MANIFESTING MONEY ✅ 3 Magical Words That Will Make You Rich in 2019 (The Secret)
There are 3 magical words that will make you manifest more money in 2019. This is Jake Ducey & these words changed my life and they will change yours.
In this video, we discuss how to use the law of attraction to manifest money and success fast. This is Law of attraction explained in a simple manner so you can easily apply it to your everyday life.
three magical words that are gonna allow
you to get rich and manifest more money
in 2019 three magical words that are
gonna allow you to manifest more money
in 2019 this is Jake doozy we check do
see calm and these words change my
entire life and they’re about to change
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duplication let’s get right to the video
have you ever noticed that people that
are struggling financially generally
don’t say these words I love money they
generally say word like this money’s not
that important yeah but I’d rather be
happy and what they’re doing is they’re
pushing money away have you ever heard a
rich person say or somebody who say
since I’m financially successful have
you ever heard them say money money yeah
I don’t really need it no they have a
positive relationship with money every
word that you’re saying
every phrase that you’re using is
influencing your subconscious mind as
you affirm money is just not that
important you know it’s just not what
are you doing you’re telling your
subconscious I don’t want this thing I
don’t need this thing psychologists say
95% of your life is subconscious so what
that’s saying is 95 percent of your life
is on autopilot so your subconscious is
picking up these impressions money’s not
very important and it’s saying okay I’ll
subconsciously I’ll habitually make sure
this individuals reality matches what
they’re suggesting to me which is that
money isn’t very important comment down
below I love money
comment down below I love money if you
believe money is a root of all evil or
you are somehow a bad person if you have
more money where it’s not very important
you’re not going to have very much
that was my problem that’s what I always
believed comment down below I love money
that’s why I created my successive
gnosis right there down below Jake’s
hypnosis comm is free it changed my life
and allowed me to go from my wife Being
Index I couldn’t pay for anything to
living my dream life and it was all
rewiring my subconscious Jake’s hypnosis
calm right there down below and I
believed that money wasn’t very
important I said I always used to say
that money isn’t very important and I’d
rather be happy imagine telling that to
a to someone who’s your friend or
imagine me saying about that about my
wife she’s a she’s not very important
she’s not that I’d rather be happy
Yuni how long is actually gonna stick
around not very long
why because everything is energy an
individual’s energy and money is energy
everything has consciousness and light
consciousness attracts like
consciousness so when you’re in the
energy of something not being very
important it’s not going to stick around
for very long would you have a
motorcycle if it wasn’t important no
I’ve never even rode a motorcycle cuz to
me it’s not that important it actually
scares me I wanna get hurt so I don’t
have a motorcycle but you might love
them you love the wind on your face is
this beautiful spiritual experience it’s
important to you so you have a
motorcycle right so similarly if you
don’t think money is important you’re
not gonna happen
comment down below I love money comment
that down below comment down below money
comes to me easily comment down below
money comes to me easily when you begin
to make a shift and how you view money
that’s when you start to open up the
floodgates for it to come into your life
I always believed that wasn’t very
important and so therefore I was trying
to build my career and I was so broke
that my wife might she’s my girlfriend
at the time she was in debt for everyday
necessities and groceries bills just
basic stuff because I couldn’t patron
and so the results of that was I was
doing what I wanted to be doing and I
was at the point where I was like Warner
I didn’t know am I gonna have to quit
this thing because I can’t support my
life even to the most my new level and
it was all centered because I thought
that I was somehow a bad person if I was
financially successful and I constantly
affirmed that money wasn’t important now
money is important if you want to pay
your electric bill money is important if
you want to make videos on YouTube
because I have a very nice camera right
I have an editor that I work with I have
lights all these lights that light up
the shot money is important if you want
books I love reading
money is important if you want a car to
get you from A to B money is important
if you like motorcycles and you want a
nice motorcycle with beautiful breeze on
your face it’s important if you want to
put your kids through school if you want
in the in the in the neighborhood you
want to live in the town you want to
live in if you want to help charities
nonprofits whatever money is important
it’s important in the arena of which
it’s used right it’s not everything
it’s like saying what’s more important
your arm or your leg boom what’s more
important your left ear or your right
ear both what’s more important money or
happiness both it’s not an either/or
conversation and if you look at it like
that you’re never going to attract it
because everything you’re saying is
imprinting your subconscious with a
subliminal message and as you say you
know you believe what your parents told
you religion told you that money is the
root of all evil where you believe
you’re going to be a bad person if you
make money or you believe whatever idea
that isn’t helpful to attracting money
it implants in the subconscious and the
subconscious says I’ll make sure this
person you don’t have very much fun
because your subconscious mind doesn’t
know the difference between what’s real
and what’s not real it doesn’t know what
you really want
it just receives your commands and then
makes them a reality for you so comment
down below money comes to me easy begin
to affirm I love money because it comes
to me when I call coming down below I
love money
because it comes to me when I call the
three magic words or I love money you
can’t have something in your life unless
you value it just like I if I don’t
value Ashley she’s not going to be with
me any longer and money’s the same thing
it’s an energy just like at what is it
what is a human being you look under a
powerful in that microscope it’s an
energy system what is money it’s an
energy system and when you get in
alignment with the energy system of
money start to see it show up in your
life so go ahead the subscribe button
the bell notification right over there
begin to notice when your mind is
actually blocking the money from coming
in your life and if you haven’t yet make
sure that you download my free success
of Knossos Jake’s hypnosis calm to
reprogram your subconscious mind to
attract abundance into your life quicker
faster and easier
Jake’s hypnosis calm is totally free and
go ahead comment down below I love money
because it comes to me when I call I
love money because it comes to me what I
call and remember you could have
happiness and abundance you can have
wealth and freedom you can be generous
and you can have abundance it’s not
either/or you live and not in a universe
where you can have it all you can give
it all you can share it on you can
experience it all
There are certain tricks to using law of attraction to easily manifest money, and we discuss them here.
Most people struggle with law of attraction because they’ve never properly understood how they work.
And most people struggle with money because they do not understand what money is, and because their relationship with money is so poor.
In this video you’ll learn how to use the law of attraction easily to manifest more money and success into your life.
The first step is to understand that you’re always using affirmations. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously.
We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life.
You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it. It’s a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system.
This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality.