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PROOF: Press Here For 60 Seconds And Watch What Happens To Your THIRD EYE

There are pressure points all over your body. It’s been known by Chinese medicine for thousands of years and there actually one of the most powerful places, an access points for manifestation that you have as a human being, and that’s called your third eye, your pineal gland, also known as your spiritual life or you’re getting tanked, and so what people have been doing for for thousands of years through ancient cultures is figuring out how to open their third eye to increase their manifestation power. When you press in this one place I’m about to show you for 30 seconds, it’s going to help open up your third eye. What this is going to do is going to allow you to increase your visualization powers because you can manifest whatever you want. If you can feel it before it’s happened. Now, the easiest way to feel it is to open up your third eye so that you have an ability to see and experience in step into a future reality before it’s actually happened, and so what simply you’re going to do to open up your third eye is before you drop in and close your eyes to meditate, you’re simply going to press right here for 30 seconds, literally going to press right here for 30 to 60 seconds.

You close your eyes and you press it. Don’t press too hard so you don’t hurt yourself, but simply which going to do is close your eyes and press so when you’re going to do that, when the video ends, which you’re going to notice is you’re going to start to see a lot more light in a lot more colors. Now the reason this is happening is because the human body is actually a massive energy moving at a very high speed of vibration, so it appears to be a solid object. Now there are certain energy portals or energy points in the body. That’s what makes up acupuncture. That’s what makes up Chinese medicine and in fact that’s just what makes up basic massage work. They’re finding the energy points on the body so that they can release, and so when you’re accessing this, you’re accessing one of the most powerful energy points in the human body, and so when you’re going to do that, you’re going to see a lot more light and you’re going to see a lot more energy, and what’s going to happen is you can actually start to channel that energy with your mental faculties.

I eat your imagination, your discipline and your will. You can channel that energy to use that in order to conjure up the images and pictures of what you want to manifest. So when you press in after 60 seconds, your colors are going to light up and imagine yourself stepping into your dream home, opening the door and your dream home. You just got the keys from the real estate agent or managing yourself, opening the door and your brand new car that you’ve always wanted. Imagine yourself opening up the hotel room and you and your soulmate just got married. You may not even have your soulmate yet, whatever instance were thing that you want to create in reality, what you’re going to do is hold it for 30 to 60 seconds, close your eyes and use that to step into another portal. Some people would call that a parallel universe or parallel reality, but what you’re doing is you’re accessing a higher level of mine and you’re connecting yourself to a higher dimension because we live in a world of infinite possibilities.

All time and space that ever was and ever will be already exist right now. This world is infinite, and so what you’re doing is you’re dropping out of the lower levels of the past and lower levels of ego. Ego Edging God out, and you’re stepping into a higher faculty hold for 60 seconds, not too hard so you don’t hurt yourself. Close your eyes and when the energy starts to pick up, imagine yourself stepping into your future reality. This is one of the most simple and easiest ways to open your third eye to increase your manifestation power. This is j dot doozy. Would Jake [inaudible] dot com. Make sure to really increase your manifestation power that you download my free success gnosis down below. It’s Jake’s right there, down below Jake’s, and before you drop into this or after, use this hypnosis. It’s Rehab. Use it for six years now, almost 200,000 people from all over the world have used it.

PROOF: Press Here For 60 Seconds And Watch What Happens To Your THIRD EYE


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