One of the most prominent modern-day teachers of the Law of Attraction who is explaining the Neville Goddard teachings is Jake Ducey. Jake has a teaching called “Discover the Power of Your Second Mind”, in which he says “How would you like to hit the reset button and re-wire your mind to attract better health, abundant wealth, more love and everlasting gratitude? If that sounds appealing, you’re in the right place!”
Neville Goddard is probably one of the greatest spiritual teachers and manifestation teachers who’s ever lived. He’s influenced people like Wayne Dyer who wrote a whole book about Neville Goddard’s teachings. I want to simplify how feeling is the secret in order to manifest what you desire.
Powerful Teachings By Neville Goddard
Jake Ducey stumbled upon a couple of his teachings a few years ago and it changed my life forever. Jake put them to the test and he ended up manifesting a multi-million dollar business, attracting his soulmate, and all the craziest things that he didn’t know if they would really be possible.
Creation Is Finished
Jake Ducey can still remember when he read the book “Out of This World” by Neville Goddard. It’s one of his less known books. In “Out of This World”, what he basically says is that your true self and truth itself are out of this world. He says that creation is finished and that’s a phrase that comes from the Bible. One of the things Jake loves about Neville Goddard is he makes the Bible so easy to understand.
So he says creation is finished but he explains what that really means. Since everything is energy and all of reality is just consciousness and imagination, objectified into form, then technically outside of the dimension of time and space, where we live now, everything you want is already a reality. Then imagination is the divine bridge from these higher dimensions into this lower dimension.
Your Imagination Is the Beginning of The Wish Fulfilled
This is where you take spirit energy and channel it through thoughts and imagination. The coolest thing is through your own imagination, you can tap into realms that already exist. People talk about it like time travel because technically, time travel happens in your own imagination.
Imagination is connected to all places in space and time in the whole universe because it is God itself. Jake remember sreading that thought it was the deepest thing that he had ever heard in his entire life. There’s nothing deeper than this. He remembers he was reading it in his bed and he literally read that short little book, like three times over in a row because he was like, “This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever read!”
Jake Ducey likes to reread things to make sure he understands them. He says he is a little slow like that, especially with such big concepts. So he thought, “Well, how can I bring that back to third dimension for Jake in my everyday life? And I thought about it like this: everything I desire already exists in the field of energy.”
How To Assume The Feeling Of The Wish Fulfilled
If we could take Neville Goddard’s most famous principle, which is “Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled”, feeling is the secret. We don’t really understand what he really means by that. So when he’s saying “Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled”, what he’s really saying is assume the state that already exists. Because energy is never created or destroyed; all realities already exist, and through imagination we can enter any state.
Jake’s mind works in pictures, maybe your mind does too. Pictures always help us live in the reality of “feeling is the secret”. Jake was trying to take these abstract things that Goddard was saying, and he was trying to put them in pictures. He thought about the higher dimensions, where all your future realities already exist. Time travel instantly through all points in space and time, and everything you want exists already. Water can be in the gas state or water can be in the frozen state, or water could be in the liquid state. Spirit energy does the same thing. It transforms.
The word trans means beyond. So spirit, energy, is from beyond form and it can move into form through imagination. So imagination is you taking pure spirit energy, and you can take the same process from water to wine or from a scientific perspective from water to gas.
You do the same thing with spirit energy through your own thoughts. Jake Ducey says, “So I really understood I could move it all in form of mental pictures. If I could build a clear picture of something I wanted, then what I was actually doing was I was calling it into being in a higher dimension in the realm of spirit. If I could be a clear channel for that, a clear instrument for that, by vibrating at the same frequency of it, I would create it here in third dimension. In the same way that if I want the rock station to play on 91.1, I have to go to that station and not the jazz station.”
So when you set a clear frequency, like a radio broadcasting tower, it starts to pull you I wanted into reality. The way you do that is feeling. Feeling is a frequency. It’s more than your thoughts. You could say, “I’m rich” while feeling poor and you are transmitting a feeling of lack to the universe. So what will the universe do? It will send you more lack. But if you understand that you need to transition your emotional state, all of a sudden you can speak with the universe in the way that actually works!
What Should You Imagine?
Feeling is broadcasting your own unique energy station. Jake built the pictures of his YouTube channel successfully, by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. It wasn’t just by idly wishing for something. What he did is he created a certain situation in his head. That’s when we get into this subject of living from the end. And when you live in the end, you have to build a picture of the people there. Can you hear what’s happening? Do you see it clearly?
Jake kept imagining himself refreshing his Youtube page and all of a sudden seeing thousands of likes and subscribes after a video went viral. He would see and feel himself get excited as if it were happening. He could hear his wife congratulating him and then them running around the kitchen in victory dances.
Jake says, “That all happened in my head. It wasn’t just an affirmation I repeated. The first time, it was hard to create the feelings like that and all the details. But I just kept imagining it over and over and over and over and over. And pretty soon I built a picture that actually became a state of being.”
Neville Goddard says this process is complete when you open your eyes from your mental rehearsal, when you open your eyes from your imagination, from the reality you’re living in, and you open your eyes back to this world. But to Jake, that world felt as real as this world.
You’ve Officially Merged With The God Particle
When that happens, you’ve officially merged your imagination with the all powerful, spiritual energy of the universe and realizing feeling is the secret. You have harnessed the God particle. This God particle is in the process of bringing together all the people, circumstances, and situations to achieve your picture here in third dimension. You have assumed the feeling of the wish fulfilled and now that will materialize in your life. It already exists in a higher dimension.
So there’s no need for you to worry about whether or not it is possible. Creation is finished. You’re simply manifesting something from a higher state of being and using thought energy. You are materializing it here in third dimension through the miracle working presence of the universe. So you have to think of your imagination as a real thing. You are a multi-dimensional being.
You exist simultaneously on multiple planes of existence. You could call this your lower self, or you could call this third dimension. You’re more heavenly ideal state is where you’re seeing that project itself into all of your life with financial success, business success, romance, love, whatever it is that you desire.
Tools For Manifesting
Just as naturally as you can turn water into gas, you can take a fantasy in your own imagination that somebody else says is unrealistic and make it a reality. And if you have trouble with that, pull out your journal and write about it in the present tense as if it’s already happened in your life, and do a 10 minute free write journal exercise. Practice building the habit, just like you practice to run a faster mile. You’re not just going to hit the mile right away. You work on it, you develop the skill set. We’ve been conditioned in our world that our imagination is this ridiculous idea and there’s things that are possible and aren’t possible. Impossible is really “I’m possible”.
It all boils down to – imagination is the power of God. We are one with this power and we can harness this power in our life. Jake Ducey says “I’m not the brightest intellectual in the world. It has nothing to do with your intellect. This is a really simple process.” And the process is whatever you can see in your mind, you can hold in your hand. If you can impress a picture upon the subconscious, it will express itself as an objective fact in your life that whatever you think you are actually creating in the spiritual dimension, you’re literally creating it in the physical.
Jake breaks down exactly how to manifest using Neville Goddard's teachings, such as "the feeling is the secret" and "out of this world."