NEVER Do This Again If You Want To MANIFEST MORE MONEY Into Your Life (Law of Attraction).
Every single person is doing this and if you continue to do this you will not be able to attract money. You’re literally blocking it. This is what society has programmed you to do, so it’s very important that you quit doing this. if you want to attract abundance into your life this is jake do super jake do c-calm and let’s dive right into this video if you have not subscribed yet be sure to hit the subscribe button right over there and hit the bell notification because that’s what’s gonna notify you for new video subscribe down notification let’s get right to the video so here’s what I used to do when I did not have any money and I was at a place where it was so bad my now wife was in debt cuz I couldn’t pay for anything couldn’t pay for groceries I couldn’t even help pay for an electric bill I had no money coming in at all and if you were to sit down with me as my friend and we went out to lunch here’s what I would have said you know if money’s just not that important it’s like I’d rather be happy and all these people are just they’re so stuck on trying to get money and they’re not even happy and I would use that as a rationalization to the fact that it didn’t happen because guess what the way your mind works is it wants to protect you from failure so then it conjures up this whole story that money’s not very important believe me if you don’t have money it’s very important it’s the number one cause of divorce lack of money is the number one cause of divorce it’s you need money to pay for your electric bill you need money to go fly where you want to fly if someone in your family lives on the other side of the world and they’re having financial and they’re having health problems but you have financial problems so you can’t fly over there that’s gonna cause a lot of stress money is important but get this money isn’t even what you really want it’s the things that money will allow you to do and those things are really just you wanting to experience more life I personally believe that these stories about money is the root of all evil and money’s not very important I believe that these were stories that were passed down from institutions and the individuals that controlled culture as a way to control the human population I believe that they’ve intentionally disseminated false information about money to keep 95% of us in dest it’s in desolate situations financially so they could control they can control society they can control the laws and guess what no one that has money says money isn’t important believe me one of the greatest things you can do in the world is begin to have money because the world needs more people who have a positive outlook on life and they have money the world needs more people who say oh dude oh that person’s cards not working fine I’ll pay for it the the world needs more people like you that when someone doesn’t have any money and they’re struggling to get their kid in school you buy them a used car purchase $5,000 just a used car someone who can’t afford their cancer surgeries and you give them $2,000 that’s what that’s what it needs and world needs people who are good at heart and have money but guess what you’re never gonna be able to attract it to put your kids through school you’re never gonna be able to attract it to finally live the life that you want just a more prosperous life have your own personal trainer eat up eat at any restaurant you want to eat take your friends out to dinner take your friends on a trip around the world stay in the hotel you want to stay you can’t do that if you believe that money isn’t important imagine if you told your friends that your girlfriend or your boyfriend wasn’t very important hack imagine if you told them that they weren’t very important they wouldn’t be around for very long so comment down below I love money because it comes to me when I call comment down below I love money because it comes to me when I call comment that down below and grasp that money has ears and when you say it’s not very important I’d rather choose happiness why not have both you deserve to live an abundant fulfilling rich life that experien come true and money as it means for you to do that so comment down below I love money because it comes to me when I call and remember it the fact might just be that your brain has been wired for a constant reality of not having enough and not being able to attract enough and if that’s so demo my software the second mind right there down below the second mind right there down below and begin to use that to start to retrain your brain so that you can attract more money in your life it’s science the brain gets wired to a certain fundamental reality and it becomes extremely difficult to change it most of us 9 out of 10 people die with less than $10,000 and virtually no financial asset seventy-five percent of people are living from paycheck to paycheck almost everyone’s in credit card debt the collective consciousness is programmed for a poor relationship with money that is info infiltrated our minds and it’s program like this and so it’s very important that you start to retrain it and you start to rewire it that’s why I created the second mind it’s right there down below the second mind calm you can demo it for free remember love money because it comes to you when you call and then it’s just gonna make you more of what you already are you if you’re generous you’re gonna be more generous with money if you have a lot of energy you’re gonna have more energy when you have money why because it’s just making you more of what you are because money is just energy in and of itself remember I love money because it comes to me when I call comment that down below hit the subscribe button the bail notification right over there below start to notice the way that you think about money because your relationship with it is going to attract it or repel it in the same way that you’re not going to have a loving relationship with someone if you constantly tell them they’re not very important that is that relationship is energy with that individual and money is energy in your relationship with money is energy so start to appreciate it see the good that it can do and you will start to see more of it flow into your life comment down below I love money because it comes in here when I demo the second mine I’ll see you on the next video you deserve abundance you’re worthy of abundance in heck there’s more money printed every single day you live an abundant world 12 months from now your life can change forever start affirming [Music]
In this video, we discuss #1 Shocking Yet Unexpected Sign What You Want Is On Its Way!! (Law of Attraction). This is Law of attraction explained in a simple manner so you can easily apply it to your everyday life.
There are certain tricks to knowing the signs that what you want is on its way with the law of attraction.
Most people struggle with the law of attraction because they’ve never properly understood how they work.
And most people struggle with money because they do not understand what manifesting and attracting is, and because their relationship with the law of attraction is poor.
In this video, you’ll learn how to use the law of attraction easily to know the signs if what you want to manifest and attract is coming and on its way!
The first step is to understand that you’re always using affirmations. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously.
We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life.
You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it. It’s a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system.
This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality.
NEVER Do This Again If You Want To MANIFEST MORE MONEY Into Your Life (Law of Attraction)
In this video, we discuss how to use the law of attraction to manifest money and success fast. This is Law of attraction explained in a simple manner so you can easily apply it to your everyday life.
There are certain tricks to using law of attraction to easily manifest money, and we discuss them here.
Most people struggle with the law of attraction because they’ve never properly understood how they work.
And most people struggle with money because they do not understand what money is, and because their relationship with money is so poor.
In this video, you’ll learn how to use the law of attraction easily to manifest more money and success into your life.
The first step is to understand that you’re always using affirmations. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously.
We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life.
You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it. It’s a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system.
This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality.
December 11, 2018 @ 3:32 pm
I love money it comes to me when I call it.