Press Your Third Eye for 17 SECONDS and Watch What Happens Next | Abraham Hicks Exercise
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Press Your Third Eye for 17 Seconds and Watch What Happens Next | Abraham Hicks technique — Abraham Hicks teaches a very powerful technique called the 17 Second Rule. The 17 Second technique is about altering your thoughts, emotions, and vibration in as little as 17 seconds, so you can change your point of attraction. Your point of attraction is the vibration you are emitting for the law of attraction. Press Here for 17 Seconds, And See What Happens Next
Manifestation is not so much about creating what doesn’t exist, but attracting to you what you are vibrating in harmony with. Abraham Hicks teaches that you can shift your vibration instantly. Abraham Hicks talks about the point of attraction, and today I will teach you how you can enter the vortex instantly using the 17 second technique for the law of attraction.
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