real so it’s the attachment to
those thought patterns and what I’m
inviting you to doing this is going to
change your life is to start to say when
that’s coming and you notice the
negative you say oh that’s just my first
the first step to transcending a
negative thought pattern or a negative
belief system and reprogramming it is to
be aware that it’s happened because that
it doesn’t control us once you can begin
to look at it and see it as a record
player playing itself out it loses the
power over you but as long as you’re
constantly thinking the thought in your
head is you it’s always going to control
you because it
like it’s you speaking it’s not you it’s
a record player what are you you’re not
even this body this body is a garage
housing your soul your non-physical
energy God is in everything the universe
is and everything consciousness is and
everything it’s in the wall it’s in the
cells of your body it’s him that it’s in
all the cells of your brain and it’s
that non-physical energy of the universe
that creative intelligence of the
universe and that’s what you are and you
manifested here in a body to realize
yourself as a powerful creator to learn
powerful spiritual lessons to continue
to evolve and grow and realize higher
levels of your power as a creator so
it’s so easy to see that you’re worthy
of what you want and it’s so easy to see
that that record player playing isn’t
you and that’s why I created the second
mind so I invite every single person to
to demo it it’s right there down below
the second mind just spelled out the
second mind calm the second mind calm
this is a software to start to rewire
the brain was it wrong with me sit one
with me you can hit like right over
there if you’re with me comment down
mm-hmm Sharon Rodrigues set it right oh
that’s just my first mind bye bye first
mind see you it’s that’s the truth
because you have to be able to identify
it otherwise it continues to
unconsciously control you and that’s
what happens to most people
unconsciously they’re controlled by the
first mind that says well the economy’s
bad well you know you don’t have very
good you never did well in school you
don’t have a good enough education
you’re not qualified
you’re too overweight your teeth aren’t
straight enough you’re too young you’re
too old you’re to this or to that or to
this here do that here’s why it won’t
work and it goes on and on and it seems
rational especially because it’s coming
from a voice in your own head but it’s a
record player it’s subconscious it’s
habitual just playing itself out and
when you begin this to notice oh that’s
my first month that loses its power and
then you can rewire it with the opposite
and that’s why I’ve created the second
line software you can start to rewire it
first of all by noticing when the
negative is coming and second mind I
just think it’s a really cool
terminology because like first mind
that’s a mind of society second mind oh
that’s the mind I’ve created I see
myself as a powerful creator I see
myself as worthy of all that a desire
there’s enough abundance to go around
for me and everyone that I love and
everyone in this world I’m worthy of
fantastic friendships I attract the
perfect resources that’s my second mind
now I’ve made it habitual because I
practice living in that so much and I
created the software that I use every
day to start to rewire because it’s
neuroscience remember hebbs law heb BS
hebbs law brain cells that fire together
wire together nerve cells that fire
together wire together what does that
mean when you have habitual thoughts
like man I’m worthy of everything that I
desire and you’re emotionally involved
in it you fire inner self you fire a
brain cell and when you have a similar
energy a similar thought pattern nerve
cells brain cells that fire together
wire together your brain starts to build
synaptic connections based off of that
based off of that chemical output and it
starts to rewire your brain
eventually that creates your second mind
and I think it’s so neat
Sandra oka just commented in it’s the
second mind calm for everyone and then
thirdly express gratitude to the
universe each and every single solitary
day so comment one thing that you’re
grateful for see gratitude is you being
caught the more you are connected to the
universe you’re more you’re aligned with
God with the creative force of the
universe the more you’re aligned to that
connected to that the more you increase
your manifestation power and your
ability to create amazing things in life
why you’re create you’re connected to
the creative force of the universe now
what’s the quickest way to get connected
to the creative force of the universe
being grateful for it
that immediately puts you in a
harmonious vibration with it it
immediately connects you with it so it’s
like Thank You universe it’s it’s
acknowledging that there is a higher
energy that that supports and
orchestrates this light that’s brought
us to this moment and has brought all
the fantastic things into our lives oh I
see Cathy Stewart she said dear God dear
I am totally open to amazing things
coming my way today that was in one of
my videos one time I’m going to go Kathy
so it’s acknowledging that like every
day I’m so grateful to the universe for
bringing you amazing people into the
community in the channel and commenting
and watching the videos I know that
there’s a higher energy that’s bringing
this all together that’s supporting my
desires that’s supporting my vision
there’s a higher energy that’s friendly
in this universe that wants your eyes
the best interest and the more you
acknowledge that the more you
– vibration with it and more you do that
the more you start to see the results
start of amplified and speed up in your
life so who feels happier and better
than before the slide stream started
that’s a question look it out many
people are here amazing fantastic
fantastic fantastic so final affirmation
let’s use Kathy’s final an affirmation
she said um dear universe
I am totally open to something amazing
coming my way
I’m commenting in right now into the
chat this affirmation I want everyone to
read it when you see it dear universe
I’m totally open to something amazing
coming my way thanks in advance dear
universe I’m totally open to something
amazing coming my way today thanks in
advance dear universe I’m totally open
to something amazing coming my way today
thanks in advance starting to retrain
right what is that doing it’s it’s
literally it’s literally starting to
fire new brain cells heads la breeding
cells that fire together wire together
their universe I’m totally open to
something amazing coming my way today
you’re starting to engage the brain in a
new way
you’re starting to engage the mind new
way so before we end today I gotta go
see my parents and my grandma and stuff
like that but before we end today I want
to invite everyone that if you’ve got
the spare time today head over and demo
the second line that’s my software that
I created to rewire the brain every
single day I get a fantastic story of
someone’s life changing from using it
and so I’m really excited for everyone
to try it and so it’s right there down
below it’s the second mind be second
mind calm and before we end today what I
invite everyone to do if you can now
obviously some people aren’t going to be
able to do
because maybe you’re driving or whatnot
but what I invite everyone to do if you
can only if you can is just close your
eyes for a moment
only if you can close your eyes for a
and take a deep breath in breathe in and
breathe out and breathe in and feel your
shoulder blades starting to relax fill
yourself just being overtaken by the
Spirit of God you can feel the universe
flowing through you a powerful energy
that’s overtaking you and it’s moving
you into such a positive direction just
feeling grateful for that now take a
deep breath in and a deep breath out
now what this peace feel like in your
body what does it feel like to feel
peace right now on your body does it
make you have a humongous fantastic
smile on your face maybe right now you
have a huge smile and you just feel
overcome peace joy just feeling grateful
for the energy you’re in right now
because as you feel grateful for it
today and tomorrow and the rest of this
week you’re gonna see some big shifts
some big things start moving into your
life attracting new people new
circumstances new situation more
abundance breathing in breathing out and
in a moment you can open your eyes back
up and ever feel comfortable with a
smile on your face feeling energized
feeling grateful for life so I just
thought it’d be cool to kind of cap the
energy who here feels great who there
feels happy who here feels excited about
life so hit the like button
right over there if you have not yet
make sure that you demo my software ii
mind and demo it for free we do have a
paid version of it and we are doing a
like a thanksgiving special for anyone
who want it but you can download for
free no matter what feeling grateful who
is feeling grateful Linda said lately
I’m always stuck in the state of trying
to manifest something how do I get out
of this state and live the life I know I
deserve to live by stop trying to
manifest something outside of yourself
you’re not separate for anything that
you want anyways you don’t get what you
want you get what you are now how can I
be the energy that I want let’s say I
don’t know what you’re trying to create
you’re like Linda but let’s say you’re
trying to create more money so instead
of thinking money as an object outside
of yourself first of all it’s not an
object outside of yourself anyways it’s
just an illusion based off the sensory
perception everything is energy if you
look on our powerful enough microscope
everything is energy and when you really
get down to the smallest level of it 95%
of an atom is empty space is
non-physical those are non-physical
energy I call that spirit you call it
consciousness you can call whatever you
want what I’m that and you’re that and
monies that anything else that you want
is that thing so the question is how do
I get it if I don’t get what I want and
I get what I am how do I get into the
energy of what it is that I want so it’s
asking a simple question first of all
what does wealth feel like in my body if
it was money what is wealth feel like if
it was love what is love feel like it’s
using an inverse an inside-out approach
to practice feeling what it is that I
want and practicing gratitude for being
it and having it already then we were
not trying to manifest something
exterior we’re shifting our own
vibration in our perception of ourselves
we’re raising our frequency
so then you’re no longer seeing the
thing that you want as something outside
of yourself it’s that when you’re
fibration ships when you’re the your
energy shifts then you see these things
match into your reality so when I was
building this YouTube channel I don’t
know maybe it’s got like three hundred
thirty thousand subscribers right now or
something like that um when I started it
I went about nine months where I wasn’t
getting any progress like I’d get like
two subscribers a day but I was
constantly in the energy but I’m so
grateful this for millions of people on
YouTube I could have allowed my physical
senses to say what I’m trying to
manifest isn’t working I am NOT stamp
stuck in the same place that’s that’s
listening to your senses
remember lack of evidence is not
evidence of lack accommodated right
there comment down below lack of
evidence is not evidence of lack comment
down below lack of evidence is not
evidence of lack comment down below lack
of evidence is not evidence of lack you
only see a little bit of visible light
with your eyes there’s a lot more energy
happening than what your little visible
eyes can see you blow a dog whistle you
can’t see it not and you can’t hear a
dog whistle but your dog can it’s
outside of a spectrum of what your
physical senses can pick up now that
happens for your ears with a dog whistle
and it happens with your eyes for which
one a de minimis you can’t see it all
happening lack of evidence isn’t
evidence of lack just because you can’t
see it doesn’t mean it’s an evidence of
lack but as soon as you use your
physical senses to decide whether or not
your life is working whether or not my
youtube channel man this isn’t working
look I’m getting four subscribers a day
I’m getting no progress this isn’t
working as soon as I would have done
that I would have been in reactionary
consciousness and I would have started
to believe that what I want might not
happen in fact everything that you want
has already happened because everything
energy Energy’s never created or
destroyed so what you want is already
here you just have to be a vibrational
harmony with it so I was like I’m so
grateful I’ve got all these YouTube
subscribers and I’m here and I stayed in
process of Rackham I kept publishing
videos every day even though I wasn’t
getting progress
I kept investing time and money and
energy into building my channel and
making great videos and hiring editors
and doing all these things even though
my physical Census told me I wasn’t
there yet lack of evidence isn’t
evidence of lack and when we were
actually my wife and I were camping one
day and we had no cell service and then
I had to drive into town the next day to
publish a video I saw I was like what
the heck and I had like this huge growth
and YouTube subscribers right in 24 hour
period I got more subscribers than I had
on my entire channel so and one day I
went from like four subscribers to the
next day like 700 or 900 then the next
day to like a thousand and then in a
week period I got like 50 or 60 thousand
subscribers and I had like I don’t know
a couple thousand before then and then
it was just took off I call that a
quantum leap now the only way to get to
a quantum leap a huge miracle miraculous
growth something great happening out of
nowhere is you have to stop allowing
your physical senses to control your
thoughts you have to think what you want
to think not with the environment –
suggesting to you if you allow the
environment to control your thinking
then you open up your bank account you
say I’m broke now if you keep looking at
your bank account and saying I’m broke
then you’ve developed the self-image of
being someone who doesn’t have money so
no matter how many times you say I want
more money I want more money you’re not
going to be able to do it because you
have a self-image of yourself being
broke because you’re allowing your your
bank account to control your thinking
you can allow your environment to
control your thinking about whether
you’re going to be able to attract your
so many your people all the time to say
I’m always going to be alone I’m always
going to be alone so to think what you
want to think
regardless of appearance regardless of
the outside appearance to think what you
want to think to hold the images that
you want regardless of outside
appearance that is true
so hopefully that speaks to everyone I
got a role to go see my family so if you
have not yet make sure that you go ahead
and demo be second mind have a beautiful
wonderful fantastic fabulous day
comments and one thing that you were
grateful for right over there on the
side come up one thing that you were
grateful for on the side thank you for
watching I love you I appreciate you
have a beautiful day make sure you
download the second line and I will talk
to everyone soon all right who’s gonna
have a great day that’s the real
who’s gonna have a great day that’s the
real question okay everyone I love you I
appreciate you have a beautiful day have
a coat a huge smile on your face right
now everyone go like this put a huge
smile on your face smile right now
you’re the one that controls your energy
your thoughts and ultimately that’s
gonna dictate what you attract into your
life that’s exciting have the best day
ever someone commented it right over
there hashtag best day ever right there
down below make sure you go ahead right
now and you demo the second line my
software to rewire the brain for you and
I’ll thank you soon